Stocking Up For The Apocalypse: Goody's Perpetual Grow By The Beach 2020

Happy Monday

Triangle Kush auto is about done so she’s gotta go. I need the room.

1 is a fatty. These smell like hot garbage which I suppose is a good thing 😂 and I’m used to skunky piney stuff, so it’s a change. This one was grown in soil and not much training or anything.

2 was in a SIP- where she did ok. But there are things I didn’t know, like the need for a fabric bag of some kind. Mine ended up soupy in the bottom, though it still seemed to work just fine.
She was pollinated anyway so her size doesn’t matter much.

PLENTY of seeds in here and beautiful rock hard medium sized dark beans. It’s a back cross since the pollen came from a plant that is part Triangle Kush already, Dr Lecter (20/20 Mendo Triangle Kush x Mephisto Pink Livers x Cannabiogen Destroyer autos)
Hoping the genetics I added in will give them some more size, it will absolutely change her flavour profile and probably also bring some purple to the mix.
I have been known to do a little pollination here and there- it’s been a while though because I’ve been experimenting with my last crosses for a bit.
I finally got 2 things going at the same time that I’ve been meaning to breed for a while and the babies are popping out now.
These are from just one short sitting, I have a huge sticky mess to go through. So far they look very nice. Medium sized seeds, many with striping and they are sturdy.

I call her Queen G (auto, feminized) 2023

Her mother was my last Wookiees F2 auto and her father is Dr Lecter auto (20/20 Mendo Triangle Kush x Mephisto Pink Livers x Cannabiogen Destroyer autos) a mix of some of my favorite flavors.

As is tradition- I plucked a few random seeds and floated them overnight and into soil. Sometimes they don’t pop when coming literally right off the fresh bud. But these did!

Eager little ladies!
I have some Wizard autos in there too, been inspired lately to stuff a few more things into this journal before I start the new comparative grow journals.
Super excited for this new flavor and all the other good things coming up.
Happy Sunday growers.
Queen G sounds like a good yours tend to be....:love:
What do you do with the weed from your seeded plants?
Smoke it, like everything else, or does it go for hash, kief, gummies, or whatever?
Queen G sounds like a good yours tend to be....:love:
What do you do with the weed from your seeded plants?
Smoke it, like everything else, or does it go for hash, kief, gummies, or whatever?
Thanks I’m excited to see what she does!

The seeded weed it depends…this one I had a particular spear I pollinated and it has about 90% of the seeds on it. By the time I’m done it’s barely sticky anymore cause it’s all on my hands 😂 but yes it goes into the B grade jar to be pressed, or for desperate dankrupt times which I’m trying to avoid ever having again. The rest I just smoke like normal and will get an occasional seed from pollen that traveled to other parts of the plant. This one was pretty clean so far and I haven’t found many stragglers yet.
Her mom was a real sticky beauty kinda like yours and I have a good feeling about this mix. Won’t really know for a while but it’s fun arriving at the first testers and a good feeling to get past the worry about herms etc., so far had great luck with that.
Can't wait to see the Queen G
Thanks VG- She’s gonna be right up there along side Wizard for strength and taste, I’m hoping.

Woohoo got 6/6 to sprout (2 Queen G, 2 Wizard, 2 unnamed triangle kush back cross) gonna be plenty of autos to fill my empty spaces 😆
Babies babies and more babies.

I’m out of the house for a few days, hopefully these will do fine on their own. Once I’m back I’ll be dropping Canuk and Seedsman beans as well.

I also currently have a cold which I haven’t had to deal with in what seems like years. What a pain in the ass (not Covid at least) and the head.

Getting ready to make this happen @Canuk Seeds
I even ordered a new light from one of our other sponsors!
I’ll get a new journal going once the light is here but beans are floatin’. Should be a good week :nomo:
Queen G and her familia are all got moved into their big pots. So far I’m liking the Indica look and she’s healthy (I’ve been gone for a few days and was worried) now it’s time to focus.

The Wizard seemed to take the uppot in stride, same as the Queen.
New October/Spirit themed guards seem to be popping up as well.

Queen G and her familia are all got moved into their big pots. So far I’m liking the Indica look and she’s healthy (I’ve been gone for a few days and was worried) now it’s time to focus.

The Wizard seemed to take the uppot in stride, same as the Queen.
New October/Spirit themed guards seem to be popping up as well.

How old are your babies? Are they in final pots or will they go up a size still?
How old are your babies? Are they in final pots or will they go up a size still?
2 weeks today. These are their final pots (3g)
I normally start in the final pot but I’ve found autos to be less finicky than previously thought and every little stress isn’t the end of the world for them.
These seem small but fairly uniform so let’s goooo!
They always feel a little slow to me at this stage, especially when I missed a few days of their initial growth (out of town) and it takes them a while til they feel like they caught the wave.
This is last night before bed.

This morning they are praying a bit more and filling out.
I know we’ve talked a lot on the forum lately about topping at first sign of sex but these are already showing- a good sign, cause they are all female!
But I want to give them another day to get the next branches out. Going to leave one Queen G untopped but the rest get the clippers soon.
@Virgin Ground my Wizard on the right is doing what yours did and acting like it’s over/underfed- while the other one is fine. Gonna leave them as is and see what happens
Hey hey Good Guy!

So looking forward to watching your grow magic!
Thank you my friend.
Seem to be getting on normally now.

Had been using the newer (older?) MC formulation with the balls again, and I am positive it is heavier (in potassium maybe) than the old formula. A few of these looked nearly burned for a couple days. Now they are leveling out but I had to back off my feeding which isn’t normal for me.

Have a great Monday fellow growers!
These babies are looking pretty nice! Two Wizard in the front look about right and Queen G in the back (26 days old) the topped one on the right has fatter leaves but the uncut, untrained queen on the left is strong like Xena 😂

They are responding well to the regular OLD dose of MC. Lots of light, training started on one and the rest as soon as I make some sticks.
The little ladies are looking good! 👍
training started on one and the rest as soon as I make some sticks.
If you need help with those, I know a guy... 😁
The little ladies are looking good! 👍

If you need help with those, I know a guy... 😁
I learned from the best- I just have a slightly different style of stick.
I keep forgetting to include the 5th plant that popped up with these. This is the triangle kush back cross it just started training. I call her Ruby Tuesday but we will see if that sticks for me. Strong enough grower so far, same age as the others 25-26 days
The Queen G is doing great, and the plants are totally different than one another. They both started showing sex really early like before day 20. They are 33 days old now and plant on the right has had nothing done to it while the plant on the left is going through normal hexline training.

The shock and training has kept it barely in preflower while it spreads out. The other plant is WAY further ahead in flower and has a lot of 3s (good cause it’s leaning Wookiee) and even some 4s! I like her structure.

The little one is setting up to get bigger I can tell.
They are both going to be great, just on different schedules.

And here’s a Wizard (also 33 days old) and a Ruby Tuesday. Everyone happy and healthy
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