First Grow: Auto Critical Purp & Bubblegum, Soil, LED, 2019


420 Member
1st time grower here, and would love a long time growers opinion on these girls and how I can perfect some of these systems. Many thanks!

Autos - 2 Critical Purple and 1 Bubblegum
Critical is Indica dominant hybrid
Bubblegum is half Indica/half Sativa
-been Vegging and started poking out of soil roughly 2 weeks ago right now. They seemed very slow to start and were in the soil several days after germination.
-Indoor grow
-promix soil no nutes added, standard mix
-5 gallon bucket size (too big?)
-2 - 300 watt full spectrum / 1 - 200 watt full spectrum @ the moment, plan on getting some side LED’s for later blooming.
-humidifier set at ranges & the temp regulated at ranges shown on Rh Chart from
-day time temps from 28C - 30C
-night temps from 20C - 22C
-On a Day night schedule of 20 hrs daylight / 4 hr dark.
-day humid.- 65-75%
-night humid.- 60-70%
-water ph of watering 6.3-6.5
-grow big fert. Ph first run 6.6 (just less than 1/4 power strength of Fox Farm Feed chart)
-watering roughly every 2-3 days or so.. done 1 fert feed about 6 days ago.. last water was 2 days ago and soil is almost dried out.. close.
-room sqft roughly 25 sqft
-Pests - NONE. Whole room is caulked and sealed except for door.

Plant #1 ) Late bloomer
First guy I believe is the Bubble gum.. got lost a bit after doing germ, rookie mistake, but with the critical purple next to it shouldn’t be hard to figure out later ;) was kinda struggling at first.. gentle watering and Ph only. When I did the round of first Big bloom, was less than 1/4 strength. Seems to be doing much better after that and this last water. This has one odd looking “spot” but doesn’t seem too crazy, just slight discoloring.. this anything to worry about?

Plant #2 ) looking good, slight curling??
Could use an experienced eye on this one, sliiight curling of this guy, I believe the critical purple. Overall done seemingly well, little stall in the middle, maybe at the nutes time, and the slightest curl to just a couple of the older first leaves.. new leaves look sllliightly wrinkly, but to my untrained eye seems like overall is fairly healthy. Could this be a Deficiency? I know very little this far into the deficiency categories and how to fix, so any input on keeping this girl strong is much appreciated.

#3 ) strongest plant
Seemingly doing very well. Been the strongest grower, spreading well and low.. realizing I should have filled the buckets just a little more with soil as the first leaves are touching the sides of the buckets now, but no issues thus far. Any changes I can do to these girls to get them reaching and stretching up a little more out of the buckets? I know they are Indica/hybrids, so could be a little lower.

#4 plant) random plant from buddy
Was a random germinate seed he thinks is an auto and started for me.. when I got it it was super dried out and a piece of the tap root broke.. but I tried planting just to see what kind of plants these are and how much they can take/how to try and recover.

Loving this site so far and looking forward to a fun grow!


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1st time grower here, and would love a long time growers opinion on these girls and how I can perfect some of these systems. Many thanks!

Autos - 2 Critical Purple and 1 Bubblegum
Critical is Indica dominant hybrid
Bubblegum is half Indica/half Sativa
-been Vegging and started poking out of soil roughly 2 weeks ago right now. They seemed very slow to start and were in the soil several days after germination.
-Indoor grow
-promix soil no nutes added, standard mix
-5 gallon bucket size (too big?)
-2 - 300 watt full spectrum / 1 - 200 watt full spectrum @ the moment, plan on getting some side LED’s for later blooming.
-humidifier set at ranges & the temp regulated at ranges shown on Rh Chart from
-day time temps from 28C - 30C
-night temps from 20C - 22C
-On a Day night schedule of 20 hrs daylight / 4 hr dark.
-day humid.- 65-75%
-night humid.- 60-70%
-water ph of watering 6.3-6.5
-grow big fert. Ph first run 6.6 (just less than 1/4 power strength of Fox Farm Feed chart)
-watering roughly every 2-3 days or so.. done 1 fert feed about 6 days ago.. last water was 2 days ago and soil is almost dried out.. close.
-room sqft roughly 25 sqft
-Pests - NONE. Whole room is caulked and sealed except for door.

Plant #1 ) Late bloomer
First guy I believe is the Bubble gum.. got lost a bit after doing germ, rookie mistake, but with the critical purple next to it shouldn’t be hard to figure out later ;) was kinda struggling at first.. gentle watering and Ph only. When I did the round of first Big bloom, was less than 1/4 strength. Seems to be doing much better after that and this last water. This has one odd looking “spot” but doesn’t seem too crazy, just slight discoloring.. this anything to worry about?

