DobeWan's Spring Flowers

Hi Dobewan I’m going to tag along and watch if that’s ok. I’ve got a Pink kush seedling I’ve just started. Nice looking plants mate.
Thanks Lewy! Welcome! Pink Kush is a great strain, I'm pretty excited about mine.
I will say that I no longer use the racks and drain tables. However they were instrumental to me in learning how much water plants can take at different phases. I now just use just saucers and I pretty much know the whole way through how much water a plant needs each day to get very little runoff but enough to know the water/feed got all the way to the bottom of the pot. If by chance I over water a little I just suck it right out with my wet/dry vacuum but I rarely use it.

With all that being said I highly recommend the setup Dobe is running for plants in a coco. It's so hard to make errors because you can see the runoff and then you can see how much of it came out in the drain table to know if you are over watering or under watering. His is probably even better than mine was because it's all individual for each plant and can be moved around, whereas mine was one two big racks with just one whole flood table. But the racks and flood table were free so I can't complain.

Since Dobe keeps giving me credit, I'll throw a little credit back at him. I have been teaching in my journals about quadlining and how to grow in coco for a couple years now. Some people relate to just the training and others relate more to the feed schedule but Dobe jumped right in and decided to do it all. He was the first one to do that and it gave quadlining and the way I grow a ton of legitimacy because his plants were drop dead gorgeous. If they didn't turn out that way quadlining might not be a thing like it is today. He probably didn't know all that at the time but looking back he was instrumental in showing other people that this was a real thing and it works. Based on that confidence other people started to try it and now there is a small army of quadliners and I've even seen it on other forums. He is a great grower and I will forever be grateful for that. As everyone can see, the plants he has running now are looking spectacular and off to an incredible start and I expect this grow to be another awesome one.
Thanks Ase! I was really lucky to have people like you, PW, Blaze, and a few others encouraging me and answering my many questions when I was figuring things out. I went into this determined to figure out what worked and what didn't by doing and to be unafraid to experiment. I thought the proof was in the pudding when it came to your plants. They looked amazing, and the way you described how you went about growing them seemed to make sense. I'm a logical person, so it was easy to just latch on and try to emulate it. And in the course of doing so I feel like I learned all about how this stuff works. So I owe you big time for that! Hopefully the day will come when I can share the outcome of all of this with you!
Hey folks! First week down, so I'm back for an update.

Flower Tent 8F

All is going well in the flower tent. This past week has been characterized by manipulating the ties to make sure everything stays fairly equal. At this point I just want the plants to stack up vertically - they've taken the shape they'll have, now they just need to fill in the structure on which the flowers are about to form. I'm still doing defoliation, but not much - just here and there as needed to let the light penetrate and to keep things spaced as good as possible. I'm feeding about 600PPM in week 2, moving to increase the K above the balance I'd been maintaining to this point. This will set the stage to add Koolbloom next week in week 3 when the flower formation is really underway.

I accidentally broke one of the main quadline branches of the Chocolope last night, moving it with the ties on. It was probably cleanly broken 80-90% through the stem and hanging. But it was hanging, so it wasn't severed, which meant I could probably save it. I took these photos this morning before lights went out on 8F, and by 9F lights on tonight, the branch looked like it was back to normal. Resilient plants, even early in week 2 flower.

Veg Tent 4V

I decided to get things up and running in the veg tent. I'd love to veg these plants for 60ish days and get them really formed nicely to crush it in flower, so I figured I'd get started. I put these in to germ a week ago. I had put in a Pineapple Express freebie seed that just wasn't popping, and neither was my Blue Dream seed, so I started a second BD and a Coco Bruce mid-week. In the end the original Blue Dream did pop, so I'm left with 5 plants. The slow starting Blue Dream is in the middle, and although you can't really tell, it came up looking yellow and a little sickly. So, I think I'll keep all 5 going, and flower the better of the 2 Blue Dreams in my flower tent... and flower the lesser under my veg lights. Might even start another 2-3 seeds and flower a full round in the veg tent in parallel to the 4 in the flower tent... we'll see. Either way, the next flower plants are underway, and they're Dosidos, Gelato, Blue Dream, and Coco Bruce. Should be a fun lineup.

