Need some help!


Well-Known Member
Hi I've just recently got my plants into flowering there in the third week now I've noticed that the leaves are starting to turn yellow and it's looking like it might be I deficiency of some sort I was thinking nitrogen at first but it's starting to look more like magnesium I'm just wondering somebody who has a little bit more experience this is my since this is my first grow


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Hi Pisidan, what are you feeding her currently and what Medium is she in? :yummy: She does not need much nitrogen now as she’s in flower and she’ll need more potassium and phosphorus to develop her flowers properly and that might be the yellowing you’re experiencing. If you do a feeding of a bloom nutrient with contains P & K and add some calmag she’ll love it.
Hi Pisidan, what are you feeding her currently and what Medium is she in? :yummy: She does not need much nitrogen now as she’s in flower and she’ll need more potassium and phosphorus to develop her flowers properly and that might be the yellowing you’re experiencing. If you do a feeding of a bloom nutrient with contains P & K and add some calmag she’ll love it.
Hi ty for the reply I'm giving them Advanced Nutrients pH perfect - 3 part mix Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect Grow, Micro, Bloom Bundle and soil medium is pro mix Garden soil they were doing fantastic all the way to this week when I noticed this n in as couple days more leaves turned the same color
Is it to lower older leaves? If so, it looks like a magnesium deficiency, by the inner veins starting and working outward.

Your cannabis plant may show signs of a magnesium deficiency if the pH at the roots is too low, especially in hydro. That is because when the pH of your root zone is not in the correct range, your cannabis cannot properly absorb magnesium through the roots.
Often with this deficiency, the magnesium is present, but the roots cannot absorb the magnesium properly due to an improper pH. Therefore it is very important to maintain the correct pH (and make sure the pH does not get too low / acidic) in order to avoid a magnesium deficiency.
5th week of flower. White widow strain
Yeah looks fading it happens
That is not fading or the plant canabalizing the plant, it is a deficiency as it is too early for your plant to rapidly fade as it is. If it was natural fading the lower fan leaves below your canopy would be the first to fade, and cause you’re getting yellowing on fan leaves higher up your plant it is a sign that your plant needs more nutrients. Refer back to my first post regarding the deficiency and how to resolve it.
U should b fine start flushing soon
Start flushing half way through flower? Where are you getting this info? :nervous-guy:
Sunday will be going into week 6 I was told to bloom this 10-12 weeks
My WW went 10 weeks. @Lowrider72 just chopped down 2 white widows and I believe it went over 10 weeks but please check in with Lowie and get some information on the strain as he’s got loads of experience with it. I’m sorry but Jack420 was not providing you with the right info you need.
10 weeks flush
10 week flush? I’m not sure if you’re joking, but new growers take your input seriously and you’re guiding them in the completely wrong direction. It’s not right. Check below how badly you could effect Pisidans future grows :straightface:
Great tyvm. I'll now know for future here.
That is not fading or the plant canabalizing the plant, it is a deficiency as it is too early for your plant to rapidly fade as it is. If it was natural fading the lower fan leaves below your canopy would be the first to fade, and cause you’re getting yellowing on fan leaves higher up your plant it is a sign that your plant needs more nutrients. Refer back to my first post regarding the deficiency and how to resolve it.

Start flushing half way through flower? Where are you getting this info? :nervous-guy:

My WW went 10 weeks. @Lowrider72 just chopped down 2 white widows and I believe it went over 10 weeks but please check in with Lowie and get some information on the strain as he’s got loads of experience with it. I’m sorry but Jack420 was not providing you with the right info you need.

10 week flush? I’m not sure if you’re joking, but new growers take your input seriously man and you’re guiding them in the completely wrong direction. It’s not right. Check below how badly you could effect Pisidans future grows. Nah man :straightface:
If I have Evra bloom nutrients help out just get some straight up calmag? I'm using. Thr pic attached is what I'm using out of a the 3 part . Should I just add some extra? Having a hard time finding calmag. No one seems to carry it around where I live. I'll keep looking though


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Hi I've just recently got my plants into flowering there in the third week now I've noticed that the leaves are starting to turn yellow and it's looking like it might be I deficiency of some sort I was thinking nitrogen at first but it's starting to look more like magnesium I'm just wondering somebody who has a little bit more experience this is my since this is my first grow
You want low nitrogen I flower and a lot of potassium.
I've only grown White Widow twice but never went close to 10 weeks in flower.
First was done at 7 weeks and 3 days with 20% amber trichomes.
Second went 8 weeks and 3 days with 30% amber.
Which doesn't mean yours won't go 10 weeks.
Buts its certainly possible to go less.

As for the leaves, if it's a nitrogen deficiency then the leaves will turn mostly yellow usually get a couple brown crispy spots and then "fall off on their own".
If it's a magnesium deficiency or pH causing the deficiency of magnesium then leaves will turn yellow mostly in between the veins but usually stay attached to the plant and don't fall off.

Which one of those sounds the closest to what you're seeing?

If it's just natural plant senescence then you probably have only 3 weeks left not 5+ and this could be fairly normal response for feeding mostly bloom nutrients.

Other things that can possibly cause symptoms that look like this are over and under watering.
PH too high or low
Dry hydrophobic areas in your soil, if like half your pot is wet and other half is dry because water is channeling away from an area.
Even if your humidity is too high in flower like 70% or so.

It's always hard to judge these things from pictures, sometimes you need a tactile response to actually touch and feel what the problem is
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