Plant #2 ) looking good, slight curling??
Could use an experienced eye on this one, sliiight curling of this guy, I believe the critical purple. Overall done seemingly well, little stall in the middle, maybe at the nutes time, and the slightest curl to just a couple of the older first leaves.. new leaves look sllliightly wrinkly, but to my untrained eye seems like overall is fairly healthy. Could this be a Deficiency? I know very little this far into the deficiency categories and how to fix, so any input on keeping this girl strong is much appreciated.

It's kind of hard to even guess, your photos are unlabelled, meaning I don't know which are of which plant, and every portion of every plant appears to be purple :rolleyes: .

Try turning the blurples off and using your camera's flash, a desk lamp, flashlight, kerosene lantern, 1,500 Bic lighters, or an octogenarian's birthday cake before she gets her 13 grandkids to help her blow out the candles.

Additionally, consider uploading photos to your image gallery so that you can take advantage of the fact that this allows you to label them.

Good luck on your grow!
Thanks for the Input! Natural light photos below and labeled, after the labels on the containers.. Still learning the ins and outs of how to do the proper things on here.

It's kind of hard to even guess, your photos are unlabelled, meaning I don't know which are of which plant, and every portion of every plant appears to be purple :rolleyes: .

Try turning the blurples off and using your camera's flash, a desk lamp, flashlight, kerosene lantern, 1,500 Bic lighters, or an octogenarian's birthday cake before she gets her 13 grandkids to help her blow out the candles.

Additionally, consider uploading photos to your image gallery so that you can take advantage of the fact that this allows you to label them.

Good luck on your grow!

... still learning.. like how to Reply directly to you.. lol see some natural light photos of my garden per your request on the other post in this thread.

Posting a couple more photos here to go with the Natural light photos above. These small spots just started on plant #2.. I been trying to do brief research on this.. wondering if this might be a potassium or calcium def.? Soil is almost dried out from last regular watering.. did one nutes treatment about 8- 9 days ago or so. Just want to catch whatever this is best as I can now and make small corrections.. any advice from a trained eye? I’ll double check on Ph as I’m about to water again.. but last water everything seemed fine. Should I go straight Ph water, or try same nutes with some Pot./Cal.?
These three photos are from Plant #2 which also had the small twist in a few of the older leaves.
Last pink pic check underside of that leaf very close look next to every vain for thrips. kinda looks like the marks of them pest. They are about the size of a sewing thread about 1/8 inch long. Your pic with #2 in orange pot that twisted leaf is a sign of Ph going up or down in big amount.
Last pink pic check underside of that leaf very close look next to every vain for thrips. kinda looks like the marks of them pest. They are about the size of a sewing thread about 1/8 inch long. Your pic with #2 in orange pot that twisted leaf is a sign of Ph going up or down in big amount.

Thanks! Checked the Ph of the soil and it was about 5.9.. little low.. so I watered with the regular nutes to keep something consistent, but had the mixture at Ph 7 to counter. I believe the slight discolor on the leaves may have been a touch of nutes splash, but I’ll keep watching. No bugs around at all on leaves at the moment.. fairly clean area and house so hopefully that helps, plus checking them 4-5 a day to keep a close eye.

Re-tested soil after watering and feeding and it was 6.2.. I have heard regular soil should be between 6.2-6.5.. sound about right? In order to counteract a high or low pH do you usually just add a little bit of the opposite at the opposite end of the spectrum to your next feed or water? The Lady’s are still growing and looking good today!
The key is not moving Ph levels to fast to correct. Now you find them low you brought it back up. Keep it at that last level you used to bring it up next feed and recheck soil level. Most times it will climb back up from 6.2 to around 6.5 if you feed 7.0 on your next feed time. Then if your soil ever starts going up past 6.5 then drop nute Ph to 6.8 for a couple feeds and recheck. The key is doing small adjustments to avoid plant stress with high Ph swings. My nute level is always at 6.8 going in and run off is 6.5. Find your lucky number to get best run out and keep the same until adjustment is needed if ever it does. Next time if you ever have this problem I would recommend adjusting with water only feeds to get run out right then run nutes at the Ph the water is which I bet will be around 6.8-7.0. I wish you the best take care.
Hey everyone.. Sorry I haven't posted pics in a bit.. But been busy and pushing these girls along!

Brought the PH more normal last time with a 7.0 Nute feed and they seemed to do very well over the next few days. run off was more like 6.2-6.3 this time so I will do another 7.0 feed this time, probably tonight or early tomorrow. I am going to try a sample of the "Fish Shit" I got from the local grow store and I have seen people say the girls love it.

You will see from the photos below I have been playing around a bit with some low stress training. I saw most people say to try and stay away from topping an auto, so I went with some really easy low stress, and you can see I was using a simple bungy hook to pull some of the large fan leaves out of the way or more to one side over to expose more of the lower node areas which have been exploding and enjoying the light. The Bubblegum, plant 1 has made a great push and stretching come back from a slow start, and the Critical Purples are VERY Dense which is cool to see the difference.

