Matticusss - White Widow - DWC - 2015 LED Grow Log

ok so turned on the lights and checked the ph had to lower 2 plants ph and raise 1 of their ph. will be changing out the water on one bucket later today . but heres the pics






thank you heres a pic of the girls before i go to bed ill update again with prelight and lighted pics so well see how they do overnight, the main WW already has some big roots coming out of the netpot, ill also take pics of the roots of the main WW.




I changed the water in WW#1 and changed the air hose from a clear hose to a black hose. I will be changing the res water out on the big bang tomorrow, and WW#2 the next day after that.

Current ppm in the fresh bucket is 1440. I had a base ppm of 25 with RO water, then added 6.25ml of CALMAG+, I forgot to check ppm after that to see where it sat, my guess is around 120-150ppm. then I added 25ml of Micro and 25ml of Gro and 7.5ml of bloom. according to the feeding sheet for week 3 of general hydroponics feeding schedule. the end ppm was 1440 after everything was added to bucket. no signs of burning yet and its been over 8 hours since the change. I also raised the light up 2 inches away from WW#1 now it is currently 17 inches away from the top of the plant.

Im a little concerned about WW#1. its got its next set of leaves, 5 fingers already out, but the plant has not gotten any taller. Is this normal? usually i see a pretty even growth but it just seems like everything is growing right on top of each other.
ok guys heres another update,

WW#1 has roots but has me concerned with it not getting taller just bushier. it hasn't gotten much taller in over a week. im hoping its just the strain or from it having its cotyledon ripped off coming out of the seed. either way heres some pics of her.





and heres the WW#2


and here is the Big Bang


I moved the light up from WW#1 in hopes that it will cause it to stretch. I also changed out the bucket water on the big bang, added nutes, I added 18.75ml of micro, 25ml of gro, and 6.25ml of bloom. what week 2 says for general hydroponics feeding schedule per gallon of water it said to add 7.5ml of micro per gallon, 10ml of fro per gallon, and 2.5ml of bloom per gallon. each bucket holds 2.5 gallons.

The only concern I had was the was that the water temp was cold before i put the lid back on top. the water temp was 66F. But i know with the pump always on itll heat the water up pretty quick plus the lights are on which will also help heat it up. the other 2 buckets are in the 73F-75F range. and the temp inside the grow tent is 81F. Lately its become harder and harder to keep the tent cool since were having 115F+ days here in las vegas right now.

Im keeping the tent temp range between 79F-85F. I try to keep it within 3 degrees for the most part, but during the heat of the day it just jumps up there due to the heat outside. I have all the vents open and even the door is flapped over a little to vent out heat and also to let the cold air from my central AC in the tent since the vent for my ac blows directly into the tent helping cool it down. The Humidity is between 30%-40%. ph stays between 6.0 and 6.2 and all ppms are within range. actual ppms are higher due to the added 6.25ml of CALMAG in every bucket.

Any advice how to stretch out the WW#1? At the rate its growing im going to be vegging for 3 months before its tall enough for me to flower it.
ok guys heres another update,

I moved the light up from WW#1 in hopes that it will cause it to stretch. I also changed out the bucket water on the big bang, added nutes, I added 18.75ml of micro, 25ml of gro, and 6.25ml of bloom. what week 2 says for general hydroponics feeding schedule per gallon of water it said to add 7.5ml of micro per gallon, 10ml of fro per gallon, and 2.5ml of bloom per gallon. each bucket holds 2.5 gallons.

The only concern I had was the was that the water temp was cold before i put the lid back on top. the water temp was 66F. But i know with the pump always on itll heat the water up pretty quick plus the lights are on which will also help heat it up.

Any advice how to stretch out the WW#1? At the rate its growing im going to be vegging for 3 months before its tall enough for me to flower it.

LOL the old submersible pump temperature fluctuation problem. I battled with it and for the most part keep my water at 63F with the pump still in use. I put it in a timer 15 minutes on 15 off 24hr cycle. The WW1 looks fine buddy, I see roots, I see your mix ratio sounds about right for your 3 part hydro food, and well you have a good light. Just need some more patience, the growth rate is exponential... mine is exploding now in comparison to just a few days before... in fact, my 7 watt LED is no good anymore and I will have to slap on a 30 watt LED diode immediately.
Your tent temp ideally should drop 10F if you want to noticeably help your reservoir temp back into the 60`s. My res temp is stable because ambient temps are 69F and drop to 60F in the night.
yeah im trying to keep everything extremely precise, I have 3 separate log sheets hanging on the wall next to the tent. 1 for each plant that i write the ppm and ph readings in every 2 hours along with water temp, room temp, and humidity. I have the feeding schedule and recommended ppm for each week written on the logs so that I can keep everything within range. I also keep a 36oz water bottle with with RO water and 1.25ml of CALMAG.

