Skumper's First Grow - CFL Box - Soil - Bag Seed

Miracle Grow vs Other

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    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Other Soil For The Win!?!?

    Votes: 1 50.0%

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Nice man! I will be making the switch tuesday when I get my timer! Kinda afraid I won't have the room in my box :smokin::laughtwo:.
I'm just glad I found out why nobody was interested in my thread. They couldn't see my photo's lol.
But I don't know much about the different light cycles. But I head it makes it produce more resin and it specifically brings out phenotype specific traits in the plant during flower. But thank you for reminding me of that because I never really looked deep into the light cycles controversey I was just gonna do 24 hour light veg and 12/12 flower. But I might not. Ill have to do some digging tonight. But everyone have a good night!

Plant #1

Plant #2

Also I don't know what these are. They are in my soil. Fly all around my plant when shaken. It's not bad. I can easily contain it myself. But some more info on them would be cool. I am thinking of trying Neem Oil. Because they are damaging my plant. Not a lot. But I feel like if I don't do something to irradicate all of them they could ruin my first grow.
Heya everyone! Hope everyone's day is going as good as mine. :smokin:
The girls are looking beautiful, Should be making the switch to 12/12 tommarow. The new growth on #1 is amazing. Growing inches a day! I have been lst'ing her down due to the size of my box. I might have to make a new one. I'm gonna go for something taller if I do. I didn't think it was gonna become so big so fast. But here she is before and after her LST
Plant #1

Some LST was done on her right after the first picture.

Thought I would show you all how crowded my space is getting.

And you know, Plant #2 is doing better. Still no great leaps in veg growth but atleast she is still alive. Also I think I forgot to mention I am going to have to put her on 12/12 along with #1. It should be interesting to see how that goes.By the way she is a little raddled up in the picture because my fan went overtime for some reason and blew her over. But she propped back up and doing fine now.

Anyways I am happy with how my first grow is going! And I strongly appreciate all the help that is being given to me and my ladies.

Thanks for the tip man! Totally appreciate it.
I don't know about the hyorgen peroxide but the sticky tape seems like a great idea. I am thinking of just putting some sand on top of my soil. ALSO! I got my timer so I will be switching to 12/12 tonight I hope to get some pics up of the lady's here in a little bit. But hope everyone is having a great day.
Yo yo yo!
Update time!
Day 25 I am thinking, Not for sure.
I am switching them to flower tonight, Went and got some neem oil type spray for the little insects that have been bugging my plants.
It is called Garden Safe Fungicide 3. It cost me 4.39 at walmart and I think it will do. It was right next to the neem oil extract but it was several dollars cheaper so I went with that.
But no pics tonight. (SORRY)
But just a little f.y.i. They are looking great. Plant #1 just keeps growing and #2 is kinda just sitting there still. Not doing very much.
I was gonna pick up some 1350 lumen bulbs since my cfl's are like 500 or so. But the card I had was bs'ing. So I just got the spray.
Anyways I hope everyone is having a great night/morning/noon/day whatever it is where you are.
And I will be uploading some pics first thing in the morning.

Skumper - thanks for sticking around and here are a couple of reps for being resilient :welcome:

It can be tough sometimes getting people to stop by and visit your grow. I often felt like I was posting for my own benefit when I first got started. Putting it into your signature was a good move. Getting to other threads and posting helps too. That's how I got here!

I had those little bugs before. I put sand on top and slowed down on the water. Worked for me, but every situation differs.:Namaste:
Yeah man! Your one of the coolest people I have on here. And yeah I know right. I tryed so hard with the sig and decided I wanted to get more involved in the community and people. I looked for grows I liked which honestly was barely any. Being the noob I am, I couldn't keep up with the huge popular journals. I guess I kinda just like chill small community journals. Haha.

Oh yeah, And for the bugs that Garden Safe Fungicide 3 seems to have done the trick.
I also did some pruning today to open up the canopy to the lower growth. I don't know if I slightly overdid it. It was only like 4/5 leaves. But there is a pretty big difference, I would upload some pics but shes in her dark stage right now. But first thing in the morning i'll take a few.

It's around day 30. About 5 days since flower.
Plant #1 is looking good, I was worried I might have over trimmed her the other day but it seems to of helped the lower growth and she looked the same today, Snipped another 1/2 leaves this morning. The canopy is coming together nicely.

Plant #2 is growing slowly but surely. No real progress.

Also I picked up some new LED Bulbs. They are Great Value 75 Watt equivalent, With 14 actual watts used.
It has 1100 Lumens. And cost about 1.69$ per year (estimate) and it last 9 years. I picked up 2 of these to replace my 900 Lumen and my other 600 Lumen CFL Bulbs.

But here is some pic's, Enjoy ! :D

Plant #1

Plant #1 under canpoy/side view.

Plant #2 (Not much change since last update. Some new growth but not much. The top is doing alright.

Sorry for the quality, Lost the battery charger to my Cannon.
Heyo thanks for dropping in BedroomFarmer!
And as for those Gnats, The fungice 3 in one stuff took care of the problem.
And yep, I let it get nice and crispy inbetween waterings so the roots can search for it.
They really are doing great tho. #1 looks amazing. I think alot of peope thought it was going to fail since it was MG: Moisture Control
But it actually did really well. #2 wasn't doing so good in just some organic potting soil so I mixed in some of the MG and perlite and it actually did a little better.
Hey I need some help. I want to do a update and I have a lot of photo's but I can't upload them to the gallery. It says it was uploaded succesfully but it's not. And it skips the (verification page?) I guess. Any help would be awesome!

Also I dont know if this matters but it says on the photo's *Showing 1 of 39 out of 39*
DAY 32 I think. Im sorry I haven't been keeping track of that. :bong:

Lot's of pictures today!
Plant #1 is looking good so much new growth, I did a lot of LST on her and pruned her kinda narrow for my box.
But im just gonna start you guys out with the money shot :dreamy::clap::trance:

A side view of the canopy.

Another one. :clap::laughtwo:

A top view :drool:

By the way I have been pruning her and LST'ing here kinda narrow so that's why it looks weird.
Also sorry for the foot shot. Totally didn't even notice that until it popped up 10x bigger in my face (Im looking at it as I type)
Plant #2 is still not really doing much, Growing new growth slowly. But atleast she is still going. I don't wanna throw her out because I have room for 2 even if it is a runt. It'll just be a few extra g's to my harvest.
Only 1 pic of her but here she is.

I also wanted to note, That I contacted 420 about getting those photo's from the first week and a half of growth up but I didn't get a reply.
But I just wanted to say they are all in my gallery if you want to take a peek.
Thank you homie, A lot more crazy LST to come. I just got back from buying some yarn to tie em down. I plan on probably tying every single branch so that way there is a lot more light reach on the lower growth and everything is just easier and spaced out more. Sadly I have a windows phone so I don't think I can get the app.

I might go ahead and do a update today after I do all the LST.
Sooo I decided I was gonna do some major LST because i'm basically at my height limit.
I only really know how to describe it as tying about every branch on the plant down to the same height.
I'm kinda going for the results and look of a Scrog, Without the Scrog lol.

So here is Bag Seed #1
From a few different angles.

And I am going to add more to make it completely even when the branches are a lil longer.

As for Bag Seed #2 it looks the same as before. Any idea's on why she isn't growing?
I know it's not the size of the pot, Or under or over watering.

Also when should I start to see pre flowers. I know it's bag seed so we don't know genetics but when is average?
Thanks to anyone who can help.
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