PotChimp's Side Projects

I just looked at their website. Those two dudes rippin' on the megabong make me want to buy their Waziri strain. That $hit's gotta have some serious hair on its a$$ if somebody picked that bong up and ran over to their buddy's house to smoke! :thedoubletake:
I should copy that pic and try to superimpose my face over the smokin' dude..... :)
Lame excuse list -

1) "I'm tryin, I'm tryin, but you put too much in!"
2) "The screen's clogged; I can't get a hit!"
3) "It's all shake, man! It won't stay lit!"
4) "You packed it too tight!"
5) "It's spent....."

They started out at different times, but I should be able to compare them to each other before the first plant is done (Ghost Train Haze #1):

Ghost Train Haze #1 S1 (started in bloom yesterday):

All three of the Nevil's Haze x Apollo 13 f2 crosses I kept:

I tried a bunch of different camera settings and couldn't get the color right with these Mendocino Purple Kush plant pics:

Yep, that one's gonna be part of my next STS project..... :lot-o-toke:
Thanks :)
Here's my next grow. The four small seedlings on the bottom row, the one small seedling in the next row up on the right side, and the small seedling in the top row on the left are all Subcool's work (the five bottom plants are JTR and the top plant is Jack's Cleaner 2). There's three Blue Dream seedlings and seven SLH x Blueberry seedlings too:

Clones of most of my keepers:

Barely any hairs showing yet and just transplanted to a bigger pot, Ghost Train Haze #1 S1:

Ghost Train Haze #1 plant (mother):

Blackberry Trainwreck:

Two different Nevil's Haze x Apollo 13 f2 plants:

Carnival, close to chop time (I can't get these to finish looking nice):

A pheno from my third breeding of Chemdawg D BX3:

Dankman and I were discussing how much fun it would be if you were our neighbor.

Besides the latest invading horde of religious maniacs, I’ve got two yuppie neighbours who came here last year to ‘tame the wilderness’ with their bare outdoorsy type hands and have put up signs on the road with numbers and cutesy names for their wilderness cottages. Ugh :rolleyes:

They have large dogs which have been been specially bred for stupidity and ugliness and barking ability. They bark all day and bark all night. Throats never get sore. Have no detectable brains.

I considered getting some sort of barking sound effect pedal for my electric guitar but then I realized that I could download ‘vicious rabid dog growling snarling sound effects’ from the internet and the other night in a drunken frenzy I hooked my phone up with a 100 watt guitar amp for each left/right channel and blasted them real good.

Sounds like a dog the size of a wooly mammoth over here- windows rattling in my buildings. Very very satisfying. Eventually after they’d worked themselves into a complete frenzy, everything went very quiet over there at NewWanker Acres.
I’m considering looping it and leaving it on next time I go away from home. Seems fair to me.

If you were next door I wouldn’t have to do all that I could just go throw you some dope over the moat and we could discuss ancient Chinese philosophy.
Oh well.

I’m considering looping it and leaving it on next time I go away from home. Seems fair to me.
That or Roger Whittaker really loud when you go out. It used to subdue meth heads (a striking similarity to your most excellent description of the mental prowess of the dogs next door) in the neighbourhood.
Thank goodness for electric guitars!
I figure if I was making any other noise that loud it would piss people off.
But if it’s barking dogs it’s OK right? So what if my doggie happens to be the size of a truck- the fluffy little darling just can’t help himself. Especially because he’s rabid, poor little buddy.
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