Indicas Grow & Experimenting Genetics Part II - Winter Indoor Organic Grow

Good morning weed danishoes :volcano-smiley: Your experiment is coming together. Hope your endeavors bear some fruit. Your girls are looking really good and healthy. Hope your Freetheweed day is a good one. Happy Days :Namaste:
Hi danishoes21,

Your lights are all too far away from your cannabis plants.


Cfl bulbs produce diffused light that does not travel very far efficiently.

Cfls should be placed within a few inches of the cannabis plant's leaves, if you want to grow cannabis.

UVB exposure first week recap:

After this first week I yet to see any severe damage caused by UVB lights. Started with 2 hours and half of exposure at 24 inches from the soil, now today I fully incorporated the UVB lights to the regular photoperiod so they went from 2.5 hours - 9 hrs - now full 13 hours of lights.

Yesterday pots containing Cannabis plants where raise 12 inches from the ground, now the distances from the Main Cfls is 24". Still under observation to see if there is Heat stress... So far so good.

The young ones keep thriving with such force Im starting to worry for the Blue Berry, I touch the soil and it doesn't seem to be absorbing the water at the same rate as the soil from the little ones... And the old leaves now show some sort of deficiency, Still think she is recovering from overwatering on that first month... Despite all this she seems to grow calyx one on top of the other, specially the top of the plant which is receiving the most exposure to the lights. Still no signs of sex for the young'uns.

This is how they look today.


Pheno #1 for breeding. looking super nice growing almost symmetrically.
How is it possible that one plant is so far in pre-flowering showing the amount of pistils as the Blue Berry is, and next to it totally identical conditions I have 9 different plants sharing the same medium and they manage to grow without the funkiness of the Bleu Berry?? I have no explanation to what I am seeing in this plants...

Good morning weed danishoes :volcano-smiley: Your experiment is coming together. Hope your endeavors bear some fruit. Your girls are looking really good and healthy. Hope your Freetheweed day is a good one. Happy Days :Namaste:

Hi danishoes21,

Your lights are all too far away from your cannabis plants.


Cfl bulbs produce diffused light that does not travel very far efficiently.

Cfls should be placed within a few inches of the cannabis plant's leaves, if you want to grow cannabis.


Thank you guys for sharing your ideas, suggestions, thoughts and comments. Hope you can bear with me on this experiment I know its painful to see the Blue Berry stressed out like she is... just 20 more days till 12/12 :Namaste:
How is it possible that one plant is so far in pre-flowering showing the amount of pistils as the Blue Berry is, and next to it totally identical conditions I have 9 different plants sharing the same medium and they manage to grow without the funkiness of the Bleu Berry?? I have no explanation to what I am seeing in this plants...

Your "Blue Berry" looks like an autoflowering strain. It is not preflowering, it is flowering :goodluck:
Using a Lux meter App called Whitegoods I have a reading on top canopy of the cannabis pants of 36.7 kLux, I don't really know how to interpret this.

Another thing only 3 minutes with my hand in the tent with the UVB lights on and you start to feel like your hands itches its a very weird sensation and its not Safe. So Safety first when using UVB light.
Your "Blue Berry" looks like an autoflowering strain. It is not preflowering, it is flowering :goodluck:

Its weird then Its by spliff Seeds and it wasn't an Auto but a feminized. The other thing is she is close to 2 months and half old compared to the young ones one month younger. And presumably all the little ones are Sativa dominants so longer flowering transition.

If indeed she is an auto flowering she will mature and ripening with light hours rather than days, is this correct??
there is a lot of observation to do on this plant because I could use it fro breeding also to to get those "autoflowering" gens to my Sativas...
the lux meter app I use is called lightometer by spaceware. the version installed on my phone ranges from 0-65000 lux.
Good evening weed danishoes Happy Skunkday. Autos don't care what light schedule they are on. It's a timed thing for them. You can run auto on 24 on to 16/8. I wouldn't go any less than that. I know people do go less light than that but I think it will reduce yield. I have thought about doing a couple using the gas lamp routine but haven't yet. Happy Days :yummy::rollit::passitleft:
Very exciting news.

First pistil appeared on one of the little ones, after a month and half of experimental photoperiods (its proof that indoors don't need 12/12 to flower) I am very excited how the experiment is coming along. I will post some pictures tomorrow ( the pistil is very small and my camera doesn't capture it.)... Everything is showing amazing results despite the looks of my Blue Berry...


Great day for all.
First two weeks since photoperiod 13/11 started and they've been taking it well, also the UVB lights are timed with the main lights so full exposure at 24 inches from the canopy.


(With Flash)

First Pheno to flower, one little shy pistil. She is not my favourite pheno but considering she is the first to induce flower could use this trait for breeding also (faster flowering) we will see how she turns out.
First flowering Pheno #3

Then we have my Pheno #1, I had already chosen because she is the best looking Pheno out of all the little ones, so I keep fingers crossed for this one to be a girl, I would really like this particular traits, she is very symmetrical and fast grower, very healthy.
Pheno#1 (breeding)

Pheno #2 which is the Sativa looking Pheno I had previous seen in my grows, well she is very far behind, she is very a slow grower so Im not really sure if I want it after all...