Still posting a couple photos of the Spots on plant #2 if anyone is recognizing them.. They seem to be fairly consistent, adding a few more here and there, but overall the plant seems to be fairly happy and healthy. If the leaves look a little weird it would be from the low stress training and moving all the fan leaves around. We are almost a month in and these girls are really starting to throw some fun smells.. and I am getting excited!! Even my little Plant #4 which I thought for sure was going to die, hung on and is throwing some more leaves.. we will see if I can get anything out of her in the end!

Looking Good,Yoshi-those girls have been busy in the last week-growing like weeds !
If those spots are on the older,lower leaves,I don't think I'd worry much about them...
If they start to spread,or start to move to the upper leaves,then you can worry-the lower leaves are also going to be the first to turn yellow and fall off,which is a normal thing.
If the spots were anything serious,they would be spreading,and probably pretty quickly.
24 hrs after feeding full nute strength recommended plus the fish shit. Had low ph run off on the two critical purples so re-ran two loads of food and ph’d to 7.0-7.1 and they seem to be loving it today. Looking amazing. Front right big guy is the struggling bubblegum back in the beginning.. loving that strain already cause it’s stretching really nicely. Two critical purples in the back together. Man I’m getting excited!
That looks like a PH fluctuation problem.

Managing pH is crucial for cannabis plants to be able to take up nutrients through their roots. When the pH around the roots jumps up and down, it can stress the plant and cause brown spots to appear on the leaves. Spotting on the leaves as a results of pH fluctuations is more common in hydroponic setups (where the pH tends to go up and down), but it is possible it can also happen in soil. This seems to often happen when the pH swings too high.

You can also get these symptoms with root problems, or root rot. I find that unlikely as they don’t look to be big enough yet to be root bound, and it may be possible that root rot is happening but not likely, I don’t think that’s the issue here either.

The leaves that are effected will not recover, but once you fix the issue, the problem should stop spreading to other leaves.

Also, I noticed something. When your water (feed) your plants. It’s important to water the entire surface of soil, to ensure your feeding all of the roots. You also want to see run off after every feeding. Doing this will ensure you that oxygen is being pulled to all of the roots and they all get fed properly.


Good luck sir. I will be sure to follow along.
You should check out @Emilya's watering tutorial,Yoshi-your plants will thank you for it...

You should check out @Emilya's watering tutorial,Yoshi-your plants will thank you for it...

Funny I read that exact article before this past feeding a couple nights before and watered much more like it recommended on the three bigger girls. Taking notes for sure. I did originally have a little ph prob in the plant #2 and been slowly correcting best I can learn over the past couple feedings. Overall I am fairly happy with outcome thus far.

Also, I can definitely understand what you mean Backlip with watering the whole soil, but the small girl was easily over full week behind and also a weakling at first so just didn’t want to overwater/feed the weak roots because those ones were definitely damaged to start, now seeming to make a slow come back. I think after this feed I will be watering the whole bucket of that one also as it seems to have recovered enough! I very much appreciate the input and taking it all in on how to do better each time.. thank you!
Update.. Girls are getting ready for their next watering/feeding. I am going to try and make sure the pH is on again best I can because I know I am having some pH problems showing on the Plant #2 still.. little slow growing, but it gives me the chance to try and work through this and figure it out.

The Bubblegum is doing the BEST even though it had the slower start over the Critical Purple. It is nicely stretching and LST is taking Very well for her and I have 9 to 10 solid node areas all about the same length. REALLY excited to grow this strain more as it is one of my favorites.

Even the littlest struggler and really coming stronger still and throwing many more leaves even just overnight.

None of them have flipped to flowering yet and we are coming up on 5 weeks old. I also want to say I love being able to follow along other peoples grow journals because it is so encouraging to do this with others.. Thank you all for everything so far!

Fresh feeding.. and reallllly racing.. I cannot praise the bubblegum strain enough.. stunning beasty plant with perfect symmetry with a little LST. Couple are very close to flipping over to flowering. Big three are 5 weeks old today, smaller runt is close to 4 weeks. Did a little defoil in the middle the free up some lower nodes going into flower. Every day is exciting right now!




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Man,They're looking great ! The one in the first pic is impressive(Bubble Gum?)- I need to grow them square like that to fit them in my space :)

I see what you mean about the symmetry....It's growing perfectly -:goodjob:
Man,They're looking great ! The one in the first pic is impressive(Bubble Gum?)- I need to grow them square like that to fit them in my space :)

I see what you mean about the symmetry....It's growing perfectly -:goodjob:

I’m seriously like mesmerized by that one, yes the bubblegum. She is biiiigg too. Just pulled her out to pop a photo, and she needs to be fed again.. on the two days to bone dry at this point!


.. I got these girls from GCS, but also looking at some delicious looking buds/seeds for my next grow from 420.

What are some of your favorite strains to grow indoor/soil for good yields and great pheno’s? Do you all like to grow auto’s? Photos?
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