NDW's New and Improved Hydro Grow

it is a sign that the plants are gonna be fat as hell i'm sure
lol I hope so brett. Definitely going to be some big plants. It's still amazing to me each morning when I go out there and see how much they've changed.
how much is left from your first grows? i just went back to check out that stuff and i love the buds, shit tones of red hairs man. . . is it aging well?
Yeah I smoked all of that grow and went up to Mendo and picked up a pound. It's being very nice to me. The stuff I bought is the same strains as the ones I got seeds for.
Ok here all you grow journal nuts go. The 2 super silver I can see just below the surface of the rockwool so I'm guessing they will pop through either today or tomorrow. The purple urkle I'm pretty sure I see the stem under the surface on one of them and no sign from the other, that seed hadn't cracked yet when I planted it so I might need to germ another of those if I don't see anything in the next couple days. The 2 caterpillar as you can see in the following shots are going nuts. Plant 3 is already 8 inches across and making large jumps in size every day. Plant 2 is doing great too if not quite as large. The leaves are kinda wierd on this strain. Huge, fat, rounded leaves that look a bit like strawberry leaves. Cool with me though as long as they are healthy.




mine is on its fourth generation and i think yer thre point leaves are bigger than mine. is the rippleing a common thing with the leaves my two one point leaves doit and gues what i picked up a heater and i can adjust the heat when i like. im warry cause its somewhat of a small space and the heater has all these warnings. yes we nuts enjoy yer thread.
lookin good NoDirt, grats on the seeds popin too... lookin forward to see how my votes turn out :)
lol thanks guys I have a good feeling about this grow.

kyle as to the rippling yeah it's pretty common, especially with the single finger leaves I've noticed. The heater does it have a degree thermostat or a high low thermostat? Those high low ones will not work in a small grow room. It'll just burn up your plants. If it's a degree thermostat then that's cool, just don't point it at your plants, or yet again you'll toast your plants.

And Brett, what votes?
I wish i could show ye its a pretty kick ass set up i think . I divided my fish tank stand in two with foil and think wallpaper and created a venting system via two holes, the exit on the top left the entrance on the middle divider at the exit i feel air pouring out . The half of the tank stand with the sproutling houses nothing but a thermometer and the big ole pot with a plate to act as the water catcher and ofcourse the light wich right now is a type of redish color light i picked up from home depot the problem is that its 20 watts which seems to be ok for now but will it still flower with such a week light? I plan to get another redish light so i got two fer flowerin. the empty half has the heater and i do not use it unless i feel its necessarry but it is always on fan mode i turn it on till it gets to be about 80 is this OK? then ill turn it off about a half hour later its only got low med and high. THinking to flower at foot tall cause that gives it another foot and a bit more to grow while flowering. i think im somewere around week 3 and it looks pretty healthy to me. and one final question for ye is what is scrog and how does it help with small grow spaces? bare with me i try to explain best i can this week ill try my damndest to use my bros 500 dollar digi cam to get some pics up.
oh i see what u mean about the heater burning it up but as i say its divided and only a small hole to get in ,this no good? cause ill do what ye say is good.
THe light is i for growing plants it said on the box it puts off a reddish light compared to the blue one i did have on it. it was cheap too. now i think ive heard blue is good fer vegging mayhaps i should switch it back or will it be ok? i also have the light like right close to the plant when it spreads beond it i will get two of them. now i's just gots to wait for the thing to build up some more levels till its bout a foot then we will see what hapens.
Ok first the blue spectrum is neccesary for healthy vegetative growth. With just a primarily red spectrum light you will get a very spindly plant that will grow too tall without getting stronger untill it just falls over and dies. So, yes, get the blue spectrum light back in there.

Next your flowering plant for flowering at 1 foot. When you switch to flowering it is likely that your plant will more than triple in size. If that is more room than you have then you need to think of doing something like scrog or atleast some serious training.

As for what ScrOG is here is an article I found that explains how to do it, and why to do it.

