Ground Zero Newbie Grower

Re: Ground zero newbie grower.

Very, very nice. You have done so well I am scared to see what you are going to do with the next plants. great job....
Re: Ground zero newbie grower.

Once this grow is 100% in the jar I will basically dismantle everything. I am going to build a new frame for the big tent and revise my side lights and ventilation. I have an idea how I can better utilize the side lights. Also my do an automated watering system for when I am traveling. I may go to lower profile wider buckets to better feed the roots. The tall narrow buckets I feel may not be the best for evenly distributing the food and water. Not to mention once the roots get packed in drainage becomes an issue. Basically taking this grow and refining it for my next one. Next grow will either be fewer larger plants or an all indica run of smaller plants. I was very lucky this time that all the different strains seemed to like the same feeding program. I also hope to try my hand at cloning on the next round.
Re: Ground zero newbie grower.

It defiantly helps to have a wife who is as enthusiastic about the grow as you are. My wife is like my own personal cheer squad. Every time I open up my cabinet and take the plants out for her to inspect and smell her face lights up.

Woodsman was complaining in another thread that his significant other is less than supportive. I could not even attempt to grow without my wife's support.
Re: Ground zero newbie grower.

Hi Screwnuts33 your a lucky man to have a lady like yours who likes what you do. How did she resist not coming up there before? I bet she's up there more often during your next grow.:grinjoint:

Knowing your DIY abilities I can't wait to see what it's going to look like.:ganjamon:
Re: Ground zero newbie grower.

Hi Screwnuts, have been following your journal for a little while now decided i had to register and become a part of this society. I found this site researching what i was doing wrong germinating (too hot). I have grown very small before and had no problem, this time i went all out and got heating mat and prop lid, bought seeds and burnt them up..sad, should have just thrown them in dirt, has always worked before.....Anyway your journal has been very inspiring has made for a great read, and i have started over with 10 going strong so far. Thanks for sharing-Rocket
Re: Ground zero newbie grower.

Understanding Mrs is an understatement. She is also a patient. She has a some what rare lung disease that MMJ gives her great relief and keeps her off of steroids. She has a hard time coming to visit the grow area in the attic as the dust and insulation irritate her lungs. She pops on a mask and comes to visit every once in a while. Once she realized the benefit of MMJ she was all for it.

Welcome aboard. I appreciate the kind words. The more time you spend on this site the more you will learn. You will find most everyone egar to help you succeed. Please start a journal so we can follow along and offer guidence should you need it.
Re: Ground zero newbie grower.

Forgot to do a little update (stoners, lol). I was going to chop and trim tonight but something came so that will have to wait until tomorrow. The four plants in the new tent still look very healthy even after 48 hours of darkness. The 5 remaining in the main tent are looking good. The secong Strawberry Haze plant is now ready (more trim time), the two PPX plants are very close. The Purple Force has another week at least and the freak pheno Bubble Gum has 3-4 weeks to go. I will get some pics of the chop up soon.
Re: Ground zero newbie grower.

Forgot to do a little update (stoners, lol). I was going to chop and trim tonight but something came so that will have to wait until tomorrow. The four plants in the new tent still look very healthy even after 48 hours of darkness. The 5 remaining in the main tent are looking good. The secong Strawberry Haze plant is now ready (more trim time), the two PPX plants are very close. The Purple Force has another week at least and the freak pheno Bubble Gum has 3-4 weeks to go. I will get some pics of the chop up soon.

sounds great cant wait 2 c em :cool:
Re: Ground zero newbie grower.

I am beat so this will be a quickie. I started chopping tonight. The Alaskan Ice and one Bubble Gum are now down and trimmed. Took 3-1/2 hours for those two. The AK Ice is incredible. Thinking closer to 5oz's off of her. She was a pleasure to trim with solid dense buds. The Bubble Gum I am very disappointed. The buds never really filled in. They will be light and airy when dry. May send the whole plant to the hash pile. See how it smokes. On the the pics. Only have picks of the AK Ice for now. More tomorrow. My back and hands are toast.






Re: Ground zero newbie grower.

Well Dude Congrads. Well deserved too. I did alittle speed read back and looks like everything worked fine. I get some of them dissapoints called airy buds. If they is any to them alot of times you can take the bigger buds and after they dry rollem in a baggie. That will packem down. And they make nice pesents for people alittle lower down the list of all the friends you will have now. JK Kind of. Congrads
Re: Ground zero newbie grower.

Hey Screwnuts What a haul.:surf: Fantastic amounts of buds. I am starting to feel very jealous. lol. This has been one hell of a grow. It couldn't happen to a better person. I know it has produced way more than your expectations. What are you going to do with all those buds. Better find some more jars. :surf::surf::surf:
Re: Ground zero newbie grower.

I am blown away by the amount of rock solid bud the AK Ice produced. Can't wait to take it for a test drive. Leaving work early today to head home and get a couple more chopped and trimmed. Tomorrow I will have at least one and likely two of the big plants to do. As much "work" as trimming is I am happily doing it with a huge grin. To think these beauties were mere seeds back in October blows me away. Even crazier is that I grew them (with all the help from here).

If it smokes half as good as it looks it will be off the charts.

I here you on the fluffy bud. If the smoke is good I won't really care what they look like. If it's just OK I will grind it up for hash or butter.

She is close to 15" and will likely yield 1-1/2-2oz's by itself. It is a freaking monster (at least to me).

If the smoke is good I would be happy to fill your mail box with a care package. This grow has gone so far beyond my expectations. We are inching a little closer to becoming full time Island residents. You may have a new neighbor in the near future.

Lol. I am amazed.
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