Organic Northern Lights #5 Outdoor


New Member
Ok well not outdoor just yet. Just germinated 24 seeds and got them in starter pots misted them down and in the domes they go! Should be a couple of days and well see some sprouts

Its been 1 week since they popped above ground and most look good. Weeded some week ones out and got down to about 16 strong ones. The weather's been nice so I think I'm gonna transplant them into 1 gal pots and start harden them off outside today. Been giving them 1/4 strength Big Bloom and they seem to like it but once they go in the 1 gals no nutes. The other plants in the phots are Beef Steak tomatoes and Pumkins. They're ready to go outside too!

Looking good ... I look forward to watching these grow.

Thanks for the post
2 weeks now since they popped above ground and I've transplanted them into 1 gal pots and hardened them off. They're now enjoying the warm sun everyday and doing well. I'll keep them in the 1 gals until they're old enough to have a cut taken from them to determine sex. Sorry about some of the fuzzy photos the sun was in my lcd screen and couldn't see what I was taking



3 weeks now and they are starting to exit the seedling stage and entering the veg stage. Should see some pretty rapid growth in the next couple of weeks. Can't wait till they get some branches I can cut to sex them.



4 weeks and they are starting to grow pretty rapid. Starting with some veg nutes and will continue untill they get transplanted into their final homes after being sexed. Can't wait to see which ones are gonna be females



Love to see the progress!!

Thanks for posting
Just wanted to let everyone know the reason I haven't updated any photos lately of how the grow is going. On June 2 the Shasta County Sherrifs Dep. entered my home to inspect my grow. Everything was kosher untill I pulled out my Drs recommendation and noticed it was 2 days expired!! Resulting in removal of all my plants. They were very polite and did not destroy any of grow equipment and even apolagized to me for having to do this. LET THIS BE A LEASON TO ALL MEDICAL GROWERS TO MAKE SURE YOUR PAPERWORK IS UP TO DATE AND CURRENT!!!!! No worries though I have since been in the works of starting my own collective and have become caregiver for multiple patients so in the next couple of weeks I will be back up and running on a larger scale then before and 100% legal. Hope this never happens to any of you it was heartbreaking to watch my babies yanked and ripped to shreds. But this won't keep me down!!!! See you on the next grow:thumb:
Just wanted to let everyone know the reason I haven't updated any photos lately of how the grow is going. On June 2 the Shasta County Sherrifs Dep. entered my home to inspect my grow. Everything was kosher untill I pulled out my Drs recommendation and noticed it was 2 days expired!! Resulting in removal of all my plants. They were very polite and did not destroy any of grow equipment and even apolagized to me for having to do this. LET THIS BE A LEASON TO ALL MEDICAL GROWERS TO MAKE SURE YOUR PAPERWORK IS UP TO DATE AND CURRENT!!!!! No worries though I have since been in the works of starting my own collective and have become caregiver for multiple patients so in the next couple of weeks I will be back up and running on a larger scale then before and 100% legal. Hope this never happens to any of you it was heartbreaking to watch my babies yanked and ripped to shreds. But this won't keep me down!!!! See you on the next grow:thumb:

Damn!!! We should not have to worry! Sorry to hear, at least the sheriff treated you with respect
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