Pigeon420's Return To Perpetual Gardening: A Video & Visual Journal

:green_heart:back to normal :circle-of-love::hug::circle-of-love:
@Pigeons420 hope you are all well
I am doing fantastic! Things are really looking great. The season is really starting to have an impact on the environment around here. Leaves are changing colour, it’s getting colder and it’s about this time that I really start to get festive. Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas.. it’s such a great time of year!

Hope you had a great weekend!

Nice to meet you pigeon420! I found the 420 community from watching your YouTube vids. Ill definitely be following along. I've got some catching up to do have a good day friend !!!!

Well I’m certainly glad you’ve found the place. Some of the most amazing people on the internet call this place home and I’m grateful to be amongst them. I think you’ll find this place to be very warming.
If you have any questions to concerns please don’t hesitate to bring them forward!
I look forward to getting to know you!


His videos are great :welldone:


Hello Sir. I too have followed you here (as many others, me thinks) thanks to your youtube videos and or/your praise of hither site. (Ok, Ok, the schticker kinda does it's own work..) Anyhoo, I just now tried clicking on your "how to keep a diary" link, to no avail. Is it no longer available, and if not, could you please make a video of how to do such?
Thanks! Keep up the great work, and see/hear/read you around.

Welcome to the best place on the web! I’ll take a look into that link and get it running. Thanks for being it to my attention!


Please make yourself confortable

Try this link, you will find all you need there.

Helpful Links For New Members

You da man!

Loved the intro to that program you were playing with. :high-five: Fix the audio repeat and I’d think it’d be worth the price.
Thanks Susan! The only reason it was repeating the audio is because I had the stream playing on another phone so I could tell if Sound was working decent enough. And it was!! I’m just struggling with the price. $300 for the year or $30 a month. That’s quite the commitment. Gonna have to talk this one over with the wife!

:hug: always nice to see you!
Happy Monday!!

Hope everyone is well and warm. I had a fantastic weekend and it’s hard to believe it’s over! However it’s right back to the grind.

I’ve got these Chocolate Thai and Jabb’s Stash doing marvelous things in the veg room.
On Friday I did a massive leaf strip and I’m quite surprised at the results just a few days later. They’ve recovered very well and are becoming stronger every day.

Here they are!



Then in the flower room I have these two absolute beauties, Special Queen and Blueberry HeadBand.




BlueBerry HeadBand



I think I’m do for a couple shots of these girls in their entirety. But that will have to wait until the next update because I didn’t take a full shot of them before I left the house today.

It’s a pleasure to see you guys taking a seat in the garden. Thanks so much!

Have a great day and I’ll see you in the threads!


Oh shit pigeons glad i found ur journal ive been watchn for awhile now so its cool to be subbed her as well lol.
Let’s Get Things Rockin!!

Oh boy, as the weather changes it is really starting to cool down around here. The leaves have really begun to change and the smell as you walk down the street is indicative of autumn, it’s quite romantic.
The family and I went for a stroll last night. My wife and I walked as my son rode his scooter. He’s only 7 so the coordination is still developing but man he sure has the concept down. I know we’ve only got a few more of these walks together before the cold and snow hit us for the next few months. Of course we will continue to walk but it’s a much different experience when you’re bundled up with nothing more than your eyes exposed. However, I could talk about the weather for ever. Being from central Canada I am right in the thick of the drastic change nature goes through during this time. It’s quite magnificent and mesmerizing.


The Veg Room

This place has been pretty quiet since I moved everyone into flower but things have quickly started to pick up. These girls are due for a good transplant into the 5 gallons and then prepped for flower. There right about the stage before they get too crazy

JABB STASH (week 6)

This girl is going to become a training project and I going to try and turn her into a monster. I know she doesn’t look like much now but this is just the start of her adventure.

SPECIAL QUEEN(clone week 3)

These are the youngest girls of the group at about a week old. This is the future of tomorrow.



The majority of girls here are Chocolate Thai however there is a couple Jabb Stash in the mix as well.
The frost production is absolutely stellar on all these girls. I can’t believe how frosty they are for week 4!!


I hope you guys finish the week strong! Have a great weekend and I hope to see you real soon!

Let’s Get Things Rockin!!

Oh boy, as the weather changes it is really starting to cool down around here. The leaves have really begun to change and the smell as you walk down the street is indicative of autumn, it’s quite romantic.
The family and I went for a stroll last night. My wife and I walked as my son rode his scooter. He’s only 7 so the coordination is still developing but man he sure has the concept down. I know we’ve only got a few more of these walks together before the cold and snow hit us for the next few months. Of course we will continue to walk but it’s a much different experience when you’re bundled up with nothing more than your eyes exposed. However, I could talk about the weather for ever. Being from central Canada I am right in the thick of the drastic change nature goes through during this time. It’s quite magnificent and mesmerizing.


The Veg Room

This place has been pretty quiet since I moved everyone into flower but things have quickly started to pick up. These girls are due for a good transplant into the 5 gallons and then prepped for flower. There right about the stage before they get too crazy

JABB STASH (week 6)

This girl is going to become a training project and I going to try and turn her into a monster. I know she doesn’t look like much now but this is just the start of her adventure.

SPECIAL QUEEN(clone week 3)

These are the youngest girls of the group at about a week old. This is the future of tomorrow.



The majority of girls here are Chocolate Thai however there is a couple Jabb Stash in the mix as well.
The frost production is absolutely stellar on all these girls. I can’t believe how frosty they are for week 4!!


I hope you guys finish the week strong! Have a great weekend and I hope to see you real soon!


Dam brotha stellar buds congrats. I cant wait to see the special queen start to make some buds she sounds like its guna b some fire meds come harvest. Well pretty much everything ive seen in ur garden looks like fire haha.
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