Double Double Soil and Bubbles

Yup, I rinse about an hour later with the water bottle you see in the pics.

When I sprayed. I only left the closet light on. I did it in the closet to contain the bugs. I don't care if the carpet and walls gets soaked with the spray... It gets rinsed with the water spray an hour later... and may even get the straglers that made it down the wall and anywhere else...

Well I am hoping that they are FEM, if they aren't like I said, breeding material.

The new growth is looking really healthy and green... I am pleased.
New Growth, and Sprout, not lookin too good. I think it's overwatering...







New growth is looking really healthy...
lookin good gal....hope they keep their rears in retreat....good for you rinse off your azatrol? i leave mine on, but its azamax....nearly the same i think....if the seeds came out of the w.w. and it was sinz, then they stand a 90%+ chance of being thats good....hugs, L:cheer::cheer:
The White Widow was Supposed to be Sensi (seedless), if that's what you mean...
yes, seedless, so thats a really good chance they are fem...i would count on it...would be a shock if they are not...the plants look you have a moisture meter? i seldom use mine, but i like having one around in case...usually i just look at the soil...some of mine are picky tho, so it is handy...L
No Moisture meter, but it's really really dry here. I mean Really dry. If it rains we might get to 50% or more humidity, but that's during raining sheets type of rain...

I put my finger in the soil up to the second knuckle to gauge dampness/moisture for now.. Should I buy one of those??? If yes, what kind???
No Moisture meter, but it's really really dry here. I mean Really dry. If it rains we might get to 50% or more humidity, but that's during raining sheets type of rain...

I put my finger in the soil up to the second knuckle to gauge dampness/moisture for now.. Should I buy one of those??? If yes, what kind???

no, not if your finger does the same....i just got it as the l.a. confidential plant is a real pain about moisture to please her highness i got one....she likes the desert soil...mostly dry...will mold if i had to have one to read deep in the pot....L
Moisture and mold will NOT be a problem here... :) I have Aqua Globes (don't laugh they work) for finicky plants. Keeps me from "lovin" em too much with water...
Greetings Galadriel High Lady of Lothlórien! I see your garden grows. This is wonderful news and must be celebrated with some good old Longbottom leaf from the Shire!

:hookah: :hookah: :hookah: :hookah:

I sincerely hope that this is the last of those little bastard mites! Now's the time for your ladies to grow.
Greetings Galadriel High Lady of Lothlórien! I see your garden grows. This is wonderful news and must be celebrated with some good old Longbottom leaf from the Shire!

:hookah: :hookah: :hookah: :hookah:

I sincerely hope that this is the last of those little bastard mites! Now's the time for your ladies to grow.

I do believe I caught them early (Thanks to the info I found here) Never heard of spider mites before... Treated them immediately as soon as I found them, gave them repeat treatments for 2 days, with water rinses. Then got some Neem, and Azatrol (same as Axamax, made by differing company) Sprays yesterday, and today they got the drench method, and a spray, then I will reapply In 10 days???? Is that correct??? Or do I keep sprayin for 10 days???

Anyway, Too tired to sleep...
Spray every 3-5 days with Azatrol, don't rinse it off. I don't rinse. Azatrol does not kill eggs. Azatrol kills adult mites. That is why you repeat treatments every so often is to get the newly hatched eggs or baby mites.
I think lavendar is talking about powdery mildew which is real easy to get on plants. LA Confidential is a sensitive plant. AK is also easily prone to powdery mildew. I had two different AK's (from two diff sources) and killed them both as they easily got powdery mildew. You should not have issues with it at this point with the size of the plants. When plants get to be bushes they will have there own micro environment and even though your in colorado with no humidity, the plants will have a high humidity and powdery mildew can form. You can help a plant from powdery mildew by controlling the waterings.
Spray every 3-5 days with Azatrol, don't rinse it off. I don't rinse. Azatrol does not kill eggs. Azatrol kills adult mites. That is why you repeat treatments every so often is to get the newly hatched eggs or baby mites.
I think lavendar is talking about powdery mildew which is real easy to get on plants. LA Confidential is a sensitive plant. AK is also easily prone to powdery mildew. I had two different AK's (from two diff sources) and killed them both as they easily got powdery mildew. You should not have issues with it at this point with the size of the plants. When plants get to be bushes they will have there own micro environment and even though your in colorado with no humidity, the plants will have a high humidity and powdery mildew can form. You can help a plant from powdery mildew by controlling the waterings.

Yup, that's why I got the Aqua Globes the last time. Kept me from lovin the girls to death with water...

Ok I have plenty of Azatrol spray. So I can go in there and spray them off... I also gave the girls the Drench treatment last night. I'll go spray them again today.

Thanks for all your tips! If I can Plus Rep you again, I will!
f.b. is totally correct...i dont rinse, and spray every other day...the way it kills is it stops the adolescents from developing a shell, they cant breed then as they never it messes with a certain dev. keep spraying, and he is right about the plants and micro systems ect....esp. l.a.conf....thank you frosty....L:cheer::cheer:
Ok, I just don't want to overwhelm the poor things... get wacked off my momma, then get hormoned, stuck in a puck, waited to root, then got infested with mites, then got sold, and then got involved in a might battle...

LOL When I say the Drench method above, I mean I watered the soil with it till it came out of the reservoirs...

So I'll go and spray them again today, and then again in a few more days...

What about the soil drench method, do I retreat in 10 days???
If it was a mild mix don't feed/water azatrol for 30 days or so. Keep spraying though, and normal watering. But it's really more of what works for you and how the plant reacts. It takes a few days for it to make it's way around the plant and then it should be good.
I do believe it was per your instructions of 7.5 ml to a liter of water... So I sprayed, then gave the girls the rest of the spray via the drench method...
Oooooh!!! Gimli found WILD RASPBERRIES in the yard!!! They are small... But I have pics... You can put off topic pics in your Journals here right??

As long as I use the off topic drop down in the gallery right???
Well the raspberry plant photos are in the OFF TOPICS part of the pics area.

Here goes... If this is against the rules please forgive me...





Kinda neat huh?? I didn't plant them...
whats nice about red rasberries is the bird eat them then they dont diegest them and they spread the seeds all over. Better get them under controll as they will spread like a wildfire. my berrie patch use to be 5X5' 3 yrs ago and i always let the last ripen fall and seed for next yr, I also have black berries in same patch well, its no longer a patch they have taken over 15X15' in just 3 seasons :( i love them but they are getting chopped back this fall. have funn just watch out the slugs also love them too =)
whats nice about red rasberries is the bird eat them then they dont diegest them and they spread the seeds all over. Better get them under controll as they will spread like a wildfire. my berrie patch use to be 5X5' 3 yrs ago and i always let the last ripen fall and seed for next yr, I also have black berries in same patch well, its no longer a patch they have taken over 15X15' in just 3 seasons :( i love them but they are getting chopped back this fall. have funn just watch out the slugs also love them too =)

I live at high altitude... 9,107 ft above sea level. So if they spread more seeds over the yard, YAY, cause right now it's pulverized Pikes Peak Granite and barely anything grows in it.
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