Perpetual Multi-Strain Indoor/Outdoor Grow

Re: First Outdoor Grow, Blue Hawaiian Hybrid

LOL @ humping flies. That one plant just looks funny in general, its leaves are not 'right' either. But as I have said before in other threads, mutations can be good as well as bad. Be interesting to see how it buds out if not male or herm.
Re: First Outdoor Grow, Blue Hawaiian Hybrid

LOL @ humping flies. That one plant just looks funny in general, its leaves are not 'right' either. But as I have said before in other threads, mutations can be good as well as bad. Be interesting to see how it buds out if not male or herm.

I am glad I could bring a little joy to your day! Good point about the mutations. But maybe these leaves are right and all the others are wrong? Watch part of this pheno is miniature buds :rofl: If I get hermies I am blaming you for jinxing me buddy ;)

I guess cannabis plants make things just more romantic!:circle-of-love: but seriously they are looking great, sir!:thumb:

Thank's Fog! I feel exactly the same way. I feel like they look a little better since adding the nutrients to their diet, but when I look back at pics they look more or less the same. But they are green and growing, so I am very very happy :)


Lester Welcome! I am so happy to have you along for the ride. I am a fan of yours btw. Your thread(s) were part of what inspired me to join this site. I really like your tortoise and veggie garden! So cool that you have had him for so long :)
Re: First Outdoor Grow, Blue Hawaiian Hybrid

Lester Welcome! I am so happy to have you along for the ride. I am a fan of yours btw. Your thread(s) were part of what inspired me to join this site. I really like your tortoise and veggie garden! So cool that you have had him for so long :)

Thank you :thanks:! I'm happy to be along for the ride too, and I'm happy I could supply some entertainment/joy/information with my thread(s). Very happy it drew you into this wonderfully nested community of the best growers on planet Earth. Wishing you nothing but clear Sun, and wonderful Breezes for your plants. :peace:
Re: First Outdoor Grow, Blue Hawaiian Hybrid

plants look great,

the leaf growth looks something like a triploid, ill try and find out more for you, i need to check if its a polyploid or not but im sure yours is s triploid but not come across it myself but read plenty about it, sometimes this means the thc levels will be higher, the next up to a triploid is a polyploid and if you got one of them then you would be having some huge buds and really high levels of thc,
some top strains where made using polyploid plants, you can creat these kind of plants using chemicals and the end results are higher thc levels and higher yield

so dont worry about that growth, it dont happen often but when it does it usually pays off, the only time it is not worth growing is when the stem is totally flat like its been squashed but yours look ok so i wouldnt sorry about it,

and dont worry about touching the plants, the more you move them the stronger the stems get so it does no harm touching them,

ill try and find out what i can but try looking up polyploid cannabis and that should point you in the right direction, also look up triploid, im sure thats what its called but you should find the info if you search for the polyploid cannabis,

so it should turn out ok and be a nice yielding plant, i read somewhere about crossing triploids but cant remember the exact info, ill try and find it as it was a few weeks back, i was looking for polyploid cannabis and found a great site that had info on the different types of growth
Re: First Outdoor Grow, Blue Hawaiian Hybrid

Thank you :thanks:! I'm happy to be along for the ride too, and I'm happy I could supply some entertainment/joy/information with my thread(s). Very happy it drew you into this wonderfully nested community of the best growers on planet Earth. Wishing you nothing but clear Sun, and wonderful Breezes for your plants. :peace:

Your threads are awesome. I really like the mantids too, and your forcing tecnique. Some very interesting stuff going. I think I will do a veggie blog, but everything is dying back now so I will prob wait till spring. I am very glad to have you following!

