Some Gear No Idea - First Grow Under CFLs & LED - Candida CBD Strain

re: Some Gear No Idea - First Grow Under CFLs & LED - Candida CBD Strain

And Canna are a bit fragile tbh. You get the best results using their soil mixes. Using anything else gives serious PH fluctuations. It sounds weird but I use Canna Flores for three days before I start the flush. Any other time I've used it I've ended up with nute problems, but that little three day feed makes them fatten up almost immediately

I like the misting idea that would be kool but would create more humidity issues for me, maybe in summer I'll give that a go.

Ah ok no don't want to do that. May stick with using my biobizz nuts as so far they have done a really great job. Don't want to mess up at the end of it. Maybe my next grow I'll do some more experiments with different nuts.

I'm hoping to see some proper buds forming by later this week
re: Some Gear No Idea - First Grow Under CFLs & LED - Candida CBD Strain

No worries, I wasn't recommending it, it's a volatile operation!!!

Is biobizz a feed?

Yeh they do a few different ones, grow which is for veg & "bloom" which is for flowering+ "Top max" which also for flow. Same company that makes the soil I'm using. Seems decent stuff and been working good so far :)
re: Some Gear No Idea - First Grow Under CFLs & LED - Candida CBD Strain

Yeh they do a few different ones, grow which is for veg & "bloom" which is for flowering+ "Top max" which also for flow. Same company that makes the soil I'm using. Seems decent stuff and been working good so far :)

You've got it down bro, Canna didn't tell anyone on their packaging or website about the feeds working at optimum levels only in their soil. Seems silly when they most probably lost out on profit when people bought their food but different soil (as I and many others did, found a very angry thread on line with much grumbling and muttering about what we'd do to Canna should we get our hands on them ;)

I've got a spare 600w hps there if you want it for flower? Admittedly I repaired the hood after breaking it but in a smaller grow area like yours it will give out enough.

Don't want anything for it. Trying to help a fellow grower (I'm not old bill either ;)
re: Some Gear No Idea - First Grow Under CFLs & LED - Candida CBD Strain

You've got it down bro, Canna didn't tell anyone on their packaging or website about the feeds working at optimum levels only in their soil. Seems silly when they most probably lost out on profit when people bought their food but different soil (as I and many others did, found a very angry thread on line with much grumbling and muttering about what we'd do to Canna should we get our hands on them ;)

I've got a spare 600w hps there if you want it for flower? Admittedly I repaired the hood after breaking it but in a smaller grow area like yours it will give out enough.

Don't want anything for it. Trying to help a fellow grower (I'm not old bill either ;)

Hahaha thanks bro that's nice of ya, sadly can't run HPS in my setup as just would get way to hot. Plus landlord may notice a massive jump in the electric bill .

That's why I went with LED as uses much less electric & much cooler my 4" exhaust manages.

Seriously kind offer tho thankyou.

That's good to know about Canna as I was looking at there products and almost got them. Glad I didn't now as I'd of been screwed. The Biobizz has been really easy to use and plants seem to love it plus didn't cost a tonne of money so that's another bonus. Shame same can't be said about the LED light and the rest of my setup, that hurt my wallet lol
re: Some Gear No Idea - First Grow Under CFLs & LED - Candida CBD Strain

And how do you get on in summer? Have you done a hot grow yet?

I haven't yet but hoping to get myself a green house, nothing fancy but hopefully make the most of the free sunlight! Think by April is when I need it setup by to then harvest around September/October.
re: Some Gear No Idea - First Grow Under CFLs & LED - Candida CBD Strain

No worries brosef, I'm desperate to give the LEDs a go. Gardening is all I do so can't afford to try something new and not get any bits and bobs at the end.


Got my pals furniture in the other spare room (spare room 1 is a garden. I do all of my living in the kitchen really ;)

But he's taking it away gradually, should be done by next week so come January 1 at 9am I will be setting up an experimental garden where I can mad scientist the shizz out of all of the stuff I've seen on here

LEDs first tho

What do you recommend?

My argument/stance has been that as I grow for financial reasons, I could in fact double up on grow space and ergo plants as LEDs produce half the power as my HPS but cover the same sort of area

Is this the case

If so...where do I get a really good set?!?! I've never scrimped on lights, you pay cheap and end up paying for it later
No worries brosef, I’m desperate to give the LEDs a go. Gardening is all I do so can’t afford to try something new and not get any bits and bobs at the end.


Got my pals furniture in the other spare room (spare room 1 is a garden. I do all of my living in the kitchen really ;)

But he’s taking it away gradually, should be done by next week so come January 1 at 9am I will be setting up an experimental garden where I can mad scientist the shizz out of all of the stuff I’ve seen on here

LEDs first tho

What do you recommend?

My argument/stance has been that as I grow for financial reasons, I could in fact double up on grow space and ergo plants as LEDs produce half the power as my HPS but cover the same sort of area

Is this the case

If so...where do I get a really good set?!?! I’ve never scrimped on lights, you pay cheap and end up paying for it later

Well I think it’s true that you don’t get as good coverage as you do with HPS. I think if you wanted to grow say 10+ plants in one place then I think still HPS is the best bet for guaranteed yields. But if your growing under that, let’s say 10 plants

You’d prob need atleast 2 depending on the size of your area (square footage, minimum led requirement is 37W per square foot). Mars have a great rep and they do some decent 900W units which look impressive.

I went for a VIPARSPECTRA as just caught my eye a bit more than the Mars, I have a 600w (which pulls around 280w actual wattage!). Good coverage for my 4x2 space.

So far it’s performing well and has different switches for veg and bloom. Some pics attached. They come with good quality and can’t flaw the build/design of it.

