First Grow - Indoor Now - Outside & Inside Later

That's an unintentional bonus then. I know this is for personal use only but your mates will be on their knees begging to get their hand of some of your Cherry Bomb. Those buds are going to have some really nice bag appeal.

Stake those girls like they're vampires before you head out mate. It seems that those pesky garden gnomes tend to stay well hidden until us farmers go away for just a few days or more.
They're like kids that misbehave. I can't pawn them off on anyone....
Hey, TC, just read this whole thread. Very informative. Congrats on your success! I started my first grow indoors last winter under HIDs, but have most everything outdoors for the summer. We just had a big windstorm after ~3 mos of very hot, dry weather, and my Jack Herer blew over and broke into several pcs. I made 12 clones from the broken bits. :-( Will see how those do.
Today it was time to do the final cut of one of my Cherry Bombs. She was starting to show some nice reddish coloring on some buds. That leaves 2 indoor girls left yet to harvest.

After trimming the first round of washed bud after it dried for 2 days, which was not easy, I decided to trim this round after washing and before hanging to dry. This turned out to be MUCH easier, even easier then trimming unwashed green bud. The leaves seem to stand out stiff from the bud and being wet, it doesn't gum up the scissors like unwashed bud. I never had to scrap the blades once. I bud is still plenty sticky while handling it but the scissors stay clean :)

First off, beautiful color in that plant. I know it's probably in my mind, but colorful buds taste better. :laughtwo:

Second, I noticed the same thing trimming after the wash. Nothing gumming up the scissors. I thought it was just me. Haha! I feel better now. :battingeyelashes:

I gave a friend a clone I started in a 1.7. Talked to him the other day and asked how that plant was doing, he said great, I said what did you repot it into, he said, he didn't he just cut the lower 1/3 of the roots, filled with soil and off he went. I've never done it, but I've heard a few people talking about doing it, or having done it

This is the third reference to this technique I've come across in the past couple days. I think I need to pay closer attention to this or try it somewhere.

Usually they will only drop in on someone if there is a complaint and then they tend to only destroy the plants and give a warning if you are home, or leave a card saying "better luck next year"

Priceless. :laughtwo:
Welcome Cannacar

I am glad you have enjoyed my journey so far, I hope you were able to find some useful information :) As for your girl that broke and you cloned her, I found when I cloned my outside girls that the clones rooted better and faster if I put them in seedling soil and left them outside
Hello my :420: friends

There's been a lot going on here this week.

I guess we will start with the indoor Bomb Girls. The last Cherry Bomb was cut washed Monday. Today the last of the THC Bombs was cut and washed this morning and is now hanging to dry for a few days before being weighed and bottled. Kind of a sad day as the indoor garden will be quiet, bare and dormant for a few weeks as I will be away for the last couple weeks of the month. That's ok as I have some candidates chilling (quarantined) under CFLs in the back room for the next round of the Bomb Girls ;) But more on that later.

The bud ready for wash and trim

Now for an update on the outdoor Celtic Garden here in the Village. For the most part the girls are doing well even though things here are so dry it is almost to the point of being drought conditions. I have patches in my lawn so dry right now that the ground has literally cracked open.

Lets start in the garden with Big Mamma who has been in bloom for over a week now. She had a bought of powdery mildew on the main stem that stunted some of the upper growth but she has recovered nicely.


Next is the Cherry Bomb in the garden who is by far the sexiest girl of them all at the moment ;)

Next we have the one Cluster Bomb residing in the garden who has some nice reddish coloring happening in some of her leaves

Sorry for the clarity of the pictures but with all the greenery in and around the garden right now, it looks more jungle than garden LOL

Now we can go for a walk around the back 40 and visit the rest of the Bomb Girls :)

First up we have a couple of Cherry Bombs


Then come the Big Bomb triplets hiding in the raspberry cane, not sure the heights yet but all are over 8 feet last check :)

And here is my 8 foot tall Cluster Bomb

And lastly we have a Cherry Bomb who is not feeling well at all and may lose her top half :( she has a bad case of powdery mildew girdle her main stem. I thought I had it cleared up once but it was actually growing under layers of her outer bark. Between the dry conditions and the mildew, not sure she will recover.

Today I gave her 5 gallons water and trimmed a lot of droopy yellowing leaves in hopes that she will come around :)
The next week will be busy trying to get everything in order in the garden before I leave for 2 weeks. My father has lived with us for about a year now and although, like me, never bothered with cannabis, has become quite interested with my gardens. I will spend the next week staking the girls limbs so they don't collapse under the weight of buds and teaching my father what he needs to know to take care of things while I am away.