ScrOG Tutorial - (screen of green)


The Screen of Green or more commonly known as ScrOG method, is a technique used mainly by
growers who have limited vertical space and also by growers with low level of lighting, such as flouro's,
small wattage HPS and HID lights. The screens are usually made in a rectangular shape,
although other shapes can also be used with good success. The ScrOG method can be used with
hydroponic or organic plants, seeds and also the more commonly used for this method, clones.
The main goal of using the ScrOG method is to have more area of lighting available to the plant or plants,
usually resulting in more potent buds and higher yields. The ScrOG method is best used by novice and
experienced growers, a good knowledge of pruning and training is required.


Chicken wire: 2 inch poultry netting is the most common used.
8 pieces wood: 4 for the frame and 4 for the legs of the frame.
Nails: You can also use screws for extra structure stiffness.
U Nails: This will be required to fit the chicken wire to the framework.
Twist ties: Preferably plastic coated, paper coated ties could cause mold.
Clones: Approximately 1 per square foot, although 2-3 is fine but results in more work.


First of all we need to prepare the plants we are using for the ScrOG.
Most commonly clones are used with this method, some reasons being that their growth is more predictable
and you will have more branches when compared to seed grown plants. First you will need to grow your
clones normally, when they have reached roughly 5-6 inches in height they are topped, this will help to
produce more side growth and stop vertical growth and also increase yield and even plant growth.
Please note; Always use the same/similar strain of clones or plants for the ScrOG method. If you use
multiple varied strains, it will result in more work and the plants may not
grow and flower at the same rate.

The Screen:

When the clones have been grown to the appropriate height, we need to make the screen.
The size of the screen is only determined by how big you want it and how much room you have.
With the eight pieces of wood, simply make a frame to the size you require with 4 of them, the other
4 will be used as legs. It isn't necessary to stabilize the legs all the time, but if your going to be using
a decent amount of clones, you will need to strengthen the frame so it withstands the weight.
To strengthen the frame, either use corner blocks or brackets bought from your local hardware store.
Make the screen roughly 20-30cm higher then the pots your using to grow the clones in.
Once you've finished making the framework, you now need to apply the chicken wire.
There are a few ways to fix the wire on the frame, most commonly growers just use U-nails and fix
it to the above framework.

Training & Pruning:

Once your clones have developed adequate branches, it's time to start training them before we move them
into the ScrOG setup. It's best to train the branches in a 'T' as apposed to the normal 'V' formation,
the reason behind this is to spread the branches over a wider area and more branch control,
we do this by using the twist ties. You will need to leave the twist ties on the branches for roughly
a 2-3 week period,add another week if your clones are growing slowly or the branches are soft.

When the clones have adequate new outward and upward growth, it's time to move them into the setup
and start developing the screen of green.

When the branches have reach the length of the screen in the direction they are growing, you will need to tip
the end of the main branches, this will help upward branch growth into the screen. The next step is training
branch growth that the buds will form on which will eventually be all colas, using twist ties, tie the branches
to the screen facing upward to the light and make them as straight as possible. Without using twist ties,
the branches will grow upward on an angle and may result in less yield due to some branches not
receiving adequate lighting.

Any lower growth below the third or second nodes should be removed, due to the upper growth,
not much light will be getting to them, this bottom growth is commonly called 'suckers' because they take
nutrients away from the upper growth and can slow the upward branch growth.

After some time, the branches that the buds will form on will eventually grow to a decent height,
we now need to top these upward growing branches so we have even uniform growth.
These branches will eventually stretch when the lighting period is switched to flower (12/12),
during the flowering period, don't not perform anymore topping or tipping, but with all our previous work,
everything should grow evenly and not much more work is needed, only sparse maintenance until
the grow is completed.

Tips & Info:

When using the twist-ties or more commonly known as 'gardening wire',
do not twist them on tightly, twist them only enough to make the branch point in the direction
your wanting them to go too.

With 2 inch Chicken wire, you can fit 1-5 branches in each opening.
If your chosen strain is a good yielder, only use 1-3 per opening.

The ScrOG method can be used outdoors effectively.
It will involve more attention than an indoor ScrOG but will also produce a higher yield,
which is worth the extra attention.

Happy ScrOG'ing...

Hope that helps. :grinjoint:
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