The Hexapus's Garden

Do as you please, there's no right way that makes it more 'legitimate and pure'... I'll keep track of weights purely for knowing what changes i need to make to my soil/plant space etc. depends how much you smoke but good to dial it in so not running out between harvests, then to have some to share with friends, then to flood the local market with homegrown 450watt funk.. commercial growing :rofl::rofl: I've heard/ 'google seen' commercial grows and they are up to 200,000 watts, lol..
Damn I'm trying to use up my $50 Gorilla coupon and last week I remembered there was a strain I really want. Now I forget what it is... Woe is me.
First world stoner problems.

Any more strain suggestions Grizz? I think I need something with a good high that yields well to break up the 'weird' sativa strains in the mix.

Oh shit

You were just asking me for the same thing like a day ago.
Any suggestions though? Gorilla fronts for a lot of seedbanks.
You grown sour diesel? Man she taste good with no cure, I can't wait until she's right to get into.. she'll be a very good yeilder under 600.. the high I can't really say, although from small sample it seems to be able to go into any direction you want to take it. I was working and couldn't have been happier doing so on a Saturday afternoon, lol..
Mine's Cali connection.. very temperamental, will defiantly herm if humidity gets under 50%.. I'm looking at topdawg chemdawg strains. From what I've read this is the best seed form... Not sure if gorilla has them though, haven't looked..
Hmmmm, I have never read or heard about a connection between hermies and humidity,, hmmm, so obvious too, both start with h,, ha, ha, ha does too, ha, hmmm does too, o m gosh,, hilarious

Forget my point now, hmmmmm

Oh geez

Oh ya, humidity and hermies,, ha,, never heard that before,, i have been wrakin me brains to figure whats causing my seemingly consistent hermie issue,, mostly just nanners lately, no disaster, kinda cool actually, but consistent as heck, always, lately, showing up later in flower. I know weaseley has chatted about it before. Not much I can do about humidity in the twenties,, all I can do to keep it there these days

Hey friend,, i just 'won' a volcano vaporizer on eBay,, 400 or so,, kinda excited about it,, i have a hugely high maintenance magic flight, and when that thing worked, aargh,, it was the best tasting experience with weed I ever had,, the only real way, imo and experience, to experience the fabulous flavours of mj

One can enjoy the aromas, sure, easy,, but the flavours are near always lost, agin, imo and experience. The flavours from that magic thinggy were incredible, and i am so looking forward to that agin.

Any experience with em friend? Curious about your opinion.

Good you're getting that Christmas shopping done early Nivek. Very responsible of you. No real vaping experience. A couple times with friends, and I had that vape pen I won for POTM, which I burnt out in about 3 weeks. It was fun while it lasted but probably not really what you'd call a 'real vaporizer'. I do remember that for a while after getting it I got a lot less work done and a lot more guitar playing.

I dragged the Malawi out of the dryer cause it seemed dry enough to jar.

To continue the grams per watt tangent, I weighed it and it was 142 grams. Factoring in that this screen is 25% of the flowering area for that light, that works out to about .94 grams per watt. I expect it will lose a bit more but it looks like it will yield well, as I suspected. This seems to be telling me, like I said already, that it makes sense to overgrow them a bit in veg. Aka- good root system=good flowering plant



Veg is getting back to normal. Santb I give the veg room a 90% satisfaction rating, for the moment.



The little CBD Therapy plant showing off in the middle.
Grow baby grow! Don't make me come in there and beat you!!!!

Do cbd plants feel pain? :hmmmm:

Please grow sweetie I need you.
:rofl: feel pain :rofl: I like it... they feel it so you don't have too :rofl:
Hey, Weasel.. Hope you're well.. Saw you over at mine, so I reckon you know my question!
How quickly do your Pineapple Chunks finish? Mine are quick, so am assuming/hoping it's a normal thing.. Also just posted on mine about the Choc Mint, cos I forgot it somehow in my original post this morning.. And recommend it again to you for your non-sativa-type needs.. I'm just loving it at the moment! And it's been so easy to grow.
Anyway, I just repeated myself!, so really just saying g'day. Cheers!
~Pineapple Chunk~


This is a not so great quality panorama photo of my two flowering PCs. Was just experimenting to try and get them both in a picture cause it's difficult to take photos in my flowering room -plus they usually always look crappy.

I had to go in there in the dark just now with the green led light to check the dates I started flowering them.

You can't really see that there are two screens in the pic, but the lower half of the pic is a screen that was put into flowering on Sep 30, and the upper half is a screen started on Oct 15. So- 72 days and 57 days, respectively.