On a side note concerning my father, who is 68 in November, he tried weed for the 1st time last night. He has been having problems with pain in his arm and not sleeping much. My wife talked him into trying her vaporizer last night and he slept like a baby :)
Congrats on wrapping up your 1st indoor harvest!! Awesome job bro!!

Kudo's on your successes with controlling PM on your girls. PM is never an easy problem to tackle.
Now that we're in the month of September the buds on those outdoor girls of yours are going to be exploding with weight and trichomes soon!
Can't wait to see the outdoor bud porn that will be gracing the pages of your journal in just a few short weeks.
I'll need to remember to buy more Saran Wrap to protect my keyboard from the drools.
The next week will be busy trying to get everything in order in the garden before I leave for 2 weeks. My father has lived with us for about a year now and although, like me, never bothered with cannabis, has become quite interested with my gardens. I will spend the next week staking the girls limbs so they don't collapse under the weight of buds and teaching my father what he needs to know to take care of things while I am away.

On a side note concerning my father, who is 68 in November, he tried weed for the 1st time last night. He has been having problems with pain in his arm and not sleeping much. My wife talked him into trying her vaporizer last night and he slept like a baby :)

That's awesome man! It's great to hear that your home grown meds were able to help out with your Pop's sore arm.

Attitudes about the medical benefits of MJ are certainly changing for the better.
Evening UncleC

The Cherry Bomb in the garden is actually getting quite heavy with bud now, the picture doesn't really do her justice LOL Late next week I am going to try for some better pictures of her and her main cola and throw her in the ring for POTM and see how she fairs :)
Oh the pics do her justice already. But you ain't seen nothing yet my friend. Just you wait and see what these girls are going to do.
Well friends, the first indoor grow is officially done and final yields in :)

Here is the yield from the final cut, de-stemmed, weighed and jarred for curing


This gives me a total yield for this grow (that I can account for) of 295.6g. There was a few grams lost to budrot early on and lord knows how much lost to sticky fingered kids while drying (son and step daughter). Next grow things will be a little more secured when I am away LOL That gives me about 0.7g/w which I am happy with on my first grow :)

Now a little preview of what I am considering for my next indoor grow when I return from holidays at the end of the month.

These are the candidates in quarantine and re-vegging under 24/0 light until I return. 6 clones of Big Mamma and one of my 8 foot Cluster Bomb.


Because I have 7 and only want 4 in the bloom room at a time, tentative plans are for 4 Big Mamma clones to be flowered, 1 to become a mother plant, one to have a sex change for seed production and maybe future breeding experiment, and the Cluster Bomb to become a mother.

Here is some recycled soil amended and cooking for the next grow. Amendments added: blood meal, bone meal, a feather meal based tree fertilizer (4-4-8), Epsom salts, finely ground egg shell, coffee grounds and lastly some diatomaceous earth (food grade).


Some of you may be wondering why I would use diatomaceous earth as an amendment. some may think I am crazy, no worries you are not alone in thinking that LOL The reason? Silicates.

Silicates are often over looked as a mineral needed by plants but it actually improves their cellular structure creating a stronger, healthier plant. Diatomaceous earth is actually about 1/3 silicates that are more readily available for plant uptake than the common potassium silicate sold for plant use, not to mention MUCH cheaper and has an abundance of other minerals and micro nutrients.

Here is a little blurb I came across when searching for a silicate source:

"Fortunately, many growers are now discovering the benefits of flowable silicon as an alternative to potassium silicate. Flowable silicon is pH neutral and it is derived from natural sources of silicon dioxide. The best source of flowable silicon comes from clean, finely-powdered diatomaceous earth."


"DE is approximately 3% magnesium, 33% silicon, 19% calcium, 5% sodium, 2% iron and many other trace minerals such as titanium, boron, manganese, copper and zirconium."
Congrats on the final harvest TheCelt, well done :thumb:

Nice write up on the diatomaceous earth too, I actually use this myself as a pest control, knew that it was a form of silicon and had considered it's uses for the silica that I was missing. I never really followed it up though and appreciate the fact that you have. Time to go mix some up in my soil. All the best and I'm looking forward to the next grow :)
Congrats on your first indoor harvest Celt!! You hit it out of the ballpark brother!!

That's not an easy achievement for a first grow. You have much to be proud of my friend.....and much to smoke as well. LOL!!

Looks like those youngsters of yours will be ready for you to return from that trip of yours and so will your outdoor girls. :)
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