Smokemups 2nd 420! Journal & LST Attempt 400w MH/HPS Soil Grow Indica Strain

re: Smokemups 2nd 420! Journal & LST Attempt 400w MH/HPS Soil Grow Indica Strain

* KIK's PICS *

Hey guys, just thought Id put up a couple of KIksumass, not much has changed, she had a light trim again today and some Powerfeed.. She will hopefully begin to grow up from now, about 2 weeks and I should have the makings of a nice plant again I hope..


So theres my girl, you may not have noticed much change, but all branches are growing well and theyre now heading upwards so yeah, hopin in 2 weeks to have some better progress shots. Thanks for stopping by guys, and hope you likey my lil girl!! Take care, Smokemup!!
re: Smokemups 2nd 420! Journal & LST Attempt 400w MH/HPS Soil Grow Indica Strain

HEY GUYS:):) Hows things..
Dunno if this will work properly, But I just wanted to load up some footage my camera took recently, not long after the passing of my 3 friends..
We were home talking about my lost friends and such, anyways I went to bed and soon after my mate left... Anyway just as the footage hits the 44th second, a white ball of light with a dark centre, comes floating around the corner and past my car to near my bedroom window.
It was just by chance i noticed it as i was about to format it then i decided to watch my mates leavin on the camera s DVR system, and we caught this image. It isnt a solid object IMO, as the camera would have kept recording as cats and such set it off, but it stopped and the way it moves is not consistent with any animal i know of and its about 3.5 ft from th ground.. Anyway, see what you think!!!

Ahh crap it didntwork:(
re: Smokemups 2nd 420! Journal & LST Attempt 400w MH/HPS Soil Grow Indica Strain

hmm...will see what i can do to get it up here..
re: Smokemups 2nd 420! Journal & LST Attempt 400w MH/HPS Soil Grow Indica Strain

What Wiz Said :thumb:

Ok seriously Smoke, WTF ARE YOU USING TO MAKE THESE PLANTS GROW SO DAMN BIG IN SUCH SHORT TIME!!!????????? You seriously have the all mighty green thumb:thumb: (That thumb needs to be green on the emoji lol) Very good grow this one. (Yodo voice) :laughtwo:
re: Smokemups 2nd 420! Journal & LST Attempt 400w MH/HPS Soil Grow Indica Strain

Hello everyone, Hope to find you all well..
We re doing ok, things have settled a little after the dust storm I stirred up over the past few weeks which is GOOD:) Im getting our house secure again first of all as I cant risk my kids being hurt,the police are useless here So its upto me..
Anyway just a quick post on Kiksum's progress, She is doing well, but the temps here atm have been RIDICULOUS!! Been over 32*C each day then I got my MH to add to that and my girls in a bloody Sauna!! Temps got upto 39*C in her spot at one stage.. She has fresh air and plenty of circulation but man its crazy.
Today I removed about 5 branches, and some leaves and then gave her some of my Seaweed extract., after a couple hours she was perky looking so I hope I havent hindered her too much?? She has so much growth, similar to Cindy's, Its crazy to think how easy I can now get a plant to form like this, Ideally - If someone had the space and wanted me to set a plant out for them ID DO IT THIS EXACT WAY!!
Sure it produces a shit load of main vertical branches, But the cola's you ll get on top of each cola is worth it IMO!!!
Especially if they get to Cindy's bud size. Im hoping this will be capable of at least giving me some solid dense bud, PACKED WITH TRICHS:):)
I do still hope to achieve around 6-8 oz dry from this, but only time will tell..
ALRIGHTY THEN.... Take care guys, Thank you all for taking the time to drop in and say HI, I appreciate all the nice remarks I get too:):) AND>> IM LIKE EQUAL 2nd or SO IN NOTM!!! :yahoo::yahoo::party::yahoo::yahoo: THATS MAD.. WONT WIN BUT IM STOKED ANYONE EVEN VOTED FOR ME!!! SO THANKS TO EVRY SINGLE PERSON WHO HAS CAME BY MY JOURNAL... Much respect for all you guys!!
re: Smokemups 2nd 420! Journal & LST Attempt 400w MH/HPS Soil Grow Indica Strain