Sorry for being MIA, folks. I had a friend visit last weekend, and that was bookended by gastroenteritis on either end. Fun times! I'm starting to feel better, so I thought I'd pop in quickly and post up a few pics I quickly snapped last weekend.

I forgot to snap the veg tent, but I got 3 of the flower tent.

Clockwise from back left - Kushy Kush, Kosher Kush, Chocolope and Pink Kush.

The plants look a little sad here, but rest assured they're doing quite well. They've been "praying", the Kushy Kush especially, the last few days. And given that this is a largely indica grow, this weekend's update promises early frost. Kosher Kush is leading the way there, and that makes me very happy. Pink Kush is my pick for star of the show though, all of the plants stretched a bit thanks to the short veg, but Pink Kush retained its structure pretty nicely and should be pretty when done.

I'll get a few more pics and some details of how things are progressing in both tents on the weekend. Provided I'm not in for another round of gastro!
Looking good Dobe
Thanks Derby! Looking forward to sharing another update soon. Not loving the structure - the quick veg saw to that - but even if I don't get pretty colas all around, I'm still in for a great grow.
Good save on the chocolope and grats on the new sprouts!
Thanks Shed! I'll post up a pic of the "broken arm" on the weekend, it's amazing how resilient these plants are. It literally created a new "nutrient highway" as Ase likes to call them, separate from the one I broke.
Very nice Dobe. Interesting strains for the second round.
Thanks Lewy! I'm really looking forward to those. This round is all about restocking the meds, while that one will all be for show and fun. My friends really respond to the flavours and smells when I share, and I expect those 4 will knock it out of the park in that department.
Welcome back! Poops and Pukes are no good. I had the poops a couple weeks ago. Horrible. Things are looking great! I see stretch :) Happy Plants! Happy growing! :)
Oof! Glad you're recovered.
Thanks... yeah, I have IBS as it is so these bouts hit me hard. A good indica definitely helps.
I have an indica question since this is an indica grow and you're an indica fan :). When I see that kind of node spacing and bud development on the alternating nodes, I'm thinking of that as a sativa structure. I'm guessing I'm wrong based on your plants?
Not entirely. Front right, Chocolope, is a sativa, and it got pretty lanky now and when I grew it before. But I'm surprised by the lankiness of the 2 in the back, the Kushy Kush and the Kosher Kush.

When I grew Kushy Kush before, it was very compact. I wonder if it's because then, I did a longer veg, whereas here I kept veg short, and flipped pretty quickly once they got the basic structure I wanted. My plants were fairly immature at flip, relative to previous grows. I thought my lights would keep the node structure tight, and I did tip spreading to try to encourage it. But only the Pink Kush looks like I expected of the 3 indicas.

I'm in no way worried about it - the plants look very happy as of the end of stretch. I know my setup will produce nice buds, I just won't get the nicely stacked colas I had on some of my other indicas, like Violator Kush and Tuna Kush.
Looking good Dobe. Bet it’s starting to get stinky now! I’ve found kush to be quite a spindly plant to grow in the past. The vanilla kush was lovely but no big colas.
I've had spindly Kush too Lewy - so it's definitely something that can happen. That Kosher has some of the widest node spacing... and yet it has what I would call classically indica leaves. So while indicas tend to be stouter, there's definitely variation.

I just potted up my veg plants. I expect I'll post up some pics Sunday afternoon, when we're done week 3 and the veg girls have started to bounce back from the transplant.
Well, it's been a little bit of a rockier start than expected with the journal. I have day care aged kids, and while every winter they've brought home bugs, this winter has been way worse than any before. But I'm starting to bounce back, and figured better late than never for a big weekend update. I'll try to get back to being a little more regular from here on out.

