Just another new guy


Well-Known Member
I am a MM patient, and decided to grow some seeds I found in a bud that came from the dispensary. Found four. Dropped them into a shot glass with distilled water in it. They all floated for about 8 hours, but eventually they all sank, which usually indicates a viable seed.
Next I soaked a paper towel in the distilled water from the shot glass and folded it neatly and put into a sandwich bag, placed the seeds on top of the towel and folded the bag around the whole package. A few days in a warm place rewarded me with 3 seeds that sprouted nicely. In they went, into red solo cups filled with potting soil. Three weeks later, I ended up with the seedlings in the photo.

Using a MH 400W. Every several days I swap to a HPS 400W bulb for the day, and then return to the MH the next day. I have the lamp positioned about 16 inches from the plants.

One of these plants had a few of the early leafs growing wonky, curving to one side and the opposite leaf on that node had a leaf growing into the large leaf. Which was strange.

I am entering the 4th week and have just today transplanted all three to larger pots.

Anyway, I just wanted to say, HEY... Maybe I will need some questions answered as I go. This is my first time. But I am doing a lot of research. And I have no budget... SO I have to make do with basics. Will post updates as they come...

Thanks for reading.....


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I like what your growing there. Welcome to the forum! Honestly not sure the swapping of lights on a semi daily basis is necessary mh for veg and hps for flower is the standard as I understand to best benefit the plants. I encourage you to start a journal and see it thru Id follow to the end.
Happy 420!!
Welcome to 420 Magazine WitchCharmer.
As previously mentioned, the Metal Halide bulb is designed with the vegging spectrum in mind. This is ideal for growing plants. The High Pressure Sodium is designed with the flowering spectrum in mind. This is what you would switch to once you are satisfied with the size of your plants and are prepared to switch to 12/12 for flower.
Keep in mind that your plants have the potential to double in height once you switch to 12/12 so don't veg for months lol or you will run out of ceiling height.

Happy Growing! :ganjamon:
Welcome to 420 Magazine WitchCharmer.
As previously mentioned, the Metal Halide bulb is designed with the vegging spectrum in mind. This is ideal for growing plants. The High Pressure Sodium is designed with the flowering spectrum in mind. This is what you would switch to once you are satisfied with the size of your plants and are prepared to switch to 12/12 for flower.
Keep in mind that your plants have the potential to double in height once you switch to 12/12 so don't veg for months lol or you will run out of ceiling height.

Happy Growing! :ganjamon:
I know about the difference in lights. It is more an experiment for me, as I am sure HPS won't hurt them.
I am in the fourth week. A lot remains to be done before I am ready to go to 12/12.
All three are recovering nicely from the transplant today. Even growing a little. I was extremely careful when taking them out of the solo cups. Using a razor blade, I cut the bottom off, then slit the cup from top to bottom. When I placed into the new pot all I had to do is pull the cup free. I did NOT soak the soil afterwards. I gave them each about 2 cups of water.
I monitor them all the time. I have seen no sign that any leaves are suffering, aside from the genetic issues with the first couple sets of leaves on the one plant. So far so good.
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