Mr. 9-Milly Attempts Autos Again

Exhausting to the attic is fine as long as you're not pumping a lot of moist air up there. If you're using a carbon filter doesn't that keep the bugs out?
Uhhh, is 40-50% RH a lot of moist air? :straightface:
Right now my carbon filter is in the attic, on the outtake side of the fan, so it does keep critters out all together. I’ll be changing things around soon and the filter will be inside the tent. I’m thinking I’ll try what P said and just put pantyhose on the end just to be sure. I’m trying to foresee any issues, and may have stumbled into another one?
I don't consider 40-50% to be moist air. At least not where I live!

Panty hose should give you better airflow than a tube sock, but P was using them for water, not air :).
Whew! Cool, thanks for the help gents! :thumb:
Well, the Dreamberry auto and Amnesia auto are in a race to germinate right now. Jockeying for that coveted 6th slot in the shed. LoL

Checked on them about an hour ago... Amnesia was split, but no tap yet. Dreamberry was still dead to the world.

Oh well.... "split happens" :thedoubletake: Looks like the Ammy will be going into some coco tomorrow morning.


We have lift-off!

3 of the girls made it above the soil today.

Amnesia Auto seed had split open a little more last night too. The tap root is just barely poking out, so it should be in a cup of coco by the end of today.
Start the clock! Congrats on the new babies :).
4th sprout just popped up too; the second BBKa seed.

4 for 7 so far.... fingers crossed I get 6 for 7. LoL, I won't be able to make up my mind on what to drop if i need to pick 2 more.
Get a nap in P, you've already been up for 10 hours! When you wake up you'll have more sprouts ;).
Then I wonder why I'm exhausted all the time...

I just can't shut off my internal alarm clock.. that fucker has been set to around 3-4 am for months.

Think it's time for a nice chunk of hash and a power nap before kids get home

So, I would comfortably say; I've got 4 healthy auto seedlings... for now.

I'm not happy with one of the SLHa seedlings. It retained the inner shell membrane and is impossible to free her up without tearing her up.

If she doesn't shed it on her own, I'll probably cull her & drop another. For now, I will continue carefully dripping water over that baby to help lube things up.
Same goes for this Amnesia auto seed. If it comes up slow, I'll probably replace it as well.

The rest of them are loving life!

I'm sitting in, I've got lots to learn. New to Auto's & Growing...on Day 55, thanks for sharing bro...:ganjamon:

Glad you joined us! Feel free to share pics and ask questions. There are quite a few auto growers who mingle here.


Glad you joined us! Feel free to share pics and ask questions. There are quite a few auto growers who mingle here.


Damn, missed the start and not subbed until page 4. I'm more of an auto guy so I'll be in for the ride. I'm currently on day 37. Just did some defoliation this AM. They look a little rough at the moment but I'm sure they'll bounce back fast.


@Preston9mm What are you gonna feed these girls? My current is on the Dyna Gro meal plan. Just ordered some Mega Crop and am excited to try it on the next run. I thought the Dyna was easy, but the Mega Crop looks like a no brainer.
@Preston9mm What are you gonna feed these girls? My current is on the Dyna Gro meal plan. Just ordered some Mega Crop and am excited to try it on the next run. I thought the Dyna was easy, but the Mega Crop looks like a no brainer.
I'll start them on Dyna Gro Protekt and Dyna Gro Foliage Pro until they start showing sex.
Prepping for flower,
I'll cut the Foliage Pro in half and add in Dyna Gro Bloom. Weeks 2 of flower through harvest, they will also get Advanced Nutrients Big Bud.

I'll give cal/mag doses throughout (as needed) I use the Advanced Nutrients Sensi cal-mag.

I will probably use Terpinator through flower too. I'll decide on that as I see their response to nutes through the grow.

The plants always let me know. I'll adjust, and we find balance. Generally, things do not normally go as planned.
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