Helloo guys, how are ya??
Well Im just kicking back watchin some flicks after work.. I HATE WRKIN SUNDAYS.... But anyway, today I cracked open an oz i had curing, man once I opened it up it smelled awsum, the smell she had prior to harvest has came through int he buds and once i broke off a bud it was mad..
She smokes well now, I made a fairly green mix, and just ripped 2 quick shotguns down and I was breathin deep for a minit there:):) But all good I got that head and body feel again, the stuff I dried quicker with less curing time still has taste n feel, but yeah, Im kinda leaning toward it having a better smell n feel now with this fresh oz, so it will be interesting to see how it tastes in another month or 2..
Kiksumass is now into 5th gear... CRUIZIN!!!!! She is in good shape, and Im happy with what Ive done.
I was going to transplant her into slightly larger pot, but I think Ill leave her be, I should be able to get her a decent size I hope, all the shoots have now become more solid in the stems and are starting to shape themselves out from the tethers so will have to see what she does, as with my last grow, the original main cola, was nearly overtaken in growth height and size from its opposing Apical top which was made, similar to now.. She has started to take shape tho so Im looking forward to what this will do, I just hope to have some nice buds to toke on at the end of it!!! She has bounced back from her trimming and such the other day and is looking healthy atm, Ill leave her another day or 2 before I may trim another couple, and move some tethers.
Ok well, thats about all from my side of the fence for the moment, Im going to return back to the couch and enjoy some P&Q while kids are out...Take cra guys, THANK YOU FOR DROPPING BY MY JOURNAL!:thanks::thumb: Catch ya later peeps:) Smokemup
re: Smokemups 2nd 420! Journal & LST Attempt 400w MH/HPS Soil Grow Indica Strain

Working sundays blows man but shit happens eh! :laughtwo:
Glad you got house sorted and have the balls to grow again. Would of been a nerve wrecking thing i bet. Keep up with the nice journal. I just love your simple approach which is the complete opposit of mine it seems but we both get results so who can argue! :thumb:
re: Smokemups 2nd 420! Journal & LST Attempt 400w MH/HPS Soil Grow Indica Strain

Thats it buddy... YOU KNOW IT!!
And yeah, starting again doesnt bother me, its just the fact some one broke in.. THEY WONT DO IT AGAIN, THIS IM SURE OF!! Even if I was to tell the town I had heaps of plants with buds, they know theyd be putting em selves out there too far..
So Im confidant about this It was just one of those things.. Lesson learned.. Well cheers mate, thanks for stopping by!!
Take care, Smokemup..
Hey OG, How you doing mate??
Yeah she is taking off now mate!!!! Over the past 2 days mate she s now flying along, she s gotten some nice formations happening, so I cant wait to see what the next month brings!
Already theres 3 branches just bigger than the first original main cola, So IM EXCITED BUDDY:):):) BUDS BUDS BUDS BUDS... Still got a while but its always worth the wait.. As long as I get to keep my harvest this time!! Man if the buds are good Ill carry em everywhere with me so i got my eye on em! Cheers for stopping by and for your support lately. Good to have y around.. Smokemup..
Lots of great info Smokem! Thanks man. Quick question. Is it OK to add N to my nute mixture now that I am in flowering? I have just started adding nutes. I am using FFOF and it has enough nutes for around 5 weeks with auto's. Then I follow the FF soil feeding schedule half strength adding in 1 tsp of Cal/mag, 1/4 tsp of Superthrive. In another week I will add in Molasses. Really my concern is healthy looking leaves. My last grow all 4 girls developed a deficiency that caused the leaves to rust over and then two of the girls really took off with a purple stem painting that I believed to be a cal/mag issue. I am assuming now that maybe this was really a N deficiency. Either way I would like your opinion when you get a chance!