I’ve heard tho Mars have brought out some COB lighting which is meant to be as good as LED if not better (but more expensive!)
Thank you for that mate

I’ve asked before and crashed 420 as people rushed to hate the HPS user ;)

I’ve heard that the ones on offer in Europe aren’t as good as ones available in America

Do you mind me asking where you got yours?

Hahaha I bet! From all I’ve read I think HPS for sure can’t be beaten if your growing on a very large scale. But from what I gather yields with good quality LEDS and cobs can be awesome. Plus although there expensive to purchase, you do save a lot on electric costs so that is a big bonus.

VIPARSPECTRA are made in Germany or atleast that’s where there based. Mars are popular in the US but still think there made in China.

I got mine off eBay for a discounted price (auction) £100 I paid for it instead of £170 which is the normal price. Still comes with warranty etc just had a couple of scratches (to the metal case not light) but for £70 off I can totally live with a couple of scratches lol
re: Some Gear No Idea - First Grow Under CFLs & LED - Candida CBD Strain

All day long. Just makes your light look like a battle hardened veteran ;)

Haha totally! Some dude listed 3x 600w Mars Hydro leds the other day for £280 for all 3! Was so tempted but sadly my bank wouldn't allow it this near Xmas . def have a look on there if you fancy experimenting a bit as you can get some decent branded bargains, maybe stick a few plants under them in a corner of room, instead of HPS and see what yield is bigger. As more dense buds on fewer plants is as good as more plants but not as dense.

Some of the guys/girls on here have grown some scarily big Cola's with there LED's! they look tree trunks lol
re: Some Gear No Idea - First Grow Under CFLs & LED - Candida CBD Strain

I knoooow. I have to balance between yield and potency but, and I say this with humble intentions, nothing I've seen under LEDs has made me think 'yes I need to switch'

Again, I say this humbly, I'm lucky that over the years I've got a system down that produces 30% thc with colas that are as good as anything I've seen on here.

I've always been a fan of saying don't knock it until you've tried it. I honestly don't have a problem with LEDs and nor do I know for certain that HPS are better.

If the hype mixes well with my gardening techniques then I'm in for some ridiculously good bud

The type of stuff that becomes a pandemic. Bit like Crack in the early 90's

Don't know if it's a good idea now ;)

But seriously, it's a garden the same size as the HPS one so will be a brilliant way to compare
re: Some Gear No Idea - First Grow Under CFLs & LED - Candida CBD Strain

I knoooow. I have to balance between yield and potency but, and I say this with humble intentions, nothing I've seen under LEDs has made me think 'yes I need to switch'

Again, I say this humbly, I'm lucky that over the years I've got a system down that produces 30% thc with colas that are as good as anything I've seen on here.

I've always been a fan of saying don't knock it until you've tried it. I honestly don't have a problem with LEDs and nor do I know for certain that HPS are better.

If the hype mixes well with my gardening techniques then I'm in for some ridiculously good bud

The type of stuff that becomes a pandemic. Bit like Crack in the early 90's

Don't know if it's a good idea now ;)

But seriously, it's a garden the same size as the HPS one so will be a brilliant way to compare

Haha that's a great analogy "like crack in the 90's", or like E in the 00's ..

For sure and if your producing those sort of yields the only reason to switch would be electrical costs. As that's the only valid reason I can see if heat etc isn't a issue.

But again if your producing enough to cover that outlay then it's just a minimal cost compared to the grow amount.

For me growing on a very small scale, LED fit right in for my usage. Also intending on making full use of the free sunlight (when we have some again lol) in summer with some Autos in garden shed. I'm not brave enough to grow these Candidas outside as outside they can literally grow metres tall! And although we don't have near neighbours I think the smell would travel ..
re: Some Gear No Idea - First Grow Under CFLs & LED - Candida CBD Strain

Haha that's a great analogy "like crack in the 90's", or like E in the 00's ..

For sure and if your producing those sort of yields the only reason to switch would be electrical costs. As that's the only valid reason I can see if heat etc isn't a issue.

But again if your producing enough to cover that outlay then it's just a minimal cost compared to the grow amount.

For me growing on a very small scale, LED fit right in for my usage. Also intending on making full use of the free sunlight (when we have some again lol) in summer with some Autos in garden shed. I'm not brave enough to grow these Candidas outside as outside they can literally grow metres tall! And although we don't have near neighbours I think the smell would travel ..

I can't remember the 00's. Cannot think for the life of me why think you've put me onto something. Thank you for staying calm and relating the information in a nice easy way to break down ;)

Anyone else I've asked....the words nucking futs comes to mind. Reminds me of the scene in A Kingdom of Heaven with all of the different factions. HPS on one side of a mediaeval hall facing the LEDs, with both yelling at each other that "It is written" and "God wills it!"

Think I might just give it a go and stay calm ;)
re: Some Gear No Idea - First Grow Under CFLs & LED - Candida CBD Strain

I can't remember the 00's. Cannot think for the life of me why think you've put me onto something. Thank you for staying calm and relating the information in a nice easy way to break down ;)

Anyone else I've asked....the words nucking futs comes to mind. Reminds me of the scene in A Kingdom of Heaven with all of the different factions. HPS on one side of a mediaeval hall facing the LEDs, with both yelling at each other that "It is written" and "God wills it!"

Think I might just give it a go and stay calm ;)

Hahaha you and me both mate ... I have very little memory of most of the 00's .

It's whatever works for you, the only main drawback I saw to HPS was there almost double the electric cost, and electric being so freaking expensive these days. Unless you fancy some solar panels (that would be freaking kool! Or a kick ass wind mill in the garden).
re: Some Gear No Idea - First Grow Under CFLs & LED - Candida CBD Strain

So the girls are getting annoyed with me keep tying them down, but still keep growing. Hoping they'll stop growing upwards and start using that energy on making buds.

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