New grower looking to learn

Welcome to 420 Magazine @HealingDrip

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Here's some helpful info.

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Just started my first grow ever in September. I started an auto flower in coco and perlite and fed it advanced nutes through water. I stunted it during transplanting but I’m glad that I’ve been learning. I’m going living soil next. I appreciate everyone’s knowledge and experience.
Welcome to the group
Just started my first grow ever in September. I started an auto flower in coco and perlite and fed it advanced nutes through water. I stunted it during transplanting but I’m glad that I’ve been learning. I’m going living soil next. I appreciate everyone’s knowledge and experience.
Welcome to the @420 Magazine family @HealingDrip. CL🍀. :thumb: :welcome: :cheer::theband::cheer::party:
Welcome to 420

My advice if you're planning on trying Living Organic Soil is to get the best pre-made soil you can get your hands on, something like a Buildasoil V3 or Oly Mountain Modern Mix 2.
Fill a minimum of a 20 gallon fabric pot, plant a sparse cover crop and add a good 3" of barley straw as mulch.
Let that sit a week.
When you put the soil in the pot add a 2" layer then spray with filtered water mixed with a little Yucca Extract then 2 more inches and spray until its full so there are no dry spots in the soil.
Water lightly everyday to keep the soil moist and let the cover crop get some roots in the ground.
Once the soil has cooked about a week and everything has settled in then add about a dozen worms and order Rove Beetles and predator mites.
Then start your seedling in a solo cup of Buildasoil seedling mix.
As soon as the second set of leaves reaches the rim of the cup the roots are just right to transplant.
Thats usually between day 7 to 9.

Dig a solo cup size hole in the center of 20+ gallon pot, dust the hole thoroughly with Rootwise Microbe Complete and Optiveg and transplant seedling.
Water in with aloe vera water.
From this point all you need to do is take care of the soil, start chopping and dropping a little bit of the cover crop every few days and push up under the barley straw mulch for the worms.
Add a handful of Bokashi under the mulch once every 10 days or so.
Every couple weeks a handful of Craftblend sprinkled on top and watered in.
I prefer to oxygenate my water with o2 emitters to add lots of dissolved oxygen into the soil.
Just amend the soil every couple weeks and water lightly everyday and the soil will take care of the plants.
Welcome to 420mag :welcome: happy growing ✌️💚
Welcome to the club. I've only been here a month and found folks are great -- very supportive. I'm sure you'll learn that, too.

And that photo thing. Yes we love bud porn. So post 'em when you got 'em. And take 'em when you don't1

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