Indoor Durban Poison In Soil, First Time Grower


Well-Known Member
Started to germ the seeds in a cup of water March 10th, then on a paper towel on the 11th. Planted the taproots in soil on the 14th, one seed is not ready. By the 17th all of the seeds have been planted in soil.
The first ones in sprouted on the 16th.
All are on a 16/8 schedule.
April 4th, transplanted a few into 5 gallon buckets, drilled 9 holes for drainage in the bottom of each bucket, I couldn't find the soil I wanted so just went with Miracle Grow soil. Used white wood ash as a root stimulator. Added water until it flowed out of the bottom into the trays.
April 18th, accidentally broke one about half way up its stem, just above a node so I didn't want to tape it, I just propped it up instead hoping it heals.
As of today it has and is doing well, first picture is when I broke it, the 2nd picture shows it now, it's the one in front.


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April 21st, all of the plants have been fimmed, all are around 10" tall except for 1 that was a late bloomer right from germinating late. All are on miracle grow 24-8-16, nutrients. I accidentally cut off a fan leaf in the fim process, talk about missing!
Thank you BTF, just so happens I'm watching the game as I work on this journal. Of the 2 accidents so far I'm glad they survived.
Drain all standing water from saucer or salt will build up and lock out will happen.Plus roots will rot.
Thanks, ill do that, I was wondering about standing water in my trays. Much appreciated!
Now that we're all caught up with my first grow, the updated information is; ph average at 6.5, average day time temperature of 25° C/ 77° F, night time temperature of 21°, humidity hovers around 60% but dropped to 49% today, miracle grow 24-8-16 feed every 8 or 9 days, I'll try rotating with reverse osmosis water to avoid burn, which it looks like in some yellowing if I'm not mistaken, still on a 18/6 light schedule, average height at 11.5".
Thanks, ill do that, I was wondering about standing water in my trays. Much appreciated!

So as I was draining my trays I noticed that 3 of the plants roots have come through the drain holes of the 5 gallon buckets.
So as I was draining my trays I noticed that 3 of the plants roots have come through the drain holes of the 5 gallon buckets.
Lookin good lookin good. Gotta get your grow journals link in your sig.
Had to move my set up last week, realize today that I left my led lights hanging low, about 15" from the top, I moved it up to 24" today.
Nothing new to report other than some discoloration, my ph is sitting above 6 average per plant, they all had water yesterday, bottled reverse osmosis water. I should be collecting rain water seeing that I live in one of the rainiest parts of Canada. That's why the attempt to grow indoors. Space is going to be an issue for these as well once they are the flowering stage. They have been fimmed once.
Nice to see another BC'er here! Your plants are looking great and you'll get plenty of good advice here should issues arise. Been pretty sunny in our little rainforest here thanks to global warming but we should still get plenty of chances to collect some rain water, lol.
Thanks HB, when I was browsing the journals before I signed up I thought yes this is the place I want to join!
Although we've had some decent summers these last few years it still gets a bit to cold at night for outdoor growing, and wind storms may wipe everything out anyway.
Happy growing!
Plants look fantastic, hitching along for the ride!!:rollit:
This is the one that broke a while back, as you can see it took on a weird shape, sorta a super crop by accident, the close up shows where it broke and healed.
how should I proceed to train this one?
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