I like the work your doing with "K" seems that it will work out for you. I did some LST on both of my Auto's a few weeks ago. I just got finished adjusting them. I hope this will work out and add weight!
Hi buddy how are ya??
Well Im humbled you chose to ask me for some help with your girls!! Ill try my best for ya ok.. Firstly, during the start of flower, its fine to still give some N, and I even believe its fine also in small amounts through flowering as well as they grow more leaves among buds and such so a little N wont hurt I dont think.. Most slowly start to cut out N during flower and more so give P & K, and other trace elements.. Bloom boosters or such some may suggest, but as long as you can find some nutes with a little N, and stronger P + K ratio will suit you fine.
I bought some well, kinda organic P&K liquid from a local shop you can use it for soil feeding or hydro too, its about as close to hydro stuff as I get! My soil has an active N,P,K base it creates itself so that helps a little, and what youve said sounds about on the money! And I have things like: Urea for N, Sulphate of Potash for POtassium,and some other individual org. nutes I dissolve into her feed sometimes, if Im making up a certain feed solution.. As long as youre feed solution has the basics they need for flower, you shouldnt run into many problems.. I always go to my Seasol if in doubt - seaweed extract:):) Feeds em up n makes em happy!! Sorry Im not full of amazing tips, but I keep things fairly basic so I know what may be at fault.. Take care buddy, Smokemup..
PLants leaves yellow and die off naturally as you d know, so dont be alarmed if it starts going yellow in the bigger fans, But if you get rusty patches it may be a few causes, Boron, Cal/mag or even Potass.. But by the sound of it you should be ok, Ive never grown an auto, but Im sure the requirement s are pretty much the same..
Thanks for the feedback and for keeping it simple. I was reading other posts you had on Seasol, Sounds interesting. So far I'm good with the rusting but want to be ready. As you said the Fan leaves are turning yellow. I'm cool with that. I actually let them go all yellow so as not to waste any energy!
Hi buddy how are ya??
Well Im humbled you chose to ask me for some help with your girls!! Ill try my best for ya ok.. Firstly, during the start of flower, its fine to still give some N, and I even believe its fine also in small amounts through flowering as well as they grow more leaves among buds and such so a little N wont hurt I dont think.. Most slowly start to cut out N during flower and more so give P & K, and other trace elements.. Bloom boosters or such some may suggest, but as long as you can find some nutes with a little N, and stronger P + K ratio will suit you fine.
I bought some well, kinda organic P&K liquid from a local shop you can use it for soil feeding or hydro too, its about as close to hydro stuff as I get! My soil has an active N,P,K base it creates itself so that helps a little, and what youve said sounds about on the money! And I have things like: Urea for N, Sulphate of Potash for POtassium,and some other individual org. nutes I dissolve into her feed sometimes, if Im making up a certain feed solution.. As long as youre feed solution has the basics they need for flower, you shouldnt run into many problems.. I always go to my Seasol if in doubt - seaweed extract:):) Feeds em up n makes em happy!! Sorry Im not full of amazing tips, but I keep things fairly basic so I know what may be at fault.. Take care buddy, Smokemup..
PLants leaves yellow and die off naturally as you d know, so dont be alarmed if it starts going yellow in the bigger fans, But if you get rusty patches it may be a few causes, Boron, Cal/mag or even Potass.. But by the sound of it you should be ok, Ive never grown an auto, but Im sure the requirement s are pretty much the same..

Very good info there smoke , should have asked you lol, when I noticed those damm gnats and the yellowing my garden guy staed that the nutes i was using the manufacturer recommends using the grow formula along with the bloom. Should have stayed with Blue Planet but could not afford the Farmers pride and wanted to keep it organic. Next grow will go alot better. Your plant is going to be a beast.
Peace OG.
Well hell...sometimes i see balls of light...them plants look so good they look shit got twisted leaves and stuff...hey Smoke..i was fixing to start grafting..i was going to use one of my plants in dwc...they are the largest...anyway when i topped them i see they have hollow stems...the stems are larger than a standard pencil and the hole through the stem you can almost stick the pencil do all plants in hydro have hollow stems ??..and is that a sign of sativas ?? they both got 9 blade fans...i think i like hydro...
Hey FLUFFY!!!!
How are ya Chick?? Hoping all is well your end? Im still kicking along, Kiksum is growing well at the moment, Having trouble setting her out but Ill get there.. Howd your harvest go or did you wait??
Long as youre happy with it mate thats all that matters:) Take care, Smokemup.
Thanks OG:) Youll be right mate, as ya said, theres always next grow!!!
Hope you have been well, thanks for dropping by.. Chat soon ok mate, Smokemup:thumb:
Hey MIWA!! Hows things bro??
LOl.. Thanks mate, theyre real - I promise! Hoping this one will be similar to Cindy growth wise..
About grafting, yes, Some stems Ive cut have been hollow also, I think its normal for most plants as they have fibres connecting all the branches together, so you should be able to graft, but Ive never trid it. Maybe look into a bit first buddy.. Wishing you all the best.. Smokemup..
Thanks OG:) Youll be right mate, as ya said, theres always next grow!!!
Hope you have been well, thanks for dropping by.. Chat soon ok mate, Smokemup:thumb:

Thanks Smoke, the outside girls had the added benefit of mother nature the soil surrounding them in my garden, so if I flubbed on the nutes she would take care of them will be more diligent next go round with the new girls. May even have a line from a buddy of mine on a 1000w hps for the tent and new exhaust fan then may throw the 600 in the veg tent or sell it and get a halide .
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