New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB LED

Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

Thanxx CareStaker; And Star, I really don't pay much attention now to the little white flaky looking spots during
early/mid veg as long as it's just a leaf or few & not spreading. But this round of Bloom I'm being very particular about anything I see out of the ordinary. Things I haven't paid attention to during my past bloom cycles are become opportunities to do some real troubleshooting. I've even seen LA go as far as to let his plants go south just to work on his recovery skills.
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

Hehe. Now that's passion! I've been hoping he'd drop into my journal actually..

Hey BAR, question. What do you think about running 6 photo SIPs on 12/12 from seedling? What do you think you'd get from it? I read one guy saying you get a bigger and better yield from a photo plant run 12/12 than an auto? Otherwise I was just going to go 6 Autos for convenience and always have the next batch starting a month or 6 weeks before the first are done.. How would you do it? I'm trying to keep my outlay and power down(I'm only running about 300w including fans etc at the moment). I could have a few small CFLs running to get batch 2 started while I finish batch 1 under the big lights and so on..

Cheers for any advice, bro and all others.

Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

So I'm reading about your iron deficiency and all I can think is "Purée some young dandelion leaves, put them in a jar with some water and a loose lid. Soak for a day or two shaking now and then and use as a drench." It might work Reg.
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

Ummm Sweet where might Broke Ass look for said dandelions this time of year..:confused:. I am pretty sure he will have harvested this girl before he could get them where he lives... Might work in the spring there but other than that I think he might need to keep looking for iron... I think the stuff you have already put in her soil is going to correct your problem.... I think it is called azomite but I may be wrong but the stuff you normally top dress with that you added to the medium....:circle-of-love:
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

Ummm Sweet where might Broke Ass look for said dandelions this time of year..:confused:. I am pretty sure he will have harvested this girl before he could get them where he lives...
I was going to say something to that effect but really ladies, I don't believe it's an Iron [(Fe) Ah, see I knew that:laughtwo:] deficiency. I think it's an Iron lockout caused by not lowering my PH level. I'll be back on top of that next feeding with that particular girl.

Star, if your interested in 12/12 you should have a pow wow with the 420 mag 12/12 master, B. Real.
The journal he's running now is putting him through an adjustment phase as he's trying to calibrate his style to LED but you better believe he's done amazing work under 12/12 from seed to harvest on a regular basis, journal after journal.
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

Hey BAR does he have a current journal atm?

edit ok I followed the link you had up and I guess im in the same boat with you I didn't even know he had a new journal :rofl:
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

Yeap, hit his name...
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

I can send some!

No joking...I can but flowers, import/export....SweetSue, Can we clarify your dandelion tea please?

It may be the wrong time of year, Dennise is on it like a hawk...she's been gardening a whiles so is in tune with what's going on :)

I live in the southern hemisphere, so I've got to be keenly aware of everything I say here... :)

But, give.

Can you give us any further information on the benefits/uses of a 'tea' like this. You've mentioned that maybe, by inference Dandelion is high in iron? therefore making it into a tea can be used as an Iron supplement?

If you please Sue, I'd like further explanation for future reference :)

Now Azomite and glacial rock dust. High base line mineral additives. Along with Potassium these are generally mined minerals and contain higher levels of background radiation than you're current environment. Trust me. If you geiger a bag of potassium...mined sylvanite which is the 'rock ore' it comes from...often they are higher than the radiation count in your normal environment. Glacial rock dust may or may not be 'hot' only due to geographic differences in the base material...where it comes from.

There is argument for and against, and unless you're a Neuclear Physicist with a background in Biology, I think the arguments are all void, because they don't even understand the interactions of radiation and life on earth, so how the hell are we supposed to with all the misinformation and misunderstanding about?

But, there's a question in my mind. And there's no way I'll buy it.

Granite dust is the crushed waste from granite mines. Granite mines are generally surface mined, not ruddy great holes in the earth. As the Granites are generally formed over time on surface layers they are not subject to locking up of radiation materials...generally any baseline elements formed in granite will have destabilised thousands of years ago.

Granite dust does not have some of or the levels of some of the higher base line elements that these others do. but, is stable, not radiactive (qualification on that, like Glacial rock dust, it would be possible to get it from an area that is already hot, therefore higher in radioactivity, but generally not.) and if I'm trying to 'fix' my plants with rocks...well I reakon you got rocks in your head!!!!! :)


Loki is the Norse God of change. Associated with bad intent, he is merely the instigator of change.

