Smokemups 2nd 420! Journal & LST Attempt 400w MH/HPS Soil Grow Indica Strain

Sounds Good OG!!
If you do a tent, Id suggest a MH, as for veg IMO, Its good to grow a strong plant and start to set it up for flower.. So by giving it the MH it will veg well, And you can get dual-spectrum globe for Flower. Of course its up to u, but I dont like using a 1000w light/ballast..I believe its too much ligh and heat, unless youve got a big space and good venting and such. Im happy with the results from my 400w, the 600w HPS Im not sure if that gave me the larger buds or it was the combo of her grow style?
Even just Veg the plants with some CFL's mate!! THEY ARE GREAT FOR VEG - Ive seen GREAT results time n time again, you can get twin socket extensions so there s 2 globes per socket, you can set up a great grow space for a fraction of the price of a MH + Ballast, plus youll save on power.. I think I told you how to extract the electric. cord and light socket from a desk lamp?? CHEAP AND PERFECT!!
Anyways OG, cheers again for dropping in, Been good havin ya round;) Catch ya, Smokemup..

Welcome everyone to my journal, Thank you for dropping by:):) Well Let me fill you in on whats been happening...
I bought a larger Pot for KIKSUMASS, I wasnt going to, but i crumbled and got one, Now Im gunna have another monster!! I bought some soil from a place I have before, and the soil usually has soil mites init, for some reason they seem to have them in their soils, where as the other paces dont. I dont mind soil mites, I WONT BE FREAKIN THINKIN THEYRE SPIDER MITES THIS TIME!! Lol..
So i set up to transplant her, all went smoothly which was good, I had to re tether her and man, this morning she was perky:) And now Ive got the extra room to tie her down some more before she s nearing flower Im hoping to have a nice harvest again..
The extra trimming Ive done has paid off, Ive removed afew main branches in favour of more dominant branches, and trimmed fans for light - In another week I think and most of her final points will be done.. Added a little extra Slow release fert near base and watered with light Seaweed extract.. WELL - ENOUGH FROM ME, HERES SOME PICS OF MY GIRL:-
Her stem is looking great
She s got about 11 main branches now:)

OK WELL THERE YOU GO, A FEW PICS OF KIKSUM, She is really branching out well I really cant wait to see how much longer it takes for her to hit 3ft or so.. HOPE I GET SOME 2ft BUDS AGAIN!! Thanks to all of you who have dropped in and lent some moral support or just to say hi.. BE GOOD or GOOD AT IT!! Later guys, Smokemup n Kiksumass
Dammm smoke, Kiksum looks like a small hedge gonna be a beast, will look into Tue flouro"s and see may hey a four bank t-5 set up for veg like the lower cost of use. Give it a week of two and she will be a massive Cindy knock off in the makings good growing mate , looking forward to those huge ass colas .
Cool pics. She looks clean and healthy so far. Down to 10 or so tops? I was counting then I looked at the next pic and scratched my head! Hard for me to see captions above the pic! I still have not gotten the nerve to remove entire branches. I went so far as to LST this grow and I'm glad I did. I can finally see why folks go with a SCROG. Good enough for mu autos. Branches might be taking far at this point! Great to see you back to easy decisions such as bigger pots!
Thanks OG:thumb:
Yeah she s gunna be pretty big now Im sure!! Having the extra sized pot I now know she ll be capable of good things!
starting to set out her branches atm, and its looking promising thus far.. Just waiting for 1st main cola to grow out from its new tether point and then she s right to go!
Thanks for the confidence in me:) Take it easy buddy!!! Smokemup..
LOl@ Hozona:) Yeah I guess thatll be fine mate, But not until she s mature!!!
I need to harvest some of her first.. Need to build m stash back up! But yeah, Thanks for the offer bro:) I do like her look now a little more since she s growing larger.
Her Primaries should produce some nice bud sites I hope similar to my last girl.. FINGERS CROSSSED!! Thanks for stopping by mate, appreciate your input! Have a good one and chat soon ok buddy. Smokemup
Hey Springa!!
Thanks mate, I see no probs with her so far touch wood.. She seems to be happy enough doing her thing, and isnt far away from being able to grow out from her tethers and then gain some size..
Yeah, She has at least 10 main branches now, with some forming atm, and I m fairly sure these will grow into primary's too.. So I should have similar stats as Cindy s grow I hope. But I hope to be able to move this grow around abi more as I couldnt with Cindy.
And I was tedious about removing leaves, branches etc too; but if done right, the plant will show minimal signs of damage.
My pants usually recover overnight and are perky the next morning. With Cindy, I removed way more leaves and branches than I have in the past and even tho I had people saying - DO IT MORE - I was hesitant, But mid way through flower, I WISHED ID LISTENED!!
I needed to make the extra space for the buds, as the growth was crazy.. She was my first LST and I learned a lot more than I thought I would.. During the early stages of Veg, a plant can handle quite abit of manipulation, I never pushed em too hard, But now with this grow I see no ill effect from trimming/branch removal. She s got her pre-pistils with 2 hairs coming out now so SHE s a SHE!!
I try to stagger the leaves I take so as its not all from 1 branch at a time and do it over a couple days to achieve what I want.
LST IS THE BEST WAY IVE FOUND TO GROW A PLANT INDOOR IN SOIL TO ACHIEVE MAX.POTENTIAL. Ill stick by this as using this method has so far produced the largest indoor buds Ive grown and largest yield, So IF I REPLICATE SIMILAR RESULTS. ITS SET IN STONE FOR ME!!!
Thank you for your kind comments, glad you like her so far1 Cheers mate... Smokemup..
Hello Smokem & Kiki! :ciao:

All is well, Lizzie was my purposely early harvest but Ruby and Annie are still going. I think a week this Saturday we will be ready to go.
Lizzie gave some really nice bud, definitely good as a top up when needed.