Have a stoney day RAin :thumb:

Thank you Cronic! It has been a great day, went for a hike, cooked fresh pasta with avocado pesto and a pan seared turbo fillet. Oh and red wine too. Finished it up off with a nice bowl of very potent sour diesel from our local dispensary :)

plants look great,

the leaf growth looks something like a triploid, ill try and find out more for you, i need to check if its a polyploid or not but im sure yours is s triploid but not come across it myself but read plenty about it, sometimes this means the thc levels will be higher, the next up to a triploid is a polyploid and if you got one of them then you would be having some huge buds and really high levels of thc,
some top strains where made using polyploid plants, you can creat these kind of plants using chemicals and the end results are higher thc levels and higher yield

so dont worry about that growth, it dont happen often but when it does it usually pays off, the only time it is not worth growing is when the stem is totally flat like its been squashed but yours look ok so i wouldnt sorry about it,

and dont worry about touching the plants, the more you move them the stronger the stems get so it does no harm touching them,

ill try and find out what i can but try looking up polyploid cannabis and that should point you in the right direction, also look up triploid, im sure thats what its called but you should find the info if you search for the polyploid cannabis,

so it should turn out ok and be a nice yielding plant, i read somewhere about crossing triploids but cant remember the exact info, ill try and find it as it was a few weeks back, i was looking for polyploid cannabis and found a great site that had info on the different types of growth

Thank you for the kind words. That would be so cool if I had a polyploid! It was mentioned earlier that it might be mixed with a strain from Australia called Duck's Foot. I read about that where they use a chemical to treat the plants. I saw a plant with four leaves at each node, and just like you said it had massively thick buds on it. I would love to learn more about it, so thanks so much for checking that out!
Re: First Outdoor Grow, Blue Hawaiian Hybrid

cool no worries, if you use the search engine and search for super bud or polyploid cannabis then that will list sites that will give info

search for this, you may of come across this one all ready
polyploid cannabis: gentically modified organisms and have a read of that site, it tells you everything is to know,

it says this
Polyploid Traits:
Four sets of leaves at the nodes
Stretched (doubled) flowers
Dark green leaves
Double bud sites
Heavy feeder
High water consumption
Thick meristem
Pistil discoloration (pink pistils under black light)
Extreme potency
Vigour and extra growth on first generation

now if thats what you have got then it should be a very nice plant, their is also some crosses that was crossed with polyploids so their are strains out their that have been bred with a polyploid.
Re: First Outdoor Grow, Blue Hawaiian Hybrid

glad to hear you had a great day yesterday
hope your having a great SkunkDay:thumb:
Re: First Outdoor Grow, Blue Hawaiian Hybrid

cool no worries, if you use the search engine and search for super bud or polyploid cannabis then that will list sites that will give info

search for this, you may of come across this one all ready
polyploid cannabis: gentically modified organisms and have a read of that site, it tells you everything is to know,

it says this
Polyploid Traits:
Four sets of leaves at the nodes
Stretched (doubled) flowers
Dark green leaves
Double bud sites
Heavy feeder
High water consumption
Thick meristem
Pistil discoloration (pink pistils under black light)
Extreme potency
Vigour and extra growth on first generation

now if thats what you have got then it should be a very nice plant, their is also some crosses that was crossed with polyploids so their are strains out their that have been bred with a polyploid.

I had no idea the duck's foot was a trait associated with a polyploid, so interesting. The more I learn the more I love this stuff. Thank you so so much for taking the time to post this and explain it to me. I am so glad that I joined up on here and started a journal. + reps

glad to hear you had a great day yesterday
hope your having a great SkunkDay:thumb:

It was awesome, today was pretty good too. I am very lucky to have the life I do. Today I went spearfishing for the first time in about 7 years. I was a little or a lot rusty, but I had a great time. It is a very primordial thing getting in the water and hunting. Kind of reminds me of smoking, both are very meditative for me. I hope all is well in CronicHemp Land too :)
Re: First Outdoor Grow, Blue Hawaiian Hybrid

its better i got a new job so i can earn a living again:thumb:
at least for awhile its a temp job after that i got something else lined up
Re: First Outdoor Grow, Blue Hawaiian Hybrid

Really enjoying your journal my friend keep up the good work it's good to do research about what your growing that's what makes it a hobby not a chore.I never associated ducks foot as a trait of polyploid as the guy I was talking to said the yield was crap and that's why it never really took off .I have had a trifoliate before it was critical+ from dinafem grown in a 18 litre pot with coco about 5 weeks veg 9 weeks flower and got 12 oz of here .enjoy your day buddy and may the green gods shine us from above
Re: First Outdoor Grow, Blue Hawaiian Hybrid

its better i got a new job so i can earn a living again:thumb:
at least for awhile its a temp job after that i got something else lined up

Congratulations on the new job, and the one lined up afterwards!! :party: You never know who you will meet or where life will lead you. I met my current business partner/mentor playing poker!

