ProfessorFlora's 10 Strain 200W LED Organic Soil Grow

Damn those are frosty!...and they look real stinky....if that's possible
Thanks Cass.
Stinky doesn't do it justice. It really is some high quality stuff. This stuff is gonna put sniffer dogs out of business
Happy to see you back again prof missed you and your lovely plant's. Hope your well.
Thanks N. Appreciate the kind words.
It's finally the weekend and I'm going to do absolutely nothing....Well, except for looking after the kids and getting the house is in order. Oh, and making sure the garden is tended to and going shopping. Other then that I'm doing nothing
Purple looks amazing!
It's been a very purple winter. We've had a Purple Haze, Purple Moby Dick, Purple Punch and a Ayahausca Purple. Then there was the Crystal METH. Lovely name. Sorry
Cloning in a cup of water update....

I have some funny news regarding this experiment. It worked! But then I broke the root off when I placed the cutting back in the pot lol. Still, I've seen that its possible now and next time I try it I'll use a healthier cutting as the Fat Purple mother wasn't in the best of shape when I took them. Be warned Shed. Tiny root alert!....
Don't warn me, I already know about that. Warn 'er indoors!
We've been together long enough for her to be aware. She doesn't know about my fetish for taking small root pics though :rolleyes:
Wilma Grow Flowering Day 53....

I've given the Fat Purple some extra attention recently so I thought we could have a look at the others today....

Purple Trainwreck....

The PT is beginning to go really dark. Over the last couple of days she's gone from a nice dark green to almost black in places. She's coming to the end now and I'll probably chop her next weekend. In fact I'll probably chop most of them next weekend. This plant has performed very well has been low maintenance. It looked like she would go on for a bit longer but sped up over the last week or so. She still smells great and has a sour grape with a hint of fuel thrown in for good measure type of thing going on. The bud production is fantastic but the flowers themselves are quite small which I wouldn't have expected from a Trainwreck cross. It looks and smells quality though so that's a good start....

Pineapple Express....

It's a shame I won't get another chance at this one as its a great plant. The flower to leaf ratio is excellent and it'll take only minutes to trim her after harvest. The buds are very firm which surprised me as they look like they would be a bit squidgy. They smell great having tropical skunk tones and look very pretty. A bit messy but nice. There are some foxtails appearing in places and shes still throwing out new pistils but I think shell be done soon. It looks like it'll be one of those strains which appear to keep growing despite being nice and ripe. The light bleaching seems to be growing out on some buds as well which is nice....

Black Kush....

This plant seems to keep delivering more and more bad news. I saw a nanner on her last night when I was taking pics which I removed. I later looked in the pics I took of her and saw that it wasn't just one but a whole bunch of them. I can tell you now that she wont be getting any special treatment after the rest come down. She's coming with them whether she's ready or not. I definitely prefer the last pheno that I grew of this strain. Oh well. You can't win them all. She smells better now though which is a little victory....

You can see the nanners in this pic....
Hashplant D's Flowering Day 54....

Hey 420. We're just waiting for some ambers and then It's game over for these babies. I'm fairly certain they'll fall into the next weekend chop session I have planned. Not a lot to report on with these other than that they are finishing up lol. For that I am grateful....
Wilma Grow Flowering Day 53....

Fair play to you mate that is quite an incredible turnaround from when they were flipped. Really pretty garden now.
Hash plants look like some killer bud as well buddy.
That Hashplant D will be a winner.
The only thing the HPD doesn't have is a big yield. Everything else is fantastic. Now that I have a couple mothers to clone I can see how it performs in hydro. Maybe I can bump it up a little that way. I'd never get away with growing one of these outdoors though. The smell!
Sorry for the multi post, my connection sucks right now
Lol. Don't you worry. You can never have too much Pennywise
Looking great prof! Excited to see that hash pant finish out for sure! Hope you and the family are well
Hey Dutch. Me too. The HPD and the Fat Purple are mine. The family can have the rest lol. We're good buddy. Hope you and yours are good as well
Fair play to you mate that is quite an incredible turnaround from when they were flipped. Really pretty garden now.
Hash plants look like some killer bud as well buddy.
There was a moment right at the beginning when I actually considered starting again. I'm happy I didn't as these will do fine. The Purple Trainwreck would have swallowed my garden if I had given her a longer veg lol
I bet that Hashplant D will be a winner! Eh penny?
He's just happy that they made it to the end after I ballsed it up at the beginning of flower. He did recommend them after all.

Hey Prof, sorry about your root and bananas :cheesygrinsmiley:. The rest is looking fantastic! :high-five:
Lol. Thank you HH. Roots and Bananas seem to be my thing at the moment. Its all about to end though and the harvest will be this weekend. I'm really looking forward to having a big clean up and starting anew.
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