NDW's New and Improved Hydro Grow

Ok ok so I'm a slacker.

Here's some updates

The one female Ceterpillar that I got is small but doing well. As you can see in the pic she got a little fert burn about a week ago. I believe everything is ok now though.




I also still have the 6 in veg too. Well almost 6, more like 5 and a half after the accident one of them had a couple days ago. One of my light slipped and fell onto the plants and sat there most of the day while I was out with the fam. So it's pretty toasted right now so I don't know if it will survive or not. Seems like it's still pretty strong so who knows. The light also did a little damage to the plant next to it as well, nothing life threatening but still annoying.





lookin real nice nodirt, i like it!!
Ok so I'm going to have to do some transplanting today. I'm going to take out the two largest from the veg chamber and put them in to flower in my 2 plant bubbler. Then I'll leave the other 4 in there to get a bit bigger and just keep on cycling plants in untill I have 4 females.

The plant that got toasted by the light is actually trying to make a comback. But as you can see it's nowhere near as large as the rest. If you can see it in this pic, it's kinda getting overwhelmed that's why I'm transplanting.


Then here is my lone female for the moment. She is just gonna be cola from dirt to tip. Can't wait. :grinjoint:


Can you believe that it's only been 8 days since the pics at the top of this page?!?!?!?! lol

Nice pics Nodirt.Have you notice that the plants that grow to be the tallest and most robust turn out to be male?Its a tip I got out of a grow book written by greg green that I have personally experienced.
Ok thought I would give a few more pics now that I've made the chages that I said I was going to make.

First here are the lucky winners of today draw for the flowering chamber. Gee you don't think they might be different strains do you??? lol



Here is what's left in the veg chamber. Roomier ain't it? lol


And just for good measure and so noone feels left out another shot of my girl. She forming nice dense trichs already.


Adobe Photoshop CS2 Love that program. I just copy a section while the picture is at high resolution, then resize it for the size here, then paste it into the resized pic and it pastes at the old resolution and you have a zoomed in section that you can resize and place wherever you want.
yeah, doin cool shit is pretty easy in photoshop, the hardest part i have with it is finding what tool i want to use. . . some times its a pain and takes some digging, generally when you are doing effects and shit
Ok now that I've got some plants I'm feeling a bit more confident about I have decided to be a bit of a pic whore again. We'll see how long that lasts but here we go. Som more updates on the plants.

Just the ones in flowering for now maybe I'll do the veg ones later or tomorrow.

Here are my two hopefulls. Looking healthy and happy and making some nice growth in the last couple days since I put them in to flower. No signs yet but with how fast my past males have shown I'll take that as good news.






And of course here are a couple shots of my female. She small but proud look at here standing at attention!! :cheesygrinsmiley: I know the first pic looks pretty weird but it shows the leaves standing almost straight up so I repaired it as best I could in the small amount of time I was willing to dedicate to it. And another zoom shot too.



lookin real good bro, i like the zoom pics, keep it up bro!!
lookin great bro and the close up crystals look nice too. but i got a question about your flower room, is the blanket around it a fire blanket cause im goin to have to do somthing like that once my hps get here and dont know if i should just use a blanket or get a fire blanket.

lookin great peace out:smokin3:
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