I can't wait to see what happens here...just don't use the golden syrup :)

See you soon! :hug:

Hey FLUFFY!!!!
How are ya Chick?? Hoping all is well your end? Im still kicking along, Kiksum is growing well at the moment, Having trouble setting her out but Ill get there.. Howd your harvest go or did you wait??
Long as youre happy with it mate thats all that matters:) Take care, Smokemup.
I think any of Smokem's grows will be a wild and wonderful rollercoaster ride :thumb:

man;;;look at that trunk on that tree...shes going to be huge..and a big pot...this is going to be fun...
Sounds Good OG!!
If you do a tent, Id suggest a MH, as for veg IMO, Its good to grow a strong plant and start to set it up for flower.. So by giving it the MH it will veg well, And you can get dual-spectrum globe for Flower. Of course its up to u, but I dont like using a 1000w light/ballast..I believe its too much ligh and heat, unless youve got a big space and good venting and such. Im happy with the results from my 400w, the 600w HPS Im not sure if that gave me the larger buds or it was the combo of her grow style?
Even just Veg the plants with some CFL's mate!! THEY ARE GREAT FOR VEG - Ive seen GREAT results time n time again, you can get twin socket extensions so there s 2 globes per socket, you can set up a great grow space for a fraction of the price of a MH + Ballast, plus youll save on power.. I think I told you how to extract the electric. cord and light socket from a desk lamp?? CHEAP AND PERFECT!!
Anyways OG, cheers again for dropping in, Been good havin ya round;) Catch ya, Smokemup..

Yah I have been really considering a halide , maybe a 250 or 400 for the veg tent . Next grow is gonna be off the hook with some of the seeds I have will be a great line to run and keep a few mother plants, but more importantly is it will set up some nice clones for spring.
Hi Fluffy,Thanks for dropping by mate:)
Oh, Ok cool.. Well I hope Ruby gives you a good harvest chicky!!! Like pounds n stuff:) So how you been going anyway?
Hope all is ok on our side of the fence.. Well, Take care mate, and cheers again for the drive by! Ill have to pop over n say hi.
Have a good one, Later Fluffy, Smokemup..
Well I hope to at least have a nice plant again to make up for last harvests disaster.. And yep, She is gaining in size daily now, quite noticeably too. In under 24 hrs she grew out and up from a horizontal tether so she gained about 2 inch each branch.. And the pot is about same volume as Cindy's, its just round. I LIKE 2FT BUDS.. IM HOOKED!! This method is great for growing IMO, I like how the plant reacts, and about 2 weeks later its going troppo!! AWSUMNESS:):) But I just hope for simple things first, that she makes it to flower and thru flower trouble free..
So time will tell, Thank you for the great comments bro, Hope you ve been enjoying yourself lately!! Man its been crazy hot here, like 46*C.. Crazy.. Alrighty mate, take care, Chat soon. Smokemup..
Lol...THANK YOU AUNT FLUFFY;) Im just an ordinary man, with extraordinary skills!! LOL:):) Ahh Cheers guys youre all legends! SScratch ya s later:thumb: BE COOL.. Smokemup..
:) Today, I was breakin open a nug from Cindy.. And guess what I found??
1 single seed!! Cindy gave me a seed, she left me a genetic sample of herself So I may one day be able to replicate her grow!!:):)
This is the first seed Ive found thus far, and I dont expect to find any more.. BUT MAN THATS COOL!!! I recko it would grow too, Its not a large seed but it is developed and looks possible of germination so IM RAPT.. I HAVE A C99xPR seed again!! YEE HAWW!! Well Its not front page news, but just thought Id share it as it made me smile;) Later peeps.. Smokemup n Kiksumass with Cindy:)
Yayyyyyyy! Cindy II!!!!! :cheer:

:) Today, I was breakin open a nug from Cindy.. And guess what I found??
1 single seed!! Cindy gave me a seed, she left me a genetic sample of herself So I may one day be able to replicate her grow!!:):)
This is the first seed Ive found thus far, and I dont expect to find any more.. BUT MAN THATS COOL!!! I recko it would grow too, Its not a large seed but it is developed and looks possible of germination so IM RAPT.. I HAVE A C99xPR seed again!! YEE HAWW!! Well Its not front page news, but just thought Id share it as it made me smile;) Later peeps.. Smokemup n Kiksumass with Cindy:)
:) Today, I was breakin open a nug from Cindy.. And guess what I found??
1 single seed!! Cindy gave me a seed, she left me a genetic sample of herself So I may one day be able to replicate her grow!!:):)
This is the first seed Ive found thus far, and I dont expect to find any more.. BUT MAN THATS COOL!!! I recko it would grow too, Its not a large seed but it is developed and looks possible of germination so IM RAPT.. I HAVE A C99xPR seed again!! YEE HAWW!! Well Its not front page news, but just thought Id share it as it made me smile;) Later peeps.. Smokemup n Kiksumass with Cindy:)

Very cool mate, CIndy was looking ouot for herself and glad they did not take that bud.
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