First Grow - AK-48 Feminized Seed

I use General Hydroponics Flora series 3 part nutrients that can be mixed for all stages of vegetative growth and flowering. I use nutrients every time I water unless I am flushing. flora series

Plant height is now 26 cm / 10 inches. A few new photos




Another photo of her home :blushsmile:
light schedule is 18/6


you see were your blue bucket is sitting on the white water tray... add like 4 or 5 pop bottle lids. so the bucket is sitting up on the white water tray. helps with drainage and also allows air to circulate under the plant pot and up the drain holes :D

looking very nice indeed. i bet your real excited bowt your babys :D
Pretty plant- looking really good! I bet she's starting to smell wonderful too. :yummy:
If those fan leaves are shading the bottom buds you could try tucking the fans under so you get more light to the buds- it will make them bigger. I spend a lot of time tucking leaves because I don't defoliate.
Keep up the good work!:thumb:
There are some folks who defoliate during flower, but I prefer not to because the plant will use those leaves for energy as she runs out of nitrogen towards the end. My last grow yellowed and used up almost all their leaves by the time they were harvested. I was glad I left them to do their job.
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