Stocking Up For The Apocalypse: Goody's Perpetual Grow By The Beach 2020

Looking good 👍
Yeah, those 3 fingered leaves mean a Wookiee had something to do with it..
And that's always a good thing!
Looking good 👍
Yeah, those 3 fingered leaves mean a Wookiee had something to do with it..
And that's always a good thing!
I think so too.

It’s kind cool it has enough 4s that if you get stoned and stare at it long enough it looks like it goes 3,4,5. 3,4,5.
I think this one is gonna get juicy
I believe my little survivor Wookie was like that too. gonna try her for the first time tonight.:rollit:
I never saw her finish. Do you have any pics?
Enjoy! Gonna be tasty I’m sure
Since we are here and it’s Friday, here is quick shot of Wizard (right upper) and the tall and short Queen G in tent 1. Getting crowded in here!

In tent 2, another Wizard (left front) and in the back is Ruby.

Ruby T is very well trained and also has a bit more space between nodes so I hope for some golf ball style nugs. She’s also that shade of green where you can tell she’s fixin to turn purple- her stems have already started.
Both new strains should be a smorgasbord of flavors, their parents certainly were.
Reaching for the stars! :rolleyes:
Moved some ladies around so now it’s all the new F1s in this tent (2 Queen G, 1 Ruby Tue).
Ruby (the colorful one) is apparently going through some things with that yellow but I’m not sure what.. and she seems to be growing fine.

Queen G growing beautifully

In another tent under the mars hydro are both Wizards. Everyone around 37 days old today.

Not setting any records with these 2 being under 100 watts but they will be little grenades of joy.
Ruby (the colorful one) is apparently going through some things with that yellow
That is odd- she must be a real nitrogen hog if the MC isn't keeping her happy...although, she looks happy enough, just missing some green...
they will be little grenades of joy.
like little smile bombs... 😁
The Queen G has a cool split branch with twin buds

Seems to be just one, it’s on the later flowering plant that used to be a shorty but is suddenly catching a wave

You can see the big Queen G back there looking huge but this one is growing an inch a day right now and has lots of pretty tops
Hi Good Boy :)

Looking lovely 🥰
Thank you my friend. Your ladies are always lovely as well!

My Queen G sisters


They couldn’t look more different but they smell the same.

Outside it’s getting cold. I had a good garden this year and did some plants I’ve never done.
I’ve been wanting to start an apple for a while and had no idea how complicated it was- the process involves freezing the seeds then weeks in peat moss to see if MAYBE they sprout.
Well I kind of skipped that part after I found one sprouted inside an apple (likely last years crop) and planted it. Was a bit fussy as a seedling but she’s doing fine now (planted in June)
Mom was a Fuji but who knows what kind of retarded crab Apple was probably the Dad. The wind tried to break her but she’s strong.

You can see remnants of purple cauliflower back there.

On the porch is a little Fir tree that I nabbed from the mountains a few years ago (was sprouted next to a trail and likely would have been smashed)

It’s doing surprisingly well. Since I didn’t really need a giant Fir tree here at the beach house, it’s going to be a Bonsai project.

Have a great Friday and get out there and grow something!
Thank you my friend. Your ladies are always lovely as well!

My Queen G sisters


They couldn’t look more different but they smell the same.

Outside it’s getting cold. I had a good garden this year and did some plants I’ve never done.
I’ve been wanting to start an apple for a while and had no idea how complicated it was- the process involves freezing the seeds then weeks in peat moss to see if MAYBE they sprout.
Well I kind of skipped that part after I found one sprouted inside an apple (likely last years crop) and planted it. Was a bit fussy as a seedling but she’s doing fine now (planted in June)
Mom was a Fuji but who knows what kind of retarded crab Apple was probably the Dad. The wind tried to break her but she’s strong.

You can see remnants of purple cauliflower back there.

On the porch is a little Fir tree that I nabbed from the mountains a few years ago (was sprouted next to a trail and likely would have been smashed)

It’s doing surprisingly well. Since I didn’t really need a giant Fir tree here at the beach house, it’s going to be a Bonsai project.

Have a great Friday and get out there and grow something!
Very cool stuff! Can't wait to get my new garden started in the spring... so many choices to grow. Asparagus roots and globe artichokes seedlings in the ground over a month now with the deer avoiding them thank the goddess!
Very cool stuff! Can't wait to get my new garden started in the spring... so many choices to grow. Asparagus roots and globe artichokes seedlings in the ground over a month now with the deer avoiding them thank the goddess!
Damn Deer. Only cute to tourists 😂

Looking at the Queen this morning and I really like how she’s coming along. The smell is exquisite too
Damn Deer. Only cute to tourists 😂
Before North America was invaded by taxation, Buffalo and deer roamed the plains in vast numbers. Now you are lucky to spot one.
Before North America was invaded by taxation, Buffalo and deer roamed the plains in vast numbers. Now you are lucky to spot one.
I’m in an island covered in trees so the deer breed here like rats. But yes in the rest of the country their numbers have taken a huge loss. Buffalo were almost a total loss, nice to see some people bringing back herds
The “short” Queen G is suddenly almost as tall, has 6-7 tops and is making sure I know she wants to be #1.
She has one of those beautiful structures that lets you know she’s setting up for big things

A few more inches and there will be a new Queen of this tent
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