That is one clean setup. With those rh #s and all that airflow you'll have no worries of pm or mold. I like your scrog.
Right now I use the legs from the shelves I have the pots sitting on. My next SCROG project will be to make something out of PVC so I can adjust the height if need be. In the case of this run I'd like to be able to add another SCROG to support all of the buds, but I can't with this setup. I'll have to use plant yo-yos and stakes because I'm pretty sure these buds are going to be flopping around when the buds put on weight.
Transition Day 12, Grow Day 65

I had to raise the lights about 4 inches so they’re still stretching. I had some electrical work done today so the lights were off for a good bit of their day today. I hope it doesn’t stress them too much, but I didn’t have a choice. All 3 organic plants got just plain water ph’d to 6.3. They’re drinking the pots up in 2 days. The Fat Purple is taking 3 days so she will more than likely need water tomorrow. She will get 5 grams of MC. I’m going to wait 1 more week and then give her .5 gram of BE and see how she takes it.

Transition Day 13, Grow Day 66

Had to clean up under the skirt. It was quite bushy :blunt:


I’m going to let them recover about a week then I’m going to clean up the canopy by removing only the fan leaves that are blocking other bud sites.

Flower Day 1, Grow Day 67

The blooms have arrived, but also so did some aphids. Little fuckers got a Neem Oil drench and I sprayed them as they tried to leave the pot.




Liberty Haze


Fat Purple


Cinderella 99

Flower Day 1, Grow Day 67

The blooms have arrived, but also so did some aphids. Little fuckers got a Neem Oil drench and I sprayed them as they tried to leave the pot.




Liberty Haze


Fat Purple


Cinderella 99

Looks great in there. Them damn bugs always show up. I've been dealing with thrips here and there.
Looks great in there. Them damn bugs always show up. I've been dealing with thrips here and there.
Yes they do. What are you using for them? I had thrips and I used neem oil spray. That stuff is gold.
Yes they do. What are you using for them? I had thrips and I used neem oil spray. That stuff is gold.
About 1/3 strength Pyrethrins initially and neem after that.
Flower Day 5, Grow Day 71

The last time I watered the plants I saw the aphids come up to the top so I hit them with some more neem oil. Today when I watered them I did not see any activity except for on the Cinderella 99. I saw a few moving around the top of the soil. I sprayed them with a neem oil/soap mixture. I have some beneficial nematodes coming tomorrow. I’m going to give them a try. It seems the neem oil reduced them quite a bit, but I want them all gone. Anybody used nematodes before?
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