First off, veg tent update. These plants are just starting day 20 since sprouting. They have progressed very well. I was happy with where things were on the weekend so I potted up to 1 gallon plastic pots. I figured I have a lot of time in veg, so why not get the root ball as big as possible in a smaller pot?

Gelato had a minor hiccup before I potted up but has bounced back fine as they all have. I saw a little bit of green on top of a couple of the cups, so I'm adding H2O2 with the feed for a few days. But otherwise, they're growing fast.

As for the flower tent, we're just starting day 24, so into week 4 of flower.

Over the last few days I've opened the plants up a bit, and tonight I did some defoliation to get everything into a good position as the flowers develop. At this point, I'm pretty content with the remaining leaf, but I may snip some of the lower bud sites and leaves in the next few days.

First off, a few "before" shots, before I did some cleanup tonight. Plants are, starting back left and going clockwise, Kushy Kush, Kosher Kush, Chocolope, and Pink Kush.

I took "solo" shots of each plant as I worked on them.

First up, Chocolope. Here are the before shots:

Chocolope suffered a pretty serious bit of trauma a little while back, which is why it doesn't have the clean quadline look - one of the 4 "mains" ended up cracked and while it survived, it doesn't stand tall like the other 3. But it recovered fine and has been healthy and happy since. I did some cleanup on Friday of the plants but ran out of fold back clips so Chocolope didn't get spread out / opened up until tonight. Here's how it looks after arranging the tops a little and defoliating.

It's looking good, and I'm pretty excited to see how it turns out.

Next up is Kosher Kush. It grew surprisingly lanky as I mentioned last week. I didn't get it tied down until late in stretch, so all I could do was really spread the tops out to the sides as best as I could. Things look fairly sparse, but that doesn't mean I won't get great buds. Kosher Kush was the first to show frost, and probably is the second frostiest of the plants at this early point behind Kushy Kush. Both should finish early.

Given the wide node spacing, I really didn't take much off - just some leaves blocking bud sites.

This isn't the prettiest plant, but I'm far from writing it off.

Next up is Kushy Kush. Similar to Kosher, Kushy grew taller than expected, but for whatever reason it kept a far more pleasing shape. Kushy has been the strongest grower from the start and that hasn't changed in flower. It's the biggest and so far the frostiest, with the most mature buds. This will be done in 8 weeks or shortly thereafter - Kushy truly is among the fastest finishers.

I took very little off just a handful of fans blocking bud sites. I'm happy with where it is in terms of leaves.

Kushy won't get big stacked colas like I expected based on my previous grow, but I still think it's going to look fantastic when all is said and done based on its frame and bud development.

And then there's Pink Kush. I'm really happy with its development. It has been an easy plant, taken a great shape, given me nice node spacing, and it looks and smells great. It's just behind the Kushy Kush and Kosher Kush in the maturity of buds and frost.

Because of the density of the plant this got a little more defoliation than the other Kushes. Again I was just looking to get light to bud sites.

I'm very excited to get Pink Kush done. I only wish I had it when I was dealing with gastroenteritis!

Finally, here's how the tent looks with everything put back in afterward. I switched things up - starting back left and moving clockwise, it's Pink Kush, Chocolope, Kushy Kush, and Kosher Kush. The tent takes on a different look with things moved around and opened up.

Thanks for following along!
Absolutely checking in here If you have free chairs:high-five:

Receiving the Barneys package I received Some of the new line including the Pink Kush. It’s lovely to see you growing it out so there is Some comparing i can do:thanks:

About the broken arm, I found that beeswax around it seems to heal it quicker. My current cbd euphoria quad(my first quad Woohoo) had 2 out of the 4 brenches hanging on a small piece cause of my clumsyness every now and then. The beeswax made it restore and within a day She was perking Up again :)

Have a great evening:meditate:
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