Mars Hydro Grow Journal TSL 2000 In 2x4 Tents: Autos, Photos, Reveg & Fem Cross

The wedding cake and moonshine breath.

Still finding and pulling lots of boy parts off of one of the wedding cake, but the other that hermied has not had that many more. If I can keep up with them I may still get some good flower out of them.



I can't get over how strong this True Purple Haze is. Sitting here starting to dry trim her up and just a few hits into this bowl of larf and I am already getting pretty lifted. She doesn't look the greatest, but tastes good. Very old school, and not too terribly harsh for no cure yet.

I can't get over how strong this True Purple Haze is. Sitting here starting to dry trim her up and just a few hits into this bowl of larf and I am already getting pretty lifted. She doesn't look the greatest, but tastes good. Very old school, and not too terribly harsh for no cure yet.

Congrats on the harvest.

Many of the leaves on her have been crisping up over the last week or so and when I took a look today the tops of a couple of the colas where starting to crisp up. She is close to 30% or more amber so going to take her tonight. She is a pure CBD so let her get a lot more amber then I usually do. When I pulled her out and was taking a good look it appears that the stem is siting pretty loose in the soil. Almost like it was starting to break off. I think she may have snapped a few roots and is likely why she is looking like she is starting to dry up even though the soil is still quite wet. Going to go finish chopping her up.

485g wet on the stem for her. So looks like she will end up around 3oz total. Not a huge amount, but she never did get all that big and was a slow grower right from the start. One thing I did notice, not a single spot of powdery mildew on her anywhere. I have two more beans of this so may try to get some going again later for some cross possibilities.
Skunk SOG

They are getting a bit bigger than I expected and really starting to crowd the tent. I am going to have to do some serious defoliation. Thinking about removing all growth tips not near top. Then some of the larger fan leaves at the top and bottom. They are already starting to drop lots of fan leaves on the bottom. Many have not even yellowed either.


Thanks Cr8. Yeah, they are doing pretty good. They went into flower on 4-3 so looking at about 4 more weeks for some and probably 6 more for the rest.

I also took some of the pollen from the two flipped Skunks and hit 4 of the really good with it. Should have plenty of seeds coming soon too I hope.
Next big Skunk coming down today. She is in the back right of the first pic. Then moonshine breath, wedding cake and northern lights will take a couple more weeks.

The Hammer is coming down tonight or maybe tomorrow as well at 49 days. She is getting close to 50% amber already. She actually could have been taken a week or so ago, but wanted to see if she would bulk up a bit more but she did not. I do have some clones of both of these that are doing well so going to start some godfather OG to cross her too.

Skunk SOG looks great, but getting very tight in there. Going to clean of the bottom 2/3 of pretty much all the growth on all of them. But may leave a few to compare. Also all 4 in the front look to be developing seeds. Woot.




Cleaned up the skunk tent and trimmed them back quite a bit. All except for the one I didn't take anything from yet.

You can see such a difference in the two phenos. 9 week in front and 11 week in the back. A cross between these two should be interesting and there are some good looking beans starting from one of them.



Everything in the 4x8 are now down and mostly dried. Unfortunately I didn't do a perfect job of getting all the male flowers off so end up with quite a few beans in the wedding cake and moonshine breath. Oh well, they both still smoke great and I will have some extra seeds for a future project. And with how tasty and strong the wedding cake is something good may come of it.
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