Matticusss - White Widow - DWC - 2015 LED Grow Log

It has another that looks to be out also. Are they perhaps IR diodes(I THINK that's what they're called) that don't appear to be lit but are actually working just fine? It looks to me like there is another one that is opposite it. The one you circled is 4 rows in from the end and 3 lights up, the one I think I see is 4 rows from the other end and the 3rd light from the other side.Does that make any sense? I should not have waked and baked... :geek:
No I understand I got it I was looking at that light as well but wasn't too sure, cant look up at that light for very long without being blinded. Im hoping that they are IR lights but I gues ill know in a day or two if more leds keep going out.

Before I turn the light on I wanted to check and see how the girls were doing and check the temp since I was having high temp issues all the way up till 2am. During that time I took pics, these were taken without the light on, sorry it was pitch black in there and i couldn't see a thing so theses are the best i could do

plant #1


Big Bang


plant #2


plant #3

sorry i know those weren't the best pics

Now as for what has been going on today, the rockwool on plant #2 looked really dry and so i thought i would dip it in the nutrient solution, which so far hasn't turned out to be a bad idea, but i didn't look at the bottom of the rockwool to see if there were roots and when i put it back in the hydroton i was moving it around and pressing it down to hold it and I think I may have squished a the little root coming out the bottom, Because now the plant doesn't looks so well, the cotyledons have fallen over and the whole thing looks like it is wilting I will take pictures in about an hour after i see if it bounces back from a good watering.
Im also still concerned about those two light bulbs that are out or if they are infrared diodes and I just cant see that they are on. I emailed the company to find out and probably wont hear back until next week. either way I will be looking at possibly returning it and going with a MarsHydro Light. The 180watt UFO LED light that is the old model of theirs that I have is working great no problems at all so i think I am going to just stick with the company whos product is working for now. Just have to look at the budget to see which one I will be able to order.

The temp in the grow tent is 82F it fluctuates between 79F and 82F. the PH in each bucket is 6.0 ppm on the 3 recently started bucekts is between 450-500. and ppm for the bigger WW is 1090. Each bucket receives more than enough air, and I just added more fresh RO water. The temps inside the buckets are under 75f.
ok so heres those pics

first up is I lowered my 180watt light to help give the plants more light then i will be bringing them up if needed. I plan to keep them lowered that low for 48 hours and see how it does if it will help them grow faster being in the higher intensity light range.


heres a shot of the humidity meter


Heres the big white widow or plant number 1


Heres the Big Bang


Heres the one im worried about squishing the root on also know as WW #2


and lastly WW#3 whose cotyledon leaf tore off and is now growing weird.

Hey there, Matticusss! I looked up our light and I think it is functioning just fine. The pictures I looked at show the same diodes that look like they are out. I found one comment that said they were 730nm which we can 'see' with our eye. Now, I can't promise you that is accurate info but just based on the configuration of the two that do not appear to be working I think you're golden!! :geek:

I hope your small one makes it! I know a damaged tap root can spell disaster, fingers crossed! I have limited experience but it seems early for any nutes?
im feeding them the same nutes as i did the first white widow and things have turned out good so far, if i see any sign of burn im immediately flushing them, but im going to assume they will do the same as the first one is doing. Im changing the lights from 20/4 to 18/6 today so il be turning the lights on in half an hour. I will update with pics then.

Well today is the day where I will see if I killed the one whose root i squished and if the one whose cotyledon leaf ripped off. fingers crossed.

And I like the Quote on your signature MagicMediwana
alright as promised,

heres the pics, they include some before i turned the light on shots and after. I am missing one before shot of the white widow what had its cotyledon tore off. Also there seemed to be a big stretch in the plants so I lowered the lights to around 21in above the plants, Ill see how they like it at that height. Any suggestions as to height for these LED lights? No Nutrient problems so far, everything is looking really green, the shot of the big white widow with the light on is to show the branching.








yeah me to Vladimir, except the 3rd WW plant that tore its cotyledon off while coming out of the seed. all the other plants have serated leafs already and this one doesn't have anything, except 1 cotyledon leaf, I cant even see the serated one starting to form yet, it has me a little worried. AS well As I may be ordering the 1600 watt light this coming Friday, depends if i can swing it financially or not.

after a few hours under the light after I moved the light down the plants are doing better, the stretch seems to have stopped, the serated leaves on the plants are filling out now instead of the plant getting taller so that's a good sign.

