Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Working on the framework - the elements that can be repeated in every episode. I need your help though. What is best? Flames or smoke? Smoke some posts up - flames below this text


well - both work well. very effective :thumb:

But really, my .2c is that creativity comes down to the choices you make... that's where creativity surpasses whatever technical skill is required to 'make' something. My favourite quote about art (don't remember source) is something along the lines of 'true artistry lies in knowing when it's finished'... So DeVille - your stuff all looks good. It's your choice what tones it takes ;) And besides, if you show us previews every step, there'll be no reveal, 'cause we'll have kinda seen it already... Trust your own artistic instincts to choose

I get what you say. I will for example put in hundreds of working hours on these videos and make them a good quality. It would hurt to lose to someone just filming their plants with their iPhone for 5 minutes without putting any work into it - Just because that person has more friends than the other person who made the best video. Best photo/video should be judged by someone who's qualified to judge these things. BUT! There is always the hope that the best video will get the most likes and win. You never know - Stranger things have happened :)

Definitely agree with you there... I mean sometimes I wonder how certain people win events and then I look and realize it's because they are popular on 420mag lol. Not saying that's the case all the time.
Definitely agree with you there... I mean sometimes I wonder how certain people when events and then I look and realize it's because they are popular on 420mag lol. Not saying that's the case all the time.

Oh yeah man I've seen the worst plants beat the best I've seen notm like the shitest nug win LOL I've seen it hahahaha.
All because they let us minions vote !

I want real judges! Bloody cheech and Chong would do.
I could use those lamps, so I am going to make the best video's I can. And then I will just hope people will think all my effort and the finished product will be worth their votes :) It's good for me to get the studio gear up and running again. I used to make a living out of that shit and it's been packed away in boxes for more than a year
Don't worry :) have not revealed anything yet but a half done introduction. Now the real work begins. I need to start filming plants and lamps and plants under lamps. I need to document the progress, and since we're doing many episodes, I though about going into many fields :)

That is if I survive this sickness of mine. I feel really shittty and I could have to give up at any time. But I will do my best. It's been a while since I got to use my creativity
well - both work well. very effective :thumb:

But really, my .2c is that creativity comes down to the choices you make... that's where creativity surpasses whatever technical skill is required to 'make' something. My favourite quote about art (don't remember source) is something along the lines of 'true artistry lies in knowing when it's finished'... So DeVille - your stuff all looks good. It's your choice what tones it takes ;) And besides, if you show us previews every step, there'll be no reveal, 'cause we'll have kinda seen it already... Trust your own artistic instincts to choose

Amen , it hurts sometimes even if your not in it!

Hell yeah because you can pretty much forget ever winning anything on these forums unless you have tons of followers who are active on your threads and consider you a friend... Not all of us are that social in our threads some just want to document our grows for the future more or less and to help people who are learning... That is the point of the internet lol it's how we have grown so rapidly as a society recently even an inexperienced grower can harvest great bud with techniques that would have taken them a while to learn on their own... me included lol my first harvest was a great success in my opinion... (not so much my first grow though lol all four were males) Ive actually had someone tell me how bad of a grower I am because my journal wasn't as active as theirs some time back on GC lol.... All the while in their damn sig they had something along the lines of please come check out my journal and comment! Just begging for attention no shit he had more people on his thread lol... But when it came down to it his plants were not even that healthy he had lots of root zone issues and he didn't quiet know when to water exactly imo... That's why he started being a dick was because I came on his thread suggesting ideas of how to make it better (genuinely good intentions that's why I got kind of worked up when he told me I didn't know shit)... ah in the end though like a month later he did PM me some asking questions about his current plants at the time and whatnot... Guess he realized he was being silly for no damn reason...
...Rather than cast negativity on forum run can always choose not to enter...or make more experience for the most part, is winning entries are worthy, regardless of the popular vote...just sayin'...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:
Hell yeah because you can pretty much forget ever getting anything or winning anything on these forums unless you have tons of followers who are active on your threads and consider you a friend... Not all of us are that social in our threads some just want to document our grows for the future more or less and to help people who are learning... That is the point of the internet lol it's how we have grown so rapidly as a society recently even an inexperienced grower can harvest great bud with techniques that would have taken them a while to learn on their own... me included lol my first harvest was a great success in my opinion... (not so much my first grow though lol all four were males) Ive actually had someone tell me how bad of a grower I am because my journal wasn't as active as theirs some time back on GC lol.... All the while in their damn sig they had something along the lines of please come check out my journal and comment! Just begging for attention no shit he had more people on his thread lol... But when it came down to it his plants were not even that healthy he had lots of root zone issues and he didn't quiet know when to water exactly imo... That's why he started being a dick was because I came on his thread suggesting ideas of how to make it better (genuinely good intentions that's why I got kind of worked up when he told me I didn't know shit)... ah in the end though like a month later he did PM me some asking questions about his current plants at the time and whatnot... Guess he realized he was being silly for no damn reason...

I know what you mean there ,someone who doesnt like a member could also vote against them out of spite .
I love the fact the photo contest here is judged by staff and I've seen always best photographs are winning because staff are choosing not friends etc.

To Hook ,sorry my friend I in no way take anything away from the great comps here on 420 as I said look at the stellar judging in the photo contest .
Look at all the prizes ,the excitement ,the comps are great
Mars hydro always have fantastic prizes and also the best employees and customer service.

It's the two last points that makes me come back every time i need a new lamp.

I love these competitions and i have won more than one of them without having tons of friends or followers. So sometimes that happens for real.

Never won an official 420 contest though. But that's because I never participated in them.

Actually Mars contests are the first I ever won. Except perhaps some money on a horse a friend tols me to bet on
I decided to buy a complete Mars Hydro GrowBox with the sunglasses and the Reflector light. I want to buy directly from Mars-Hydro website, i live in a Europe-Union country so it would be without tax and other fees, or not? Do you know Sara something about EU orderings?
I think i will buy both the Mars Reflector 48 and the Mars 400 so i can test them. Thanks

I think Rflector 48+MarsII400 is too powerful for your small grow size 60x60cm?
Will you expand your grow size?
That's the reason I almost backed out when I got so sick. I mean - I have hundreds of working hours ahead of me to plan, film and edit. Graphic effects, compsing music and so on. This is professional work and extremely exhausting when you're sick. But I love contests, especially when they have categories I have a chance at winning in or at least be among the best. So I will really do my best to finish all the videos. But I would appreciate to know when you expect to get each episode

Take good care of yourself, Devile

As contest rules, 2--3 videos per month and 3--5 minutes per video. I think you will take too much time one each video, you always pay much attention to each detail to share your experience.:thanks:
Sara & all . . .

Just a head's up. I have started a Grow Journal using some of Bomb Seeds' finest. The kind folks at sponsor Bomb Seeds are sponsoring my Official Grow & Review.

You may also notice a Mars-Hydro Epistar 160 and a Mars-Hydro 120X60X180cm (2'X2'X6') Grow Tent in the pictures . . .

Bomb Seeds Detonation Time! - 420 Magazine Sponsor Grow & Review - Indoor UDWC LED


Thanks Ian, could you add " Mars Hydro light and tent" in your grow journal theme? so that I can find your grow journal easily.
No. As a staff member I can't participate in our contests or a sponsor's. Members deserve the chance imho. Good Luck, Deville! And make sure that you chime in on my grow thread if you see I am about to do something stupid.



It is a pity, you don't join in, but we will pay attention to your growing and learn from you
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