They'll take another month or more to finish.
Damn I must have touched one, now I reek of it.

Edit- crummy photo.
You may or may not be able to tell, but the buds are quite fluffy and pale greenish right now- fairly immature still.
Thanks so much for mentioning the Choc Mint! That's the strain I was trying to remember yesterday. Or was it the day before? At least that's what I think I was trying to remember. Or was it?
I enjoy your "real" pics. They give me a lot of encouragement. Not all of us can grow portrait-perfect plants. Mine generally look like death warmed over by harvest, cause I let them go longer, until I don't see any more new calyxes, and the leaves are almost all dried up.

Can't say that about the Sativas, tho. Even when they are just buds on a stick, some of them will foxtail (like my OGKs did).
I'm glad you find encouragement in my shitty looking plants AK, but that one isn't a good example of a 'real' photo.

Whenever possible I drag my plants outside into the daylight for pics, but the daylight isn't getting turned on very much here right now.

I'm filtering the iPhone camera through a pair of HPS sunglasses, as well as an app, to try to balance out the weird colour and the glaring lights that overload the camera and make everything look shitty. Then I tweak more settings to get it the least crappy I can, then I use an app to shrink it down for uploading, which reduces the quality and makes it blurry.

Actually those plants I think look pretty good in real life, and most of their sickly look is artificial, but I won't know for sure what they look like till I get them in daylight, and they won't see the light of day again till the day they die. Maybe not even then.
Good plants or shitty plants I'd rather be taking photos in real light than shitty light. .

So- yeah. I can't really get a real photo in flowering. Veg is much easier and I can get at least some more natural colour. But dragging scrogged plants back into veg is very tricky.

Here's another pic of the PCs I took just now. The colour is shit here too but you can see them slightly better.
Hmm.. I just take the pics using the camera flash while the plants are in sleep mode. I let the camera flash provide all the light. Yeah, they look a little washed out, but it beats the LED light-pink glow, which shows us nothing in a pic.

Besides, what the human eye perceives is very different than what a digital camera "sees". What we see is filtered by our brain, and what we WANT to see. I take a picture so I can properly see the frostiness of the trics. The loupe is no help with these old eyes. ;-)
What we see is filtered by our brain, and what we WANT to see. ;-)

Yeah it's funny that way. Actually I wish it was even more filtered by what we Want it see.

- just looking at the Chocolate Mint description. Looks good except for this.
...take note that these lavender-hued buds have a very low resistance to moisture. Too much humidity or late rainfall could do you in. Otherwise, you'll love Chocolate Mint OG Cannabis Seeds!

Which doesn't look so good. Hard to love mold. But I think I'll try it anyway.

Edit- ordered, with my $50 Gorilla seed coupon. Thanks Gorilla.
Your PCs look awesome. Mine do seem a bit firmer but yours are definitely older...and MUCH bigger. Hmmmm. Maybe my smaller, warmer environment has an effect...? Or a closer light?
Maybe I'll leave mine go an extra week. I don't like to see too many amber trichs but I guess the PC can probably handle 20%. Already pretty heavy anyway!
Yeah; Humboldts Chocolate Mint OG is a winner. I'll def buy some more next order. Really satisfying smell and look. Strong but maybe a bit more of a day-timer than PC, brain-wise. I don't find I wanna just sink into tv mode.. Really does smell just like a peppermint pattie or cookie or something. Kinda tastes a bit like it too. Can't lose!
Yeah; I know... Maybe if I go on about it enough, HSO might send me some freebies..
And if you look somewhere on their forum (Humboldt), you'll find a grow report by a former member (whom I also mention all the time..):
Uncle Cannabis! With a link back to his journal here..
Yeah it's funny that way. Actually I wish it was even more filtered by what we Want it see.

- just looking at the Chocolate Mint description. Looks good except for this.

...take note that these lavender-hued buds have a very low resistance to moisture. Too much humidity or late rainfall could do you in. Otherwise, you'll love Chocolate Mint OG Cannabis Seeds!

Which doesn't look so good. Hard to love mold. But I think I'll try it anyway.

Edit- ordered, with my $50 Gorilla seed coupon. Thanks Gorilla.

My little cab gets a bit humid when I cram them in there like I do; I had a touch of budrot on my previous grow, but not on the CHMOG.. T'was the Atomic.
Plus, it WAS quite humid in there, and I was foliar-spraying, and over watering 4 20lt cloth pots... The CHMOG was as vigorous as the Rare Dankness strains, and less fussy...
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