Thanks that puts my mind at ease about the light but I think i may return the 300 and just get the 1600 watt and keep the 180watt for my grow box. that 1600watt light would max out the light i would need for my size grow tent.

I will be on later tonight and post pics before i sign off for the night
well buddy don't be too upset but it looks like the one with torn off cotyldon is a dud. Remember my freak of nature that had no true leaf growing tip coming out between the cotyldons? Well that one never did develop after 3 weeks and I threw it out. You could wait it out another week, if something does happen I'd be surprised! I have my grow show back up, please click on the link on my sig to subb so we can track each other's hydroponic success! Good work so far.

i know the pic sucks sorry.

So if things with the other 3 keep going well im hoping to get 4oz per plant or more, I was really hoping all the White Widow seeds would make it since im planning on flowering them the full 10 weeks in order to achieve the thick coating of resin on the leaves. I want that to use the trim to make tinctures with ( currently looking for the best and easiest method of making the tinctures other than stove top ).That's why I chose that strain. And the Big Bang well my wife picked that one for me after researching its properties for pain relief so im just hoping to keep that and vape it to medicate. I still have a couple auto fem big bang seeds and maybe another fem white widow. I would have to check, but im hoping to keep all these healthy and strong so i can make clones and clones and clones so i don't have to spend more money on seeds, atleast for awhile anyway.

During my first grow I was always having to change and alter the ph in the bucket but now with this new bucket system its been steady, I havent had to change the ph sinceyesterday morning. ppms keep going down though. no signs of nute burn so im going to assume everything is fine.

Apollo Horticulture got back to me after I emailed them about the light and they told me they were the IR diodes. He said that model has 2 IR diodes that don't look like they are turned on, he had me send a picture of the light and he pinpointed which ones they were sending me back a different picture of a model one showing the IR lights. So my mind is settled in that regard. However Im still concerned about the lights. I have the 300 watt hanging diagonally and the ufo light hanging next to it, the lights are about 20 inches above the plants. Im concerned that they may not be receiving the light they need. The stretch they did has me concerned.

Also when checking on them today after turning on the light i could see the big plant has a root coming out of the bucket already and its white and crisp but the rockwool cube was dry as hell. I immediately watered it but should i be concerned about that its never done that before or is it normal? the others were kind of dry as well and I could not see any roots coming out of the netpot yet for the other 2. I watered them as well. I will keep them watered as Ive read not to let the rockwool dry out

Im really trying not to sink another 500 in the tent until after the grow so any ideas on my lighting situation and what im trying to achieve?
Vlad Im still trying to talk the wife into letting me spend my money on the light to upgrade it but she wants me to use what i already have and see what i get and then if im not happy to buy the bigger light, but I personally am just trying to see how well these plants veg under the current lights and im not happy with how they are growing, well like the old saying goes, " what the wife don't know wont hurt her ". Ill just order it and not tell her, its my money anyway LOL. But i may give it another week or 2 to see how they are doing.
could you have a look around for a 2nd hand HID ballast? then you could just slap on a new HPS bulb and have a ton of light, say 400 watts and maybe atleast 40,000 lumens. You still have a few weeks before your canopies get huge. I love LEDs, but if you're on a budget and can't DIY, the next best thing is an HID. And if you want dense buds, you will need all the light you can afford and safely handle in your tent, heat wise.
im trying to keep it pure led lights I don't want all that extra stuff in my tent like a ballast or anything like that. it just adds to the cost of things and for the price of a ballast and hood and another timer and light bulbs I may as well just get an LED, especially since I would have to replace the HID lighting atleast a couple times before the LEDS would go out.

Just checked on them and checked the lights and readjusted them to 18 inches above the top of the buckets. Im still concerned not all the plants are getting the light from the 2 lights but so far im just moving things around trying to find what works best
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