Really enjoying your journal my friend keep up the good work it's good to do research about what your growing that's what makes it a hobby not a chore.I never associated ducks foot as a trait of polyploid as the guy I was talking to said the yield was crap and that's why it never really took off .I have had a trifoliate before it was critical+ from dinafem grown in a 18 litre pot with coco about 5 weeks veg 9 weeks flower and got 12 oz of here .enjoy your day buddy and may the green gods shine us from above

It means a lot to me that you are enjoying the journal. Thank you for saying so! My main goal with this grow was to learn as much as possible, that is certainly happening. The more I learn the more I realize I don't know. I had no idea I would start a journal and meet so many cool cats on here, but you guys inspired me. Even if I end up getting one ounce I would be enthralled. That is awesome that your trifoliate yielded 12oz!! It doesn't seem like the pattern is consistent on mine, but is sure is cool to watch grow. I tried to look at the plants under a black light to see if the pistils are pink per DonPaul's instructions, but the bulb is almost dead so I couldn't really see a thing. I may buy one if they are cheap enough. :thumb:
Re: First Outdoor Grow, Blue Hawaiian Hybrid

I have a small update for today! :tommy::party::ganjamon:

Other than some more mites that I found a few days ago(very few) things are looking good. I fed the girls a foliar feeding of FF Big Bloom and some kelp/fish fert. It was a very conservative dosage, but it didn't smell conservative. Most of the plants seem to be focusing on growing branches more than growing tall. Maybe the 'stretch' phase if over? The LST'd and topped plant seems to be ok, but the new leaves coming out still look deformed ever since the insecticidal soap application.. How do I know when to switch to bloom food? Are there larger calyxes that will appear, or is it when I start seeing pistils in new growth??

Tiger Lilly is taking the lead in height now and is 29" tall! The second biggest plant, which I think needs a name...the plant in the bottom right hand corner of this pic if anyone has any suggestions. This plant is 30" wide!

I am thinking that this plant in the upper right corner is looking much more indica that the others and maybe a seed got mixed in. The stem has much deeper grooves than the others as well. I feel like this plant has a tropical look to it that is really growing on me. I did try and pop a few other seeds when I started these 6, one was 'the purps' and the other was 'La con' I think, but I am not sure about this so if anyone recognizes the look of this plant let me know!

Different plant here, but I really like the looks of the leaves on this one.

This is another image of the plant in the upper right hand corner. I am liking the fold back the fan leaves method.

Here is a shot of some inner growth on my biggest plant. I am wanting to defol a bit in here as not much light gets in. In the first pic you can see that the bottom fan leaves are yellowing a bit. I think I could feed a bit more perhaps-feed,feed,straight water,feed,feed...instead of feed,water,feed,water as suggested. I have been hesitant to defol much since I planted so late, but I feel like it may help. What do you guys think about the defol and feeding? Please note that there is DM Red already in the soil.

A couple shots of a ladybird larvae! Hopefully this little guy eats up the mites. I often place lady birds on the plants but they rarely stick around for long, so I am happy this little guy can't fly away.


Please let me know what you guys/gals think, especially about a light defol. Thank you!
Re: First Outdoor Grow, Blue Hawaiian Hybrid

All happy and healthy leaves should stay on... only remove dead/dying leaves.

PS You should be seeing pistils by now.. but not if your in Australia or such
Re: First Outdoor Grow, Blue Hawaiian Hybrid

i dont think defol is needed outdoors tbh looking good tho mukker

Thank you GJT, I will resist the urge! Thanks so much for the compliment! Let me know if you start a journal, I wold like to follow.

All happy and healthy leaves should stay on... only remove dead/dying leaves.

PS You should be seeing pistils by now.. but not if your in Australia or such

Lester, I was literally on your 2nd Outdoor thread while you were on here. That is too funny! Thank you so much for the advise. I am actually in Southern California. I will put up a picture of the pistils I am seeing. I am seeing them on my biggest and smallest plant strangely. It never really gets dark here because of all the ambient light. Maybe I will have to artificially create darkness.
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