Re Veg Clone - Fed On Infant Milk Formula Only - Yes I Am Mad!

I can tell you now it's not organic. you can tell immediately by how long it lasts in storage. plenty of additives, preservatives and synthetic compounds on that ingredient list.

Seems to work though and, provided you're able to flush all of it out i can't see a problem.

If you can't flush it all though, expect a malty smoke lol

The plant looks outstanding though.
i feel ok , i did ask was its classed as organic , the plant has no build up , it would hardly need flushed as seen when i repotted , the soil was as good as ever as good as the day she was potted , roots where beautiful , no bugs , no smells no badness ,
i think people are seeing the idea wrong they think the idea of feeding baby milk is pure full feed you would feed your baby , no it just like a cloudy water , there is no heaviness at all in it , the plant is using what she needs , i have never measured ph, flushed or any of that , i just feed and chill , i am now feeding a little extra and up to twice a week rather than once a week for the flowering
I have a test that i am going to share in my next journal

I was bought some autos by a good friend for helping him out with some stuff
Fast and Vast is the strain
they are just broke through the soil this week ,
I will feed 2 on the formula and 2 on biobizz grow bloom and topmax and one i am just going to use a new idea , a total crazy nutrient , this one will never had been tested ever , but i do have a feeling its going to work and work good :cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley:
when we talk about 'flushing' we don't mean flushing the soil, we mean watering the plant with plain water for a week or so prior to harvest to flush the nutrients out of the plant itself. We do this irrespective of any build up in the growing medium.
Paddy my friend, when you spoke of looking for something to use during bloom, you got me thinking. What do humans use after they are too old for the baby milk? Multivitamins!! Centrum multivitamins have everything BUT nitrogen :)

Late, but here! Very interested in smoke report!

How does smell now that she has had some decent flowering time?
ok update guys , sorry for not being on top for a while , few things going on ,
I have had to give her some biobizz grow ,she lost a lot of leaves , all turned yellow and dropped off , i didnt want to get her this far then lose her .
As you can see buds are looking great but she is baldy lol

week 6 yesterday monday 27th from flipping 12/12

She looks good man, nice buddage :)

Sorry to hear about the yellowing... You know that's most likely the normal process whereby the nitrogen gets sucked out of the leaves to go to bud right?
How are the trichomes? Colors?

At the end of this journal it would awesome to post your feeding schedule. You know, like when you started the milk, when you started increasing the number of scoops, how frequently you did pain water, when you started adding different nutes (like you just mentioned).

Maybe would could start a Letter Campaign to the companies could add labels for marijuana feeding schedules :laugh:
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