As for the Blue Berry, she seems pretty stable despite the bad shape of the few left over fan leaves, also seems to have stop shooting new leaf and more calyx, the bottom grow is slowly filling with young calyxes, the top of the plant seems to be showing more and more new pistils, still not in massive amounts but you see the new from the old. Very dense core very dark green, I can't see the stems on the top part of the plant. Smell is kicking in and I have been taking more care of her since she was affected by the overwatering of the first month, Im letting her dry the soil I don't water this plant as regularly as the rest. Top grew almost 1 cm since lastime I measured and its looking like calyxes stack up one by one... Cant wait to see what 12/12 is going to bring to these ladies... For how long this plant has been showing pistils and pistils they look immature and the plant doesn't seem to be in full flower mode, I don't see aging amber trichomes they look really immature not fully developed, everything I see in this plant tells me so many different things, all I can do is wait 2 more weeks to let her see the new 12/12 photoperiod to see how she takes it.

Tomorrow I will water the garden with Jacks blossom booster 10-30-20 as part of my mid month nutrient watering.

One last thought on photoperiods, I've been thinking about this idea of a lighting schedule for long flowering strains (Sativa Dominants or Landrace Equatorial strains, pure Sativas). Goes from Vege to flower in a period of 3 1/2 to 4 months, starting from 24hrs of light for the first week and subtracting an hour by every week passing. 24/0 week1 - 23/-1 week2 - 22/2 week3... and so on until you get to 12/12 week13 - 11/12 week14 - 10/12 week15. This is going to be my next experiment with photoperiods, to see how smooth the flowering goes and to see if its a time & money saving efficient light schedule. The plant should have almost equal amounts of light weeks to vegetate (8 weeks avg) and flower (6 weeks avg) and the total days of the grow are 120. This is just a hypothesis I have not tried it yet, I don't think its been done...

Todays update.

Lowered the UVB light distances 12 inches from canopy. Main cfls at 24 inches from canopy. Yesterday watered with nutrients and today mist several times. Plants seem to be stable and growing, no mayor signs of stress.


two more weeks till 12/12.

Info Update

So far seems like the little ones are showing sex, my Pheno #1 is a male (sadly... but I have plans for this one), my Pheno #2 the Jamaican Sativa has not shown sex, taking her time very slow... Pheno #3 Is a girl and doing fine (seems to go for a purple color tone, could be the temp at a low 20 Celsius). Besides that I have 3 more showed their first pistil. I will post detailed photos by the end of the week giving them more time to show their pistils. For the Pheno #1 (male) I started to remove the small clusters and I will stress this plant to see If I can revert the sex of the plant forcing it to hermie see if I can replicate what I did last winter a "male Hermie" I believe this pollen makes "feminized" seeds... Long story...

As for the Blue Berry, she seems to be doing better and better each day, more and more new pistils, more calyxes, and almost no new leaves... Very interesting this plant... She grew a full cm and the lower branches keep going up. I almost feel tempted to extend for one more month this 13/11 photoperiod, just to see what happens.

This next two weeks gonna be very exciting.

At this point its very debatable to say that just a 12/12 photoperiod makes plants flower, the evidence here is showing that even at 14/10 13/11 certain strains will start to flower or pre-flower. This could help the grower set the proper photoperiod in accordance to the plants genes (Sativa or Indica), probably making the "flowering" transition with less stress.


Also without using a proper Lux meter I can see that the plants are taking enough light to grow, you can see these plants have no signs of stress, or leaf damage, no signs of mayor nut deficiencies, no long stretch between internodes, even lower branches seem to be shooting upward (with the exception of the blue berry I have no clue what happened).

Feel free to chip in ideas guys.
looking good. a cannabis plant will throw preflowers after a couple weeks on a 18/6 cycle.
looking good. a cannabis plant will throw preflowers after a couple weeks on a 18/6 cycle.


still she should continue to fully vegetate while at 18/6 despite showing pre flowers the plant doesn't stop growing leaves, right? thats why 18/6 is the best photoperiod to vegetate. This little ones are one month younger than the other plant and they are so different looking, I still don't figure out what the heck happened to the blue berry, it looks very crazy...:lot-o-toke::lot-o-toke::lot-o-toke:

how long does it take for your plants grown 12/12 from seed, to show pre-flowers?
"how long does it take for your plants grown 12/12 from seed, to show pre-flowers?"

about three weeks.
Hey dani, on the Blueberry plant, were you throwing in egg shells into the medium? I remember seeing you applying some leftover scraps to your soils.. I was contemplating, maybe some of those scraps are breaking down and releasing nutrients aiding in the burning of the fans?
Hey dani, on the Blueberry plant, were you throwing in egg shells into the medium? I remember seeing you applying some leftover scraps to your soils.. I was contemplating, maybe some of those scraps are breaking down and releasing nutrients aiding in the burning of the fans?

Now that sounds like a possibility, good observation CA, I did mixed crushed egg shells (calcium) and crushed peanut shells (nitrogen). It could be breaking down and hurting the plant, but I don't really know for sure. Other thing that could have affected was overwatering the first month, because I over watered I started seen fungus gnats, I managed to recover from that but I think she took some heavy damage. Despite all the scars on the Blue Berry she grows new pistils (but absolutely no new fan leaves) every week and seems far in flower even if the photoperiod is not 12/12.
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