Im currently bending the branches down to open the branches up to the light every couple hours. Im not pressing very hard at all, and I hold it for a few seconds just to give it a little bend. Im hoping starting slowly and gently doing some LST now will help out as she grows.

I am still monkeying around with the lights trying to find the sweet spot for all 3 plants. This is proving a little difficult due to one light being round and the other one being a rectangle, which makes the coverage a little tricky. So the WW#2 and Big Bang are under the 300 watt panel and the WW#1 is under the UFO 180 watt. I have finally decided that Friday instead of ordering the 1600 watt from mars hydro I will go a little cheaper this time and just order another 300 watt or 400 watt led light from amazon. they are less than $150 US and I would receive them in about 3-5 days. Instead of coming from china and taking almost 2 weeks. Once I get the light it will just be the 2 300watt panels in the tent and I will switch the UFO light to the grow box for clones.

After harvest if everything turns out ok, I will get another tent instead of using the grow box to veg in. Essentially making my grow box a cloner box. and then move the clones to the veg tent and so on to the flower tent. Or use the grow box for strain breeding. I don't know I just had a rep from my collective come over to assess my grow setup and give me some ideas and pointers on how to make the best out of my space and setup and to teach me how to do some things like topping and fimming and cloning.

Sorry I just rambled on about the plans for the grow room, but since im in there all the time I am constantly reminded of how i can make it better.

well that's it for now ill post later on with more pics.
Nice, I like the strict control regimen your grow environment has, it's the easiest way to ensure success and one of the things my grow could use.
well today has been a fucked up day for the record books. I turned on my lights and checked on my babies and they looked great, I went to go get some more water in the water bottle and by the time I came back my fucking cat was in the grow tent and had pulled out the big bang out of the rockwool. I looked around thinking she may have ate the plant but it was torn and on the floor of the tent. I immediately grabbed it and pulled the rockwool apart and placed the root inside and sealed it back together and held the rockwool together with tooth floss. its been a couple hours now and it just keeps wilting worse and twisting, I think its going to die so Im just going to toss it and start an auto flower feminized big bang. Im running low on seeds now I only have a white widow fem and 1 big bang auto fem. Everything was going great until the damn cat got in the way. So I am unfortunately down a plant at the moment but hopefully with replacing it with its auto fem cousin I can make up the lost time. and still harvest around the same time since autos tend to grow faster from what ive been told. so we shall see.

I started germinating the seed via paper towel method at 1:40pm and placed it on top of my cable box like ive done al the others, it should pop in a day or so.

Ill post with pics later today
This has become quite an expensive learning process and its still tallying up. The cat is still freightened from being yelled at and hiding under the bed, but honestly Im not that mad at the cat, I don't want people thinking im an animal hater. I just feel like i had over $1000 robbed from me and was still steaming when typing the last post hence the negative remarks. But I pulled the bucket out and cleaned it and am getting it ready for the auto fem big bang.
yea you better go apologize to your cat :rofl: seriously tho if you got any other plants not flowering but in veg im talking photoperiod plants not autos
you could take some cuttings make some clones veg
em out for a bit and youll get a bit more out of it other than that you gotta get more seeds
Sorry to hear about the cat bro, mine loves being in the grow room but never does anything to the plants. A friend had a cat that would chew on the buds if you gave it the chance! it was a monster!
Yes that would be my cat right there. Shes an Egyptian Mau and gets into everything.

Yeah Im going to take clones from the white widows before i switch them to flower, but i figured since autoflowers grow no matter what light schedule you have them on I can grow the auto to have some quick meds since im running out. Its a 60 day autoflower and I have another 3 month supply of meds so ill be cutting it close with the cure and everything assuming everything goes well with the auto grow. Im just going to throw it in with the 2 white widows and harvest it before they are done and it will just be on whatever light schedule they are.
Sorry to hear about your :puts on sunglasses: cat-tastrophy. But I like your recovery plan to go with some Auto Flowers, you'll have buds in no time!!! Try to clone them, that would be badass. I don't have any access to crazy auto flowering specimens here SMH
I don't think you can clone auto flowers since they have a pre determined life span.

Well I just ordered a pair of indoor garden glasses for LED lights, as well as a few more ratcheting hanging clips and another 300 watt light from Apollo Horticulture. Decided to go with that due to limited funds at the moment.

I will post tomorrow with updates and pics.
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