So, the Loki nature in me just thought I'd chuck this debate in....hope that's ok BAR :)
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

Of course.
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

Hey mate, I'm just about to have some breakfast and go to the room for a re-pot.

I've not got the TDS and PH meter, I am going to do a real careful job....we had lime juice in the fridge! :)

I think with the some degree it isn't going to be as critical as it's all going to be new media and well the big girl in the middle didn't stop, well until now, so I used that as a test case, and am confident the others will be happy with the re-pot and that will give me time to get the meters and get onto accurate PH'ing....hopefully to fix the issue!

It will be interesting to see what happens to your girl and mine during the 'recovery' or correction stage and ....if we're right/wrong, on different paths here...

Did I miss something or what's your next move mate?
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

My next move is when she dries out; which should be this weekend, take tap water with 5ml of Cal/Mag as per gallon and then adjust it to 6.5 PH level. Then feed.
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

TassieDevil, many of the deep rooted bio accumulators are high in iron - dandelion, comfrey, stinging nettle are my go-tos. I live in the Northeast and dandelion sprang to mind because I was noticing that even in the cold, a run of warmer temps will cause the local dandelions to begin putting out new growth.

Before I discovered living organic soil I was preparing for a TLO approach and had researched natural plant based fertilizers. One of the things I learned was to make a quick "tea" by finely chopping the plant leaves and steeping them in water for at least a couple days. You can do it as an ACT or simply let it steep with occasional shaking or stirring to aerate. Then just strain, dilute a bit more and apply as a drench. Those plants we often refer to as weeds are actually filled with nutrient value for plants in the garden. If you don't have time to wait on your mulch you can try this for a faster application.

My soil is strong enough that I won't need to use the fertilizers I made but I will probably add some now and again anyway, just to add more diversity.
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

Hi SweetSue, I understood all the rest, and thank you for a generous and detailed explanation...I'm verbose, so like that sorta thing! Oh it's summer, I've got comfrey, dandelion and stinging bloody nettle coming outta my ears :)


TLO - Tasmanian Light Orchestra???

ACT - Australian Capitol Territory.....

Sorry we from down under n that bit I no comprende...I made lots of funny acronyms but, not sure any were what you intended :rofl:
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

Hi SweetSue, I understood all the rest, and thank you for a generous and detailed explanation...I'm verbose, so like that sorta thing! Oh it's summer, I've got comfrey, dandelion and stinging bloody nettle coming outta my ears :)


TLO - Tasmanian Light Orchestra???

ACT - Australian Capitol Territory.....

Sorry we from down under n that bit I no comprende...I made lots of funny acronyms but, not sure any were what you intended :rofl:

:rofl::rofl: That was good. Thanks for the laugh. TLO is the organic method put out by the Rev. I think it stands for True Living Organics. He's got a book out about it that I found enticing yet a bit crazy. I was researching plant based fertilizers to get away from some of the additives he was promoting that I was uncomfortable with.

ACT is the acronym for Aerated Compost Tea, one of the best ways to supercharge a struggling soil and boost a healthy one by adding large amounts of micro organisms that brew in the tea.

Is there a Tasmanian Light Orchestra? :laugh:
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

no, chucked in for humour....they weren't a bad band for what they were at the time....dunno if you're that old :)....sorry not asking a lady her got the reference :) title, and actor this line is from...

....sometimes I just think funny things!.... :)
Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

no, chucked in for humour....they weren't a bad band for what they were at the time....dunno if you're that old :)....sorry not asking a lady her got the reference :) title, and actor this line is from...

....sometimes I just think funny things!.... :)

I'm currently selecting new seeds to order, still making up my mind.. What are you medicating with, Tas??? ;) :D

Re: New City Grower 3.0 - Sponsored by Twilight Group Co. - Featuring the Spider9 COB

oh well you know when you've lived like I have, you kinda don't need anything to go a little sideways... :)

it helps a little though... :rofl:

...seeds ha, yep I'll take that as a compliment :rofl:

...scattered footsteps...quiet delighted chuckles...ramblings of a mad man fading left....
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