InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Hey Shed, just wanted to pop in and say - I hope you’re feeling all right! :love: I got my second poke earlier this week and it kicked my ass the next day and minor lingering affects for a couple after that.

After feeling so miserable, it made me feel for the people who came down with a bad case of real thing and had to suffer for weeks. One day was more than enough for me! Anyhow, ramble over and I hope you and Mrs. Shed are doing ok! :love:

Back to biz, I’m glad to hear the spotty bebe is growing out of it! How weird for you and Boo to both see it! :hmmmm:
Morning Shed. Thinking of you and your wife today. I'm glad you have the chicken soup on the stove. Be well soonest.
Thanks for all your good wishes! Feeling much improved today and trying to get to everything I couldn't do yesterday. Back later this evening!
Glad to hear your feeling better today! Take it easy and don’t overdue it!!
In my experience it’s a learning curve. I’ve got the pax2 dry flower vape and at first I hated it. So I did some research and I learned that i needed to buy a couple of after market parts for it. (just a better oven screen and an adjustable press) now I would say my dry flower vape gets me as high or higher than combusting. I also needed to play with how full to pack the oven and how much pressure to put on the material. I can easily pull thick clouds of vapor off almost any cultivar
Thought I’d add some about the PAX vapes. I use PAX 2 and 3 for dry herb exclusively. I only use PAX equipment directly from them online or authorized dealer if buying in person. I tried aftermarket generic oven screens that seemed the wrong gauge metal and created excessive heat and also didn’t heat the herb right - so dreaded waste. So only PAX brand for me..... Device Needs cleaning often for best effect. PAX 3 will do concentrate but also heats faster and keeps a charge longer than PAX 2. Both pricey and a single user device. I’ve tried others before but have used these exclusively for about 5 years. ‍
Take your time, Shed. We're not going anywhere. :laughtwo:
Back at work this morning...still double masked (inside one is taped down!), but in two weeks I'll probably go down to one mask/no tape. My building has only recirculated unfiltered A/C so it's a petri dish. :eek:

Quotes first, update in a bit...
Glad you got the second shot and hope you and Mrs. Shed feel okay tomorrow. :love:
Thank you Boo! Glad I did it and glad it's over. 24 hours of feeling bad is a small price to pay, and I didn't take any pain relievers because I've read that tamping down your body's response can lower the effectiveness. Knowing it was a time-limited issue made it much more tolerable.
Dude you know they snuck a microchip in there somewhere. I am joking. Took my 80 year old momma too get hers after 8 months on a waitlist. Ironically saw something on the local news about a vaccine rodeo in town so the whole vaccinate the elderly first was a fail. Never heard crap was just show up tomorrow on the news, Taking her back for the second shot next week.
My dog is microchipped, so if I am, she can find me if I get lost!

Glad your mom finally her first one done. Send her my regards. :ciao:
Good morning, Shed.

Hope you and the Mrs. have no ill effects from the second shot. I had a headache and some nauseousness the day of but other than a sore arm, I'm good.
Thanks HG! My wife had the easier ride, but she figures that folks who had Covid (we think I did in March of last year) had a worse response. Either way, she didn't need to do much to take care of me. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Yay newley stuck folks!
Know you're in for better days very soon in spite of some symptoms of unease as your bodies create a team of elite fighting forces to do your personal selves good! You'll always be stronger than the day before you got it!
Thank you Otter! We're in good company. :high-five:
Hey Shed, just wanted to pop in and say - I hope you’re feeling all right! :love: I got my second poke earlier this week and it kicked my ass the next day and minor lingering affects for a couple after that.
After feeling so miserable, it made me feel for the people who came down with a bad case of real thing and had to suffer for weeks. One day was more than enough for me! Anyhow, ramble over and I hope you and Mrs. Shed are doing ok! :love:
Back to biz, I’m glad to hear the spotty bebe is growing out of it! How weird for you and Boo to both see it! :hmmmm:
All better now, thanks double H! Though my lower back hurts from lying propped up in bed all day Saturday with my legs straight!
Morning Shed. Thinking of you and your wife today. I'm glad you have the chicken soup on the stove. Be well soonest.
Chicken soup for the win! Thank you Carmen.
So just how bad is it? Kinda missing ya round here.
Aww thanks Nev! Sorry to be absent, but now I get to spend the next two days catching up. :)
:ciao::hmmmm: kinda quiet around here after that second shot Shed, Hope all is well in the land of fruit and nuts:thumb:
Thanks dynamo! Quiet indeed, but all is well again in the land of vaccines and sore arms. :thumb:
Glad to hear your feeling better today! Take it easy and don’t overdue it!!
I did manage to take it easy Sunday and still get stuff done...not sure how though. Thanks Tommy!
PAX 3 will do concentrate but also heats faster and keeps a charge longer than PAX 2. Both pricey and a single user device.
Thanks for the info tb and welcome back! Two posts, three years apart. ;)

How much concentrate can you load in a PAX3 and why do you call it a single user device? Is it a one-hitter per load?
Ahhhhh.........The suspense is killing me!
Take your time, Shed. We're not going anywhere. :laughtwo:
Okay, let's get to a Monday update. Starting off the Spring Grow on day 80 (Tin Can Kush on the left, Red Dragon on the right);

I would have thinned these this weekend if I had the energy, but I'll do it next weekend and then flip on the 15th, figuring to be harvesting in mid-July as the summer grow begins to show pistils. The TCK is getting a bit bigger than I wanted but I'll thin the center a bit more than usual, which will allow me to supercrop inward during stretch.

Now on to the Summer grow closeups!

Sour G (reg) day 14:

Jack Herer (fem) from @Weed Seeds Express, day 14:

And Chiquita Banana (fem) from @Weed Seeds Express, day 13:

This one has some insect damage, but I sprayed them all with neem on Friday and have been inspecting and squishing what I find every morning. I don't want to dose them too often at this age.

The Sour G is getting water only on the GeoFlora top-dress, but I think it's a boy. Something about the bumps at the top nodes make me think that, but it's very early days and I could be wrong.

It would be a shame if it is as it's my last seed of that and my wife is rather fond.

The CB and JH are getting the equivalent of 1.25g/gallon of MC (plus added silica).

I hope your weekends went well (as I catch up I will find out for sure) and that you all are happy, healthy, and wise.

I'm a pax 3 user also. It's oil box is an add on and works well as a shared hitter for us. Personally, the clean up is too much to really love and use. Every couple of bowls needs a clean. I don't know 4 or maybe more casual hits/fill? Now for a flower vaper it's #1 in my book. I've vaped pounds through mine over the years I'm thinking.
Glad you are feeling better, Shed. Plants look great!
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