Ranger275 - Adventures in the 2nd Dimension

Hungaluz: Yes. Done correctly, 2D-training in a "compressed" (<10cm from plant) grow area is very efficient in terms of g/m2 and g/w.

Light, electricity, CO2, and space are all assets/inputs (actual or potential) which can be maximized. Focused light grows plants, while un-focused light is either harmful to soil biota, or heats up everything around it (requiring subsequent cooling). CO2 can be a fantastic growth stim, IF it's where the plants can use it, not puddling on the floor. A well-made LightCanyon would do this.

Training is always a trade-off between plant-stress and effect (time, money and hassle may also be factors). I think this espalier/vscrog multiplies the number of effective bud sites (a la scrog) w/less stress on the plant. It is also easy to adjust as the plant grows/changes.

Plant energy goes into roots and buds only. The main stem on the plant is thinner than a pencil, secondary branches are only slightly thicker than the twine they encircle. She has been well, but not overly, foliated her entire life cycle. No de-fol and no need of it. This would only improve if the set-up were free-standing and lit from both sides, rather than relying on reflection while shackled to a wall.

Set-up time and routine maintenance are quick and easy. This could readily be scaled up to a commercial technique as you have seen in local vineyards and orchards. Break-down consists of snip-snip-snip.

I like to garden, due in part to the fact that I like to BE in gardens. For me, this is not LasVegas during a howling gale. Fans are noisy and expensive since none of the ones I could find run on Love. Since sturdy stems aren't relevant, fans can be kept to only that needed for enough air movement to deter mildew/fungus. If the garden is unpleasant, you're less likely to be there and as Confucius so wisely said: The best fertilizer is the gardener's shadow.

Clearly I'm proud of my grow, and I hope this Pride did not skew my analysis too wildly. Questions, comments appreciated.

Love and respect
Pre-Harvest Update
Just a mess of pre-chop pix. Plz pardon the lack of commentary. Not feeling particularly literary this eve.











Lame update, but my blood is boiling tothe point that I'm seeing RED!
Just found out that my youngest Sister (who's in Med school in NYC) has been harassed by one of her classmates. Apparetnly she and 3-4other young Ladies. As you've seen, I'm a pretty easy-going guy. This hasn't always been the case. If you really want to see the absolute worst of me, fuck w/1 ofthe Ladies in my life.
I'm so far away!
She didn't even tell me herself! Heard it from Mom.
Where is her fucking fiancee during all of this? What has he done? Not a damned thing! Just some pathetic talk about a chat w/the Ombudsman! Bunch of namby-pamby BS.
Call meold-fashioned, but if you ask yfor a Lady's hand in marriage, you damned well better well be able to defend it. WTF, over.
I'm gonna smoke some herb and take a walk.
no worries, Ranger....everyone deserves to sound off, especially on their own journal.....no harm done, hope your sis can rectify the situation.....have a great day
Completely understandable Ranger. :Namaste:

RE SUBSCRIBED my brother. :adore:

RSOiler AKA 60cal :cheesygrinsmiley:
congrats on your harvest, Ranger
Thx Shawnee,
It's good to see you around again. Didn't see you around for a while, and was wondering what was up. Does the deck look nice? Has Spring sprung for you after the long Winter?

When are you going to start a journal, Shawnee? W/your attitude and way w/words, it would be a pleasure. Just a little nudge.
Thx b.real,
You've been there every step of the way. I really appreciate it.
Even w/all the purple ribbons twined in, BID Tribute doesn't look as cool as I'd imagined. Still, it's nice to show respect.
I'll do some harvest pix tomorrow. Then a week or so of drying and 2 weeks of cure before smoke report. That's assuming I can keep my grubby mitts off.
Congratulations Ranger275, looking forward to the pictures.
no problem. it looks good and will look even better cut and collected. personally I don't notice a big difference in my buds after a cure so I'd say it's good to go after a total of about 2 weeks.

I haven't smoked in a while so tonight I made isohash from my grinder. I didn't realize I could have used vodka and made a tincture until after.
Happy 420 Day!
Harvest pix to follow! What a great day.
I'd like to thank all the members, mods and admin. You all bring something to the table, and I'm very grateful.
Wishing everyone happy plants, fat spliffs and a friends/family to enjoy them with.

Thx, Radogast. Wouldn't have been the same w/o you.
What's up my friend ranger!!! Yours is one of the few threads I shall post in after my time out!

Happy 420 my fine feathered friend! I'm assuming you jumped as a ranger.
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