My Happy Place

Hi cannabislover, it looks to me like you have some nute burn on the leaf tips in addition to some deficiency. You mentioned feeding N well into flower above. How often do you feed? Every watering or every other watering? Do you allow plenty off runoff when you water?

My guess would be that you have a build-up of salts causing nute blockout. This looks very much like a prob I have had in the past. You are doing the right thing by flushing at this point. You still have lots of leaf left to finish flowering if the flushing slows the damage.
Is it possible there's an excess of something, looking at the same jorge Cervantes chart, I'm looking at molybdenum or manganese deficiency or maybe a copper overdose... I don't want to venture a guess, but that's my 2cents. If you've flushed already then good, not sure about lockout since you say it's localized. Hope you get it straightened out cannabislover.

KiG :green_heart:cheers
GhettoGrow seems to have the best logic.

It looks like an overdose on the tips as well as the start of a deficiency. Nute salts build-up on the roots can start off as an overdose, but then they block the absorption of more nutrients, causing the leaves to yellow from the sides to the middle.

For this purpose, you should try using enzymes that can clear that salt-build up. I use Cannazyme constantly on my hydro grow to prevent that build-up. The one time I had a bit of slime caused by some bad-interaction between nutes (sugarish slime, not pythium), the roots got blocked, and that kind of leaf yellowing started to occur.

You might have mixed nutrients that don't go well together, and create solid salts. (adding veg+flowering nutrients together).

Flush once, and add root clearing enzymes on the next watering (go hard on that dosage 70-80% recommended dosage, as it has no N-P-K and it won't be a nutrient risk)

Good luck! :Namaste:
Until they fall limp or shrivel up, I usually leave them on. Unless they're in the center of my picture then I remove it for ascetic purposes. If you don't like seeing them, pick em' off, but the no harm in leaving them. Glad the yellowing hasn't progressed.

KiG :green_heart:cheers
Thank you all for the help. The yellowing hasn't spread anymore, and looks like the plant is getting some color back. Should I remove the yellow leaves? Thanks again guys, idk what I'd do without your help!

Good to hear that man! Now off to the harvest and beyond! :thumb: :love: :Namaste:

The yellowing came back, and spread very fast, so I harvested the big plant and left the smaller one under the lights. The small plant hasn't yellowed at all so I want those buds to grow more... The picture is the crop from the big plant, saddly they aren't as big as they could have been, but it's better then nothing. Any ideas on how to cure these buds the best way?
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

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If so, please feel free to start a new journal here: Journals in Progress

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Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Brand new, never grew indoors before, just starting. For the past three years I've grown 3-4 plants outdoors doing pretty much nothing except watch them grow and then harvest them. Been told they taste horrible but since I don't smoke (can't inhale) and use everything to make butter for edibles, that doesn't matter to me. However, I've decided to grow indoors so I don't have to rely on one summer crop which doesn't really make it through the year. Also, my husband does enjoy a good smooth smoke. So my brother is a big fan of Doc Bud and sent me to this site. He LOVES growing Brix-style. I need a starter High Brix Blend kit. I am excited but really kicking myself for thinking Biology and Chemistry were boring in school. Did not pay any attention at all and what little I did learn I have totally forgotten. But I love to garden and grow plants. I will follow your blog happily for tips and help since I'm wearing my brother's phone line down a little. He gave me 6 clones, two to grow indoors and 4 to grow outdoors. They're babies right now but growing fast. I'll be putting them in 7 gal containers in another 2 weeks.
Brand new, never grew indoors before, just starting. For the past three years I've grown 3-4 plants outdoors doing pretty much nothing except watch them grow and then harvest them. Been told they taste horrible but since I don't smoke (can't inhale) and use everything to make butter for edibles, that doesn't matter to me. However, I've decided to grow indoors so I don't have to rely on one summer crop which doesn't really make it through the year. Also, my husband does enjoy a good smooth smoke. So my brother is a big fan of Doc Bud and sent me to this site. He LOVES growing Brix-style. I need a starter High Brix Blend kit. I am excited but really kicking myself for thinking Biology and Chemistry were boring in school. Did not pay any attention at all and what little I did learn I have totally forgotten. But I love to garden and grow plants. I will follow your blog happily for tips and help since I'm wearing my brother's phone line down a little. He gave me 6 clones, two to grow indoors and 4 to grow outdoors. They're babies right now but growing fast. I'll be putting them in 7 gal containers in another 2 weeks.

Welcome to :420: magazine

Since you have chosen to grow using Doc Bud's kit, you won't need the chemistry, that has been done for you :)
You will probably enjoy the biology, it's all plant talk :)

The first things to start off will be purchase a 3.8 cu bale of ProMix HP, 30lb or more of Earth Worm castings (Wiggle Worm Brand is very good,) 7 gallon pots, and Doc Bud's 'The Kit.' If you can hold off moving into the 7 gallon containers until your 'kit' soil is 'cooked' it will be easier, but you probably will have to grow these first few clones in another soil, which will be a little more of a challenge but should work out fine.

Here is a link to the instructions for using Doc's kit. It may not be the easiest to read, but with a little help it works out to be a complete system for growing some high yield, excellent taste and quality cannabis.

In The Lab With Doc Bud

Once again, welcome :welcome:
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