Oh No - It's A Green Hole! - Reverse Thrusters! - Dammit - Too Late!

cheers weasely,, 20,, 30?? all good,, i find i have a tendency to want to over digit it,, round up too easily, etc,, and the stalks,, well, they take forever to fully dry,, i dont even weigh mine anymore,, it usually depresses me,, ha,,

pollination,, yes,, a q for you iffin i might,, first a pic,, the latest,,


mid low, mid left, swollen calynx,,a seed for sure,,

ok, q now,, the seeds were not pollinated even four weeks ago,, the plant is ready for harvest in a week,, so at harvest time the seeds will not even be five weeks old,,,, is that enough in yer opinion?,,

cheers weaseley,, i got a week to research it,, cheers pal

edit,, couple more pics,,

10 days ago


20 days ago

In my opinion, the top one MIGHT be ready in a week, but I'd wait at least 2. The bottom two need a lot more time. They're still growing buds.

AK, you nailed it my friend,, ha,, i guess I should have been clearer with my post,, it confused you I think,, ha,, they are all pics of the same bud, ten days earlier and twenty days earlier,, so, as I said,, you nailed it,, cheers,,

As to the top one,, interesting,, i have a history of growing this plant and i have it down to near the day,, 56 or seven days from switch, which it will be in a week,, now, that will give me near all cloudy trichomes with about 5%amber,, and i worry about going past that,, would you still give it an extra week because I think I will just for the seeds,

:Namaste:, thanks AK,, cheers
Based on my experience with flowers and vegetables in the home garden: If you're harvesting seeds, you need to give the seeds time to mature on the plant before you harvest. That means letting the plant pretty much "die on the vine". If this is isolated to one branch, then harvest everything else except the branch, and let it go, just like it would outdoors.

Seeds take a lot longer to mature than buds. You can't overdo the waiting time for seeds. Longer is better. Once the plant is dry and the seed pods open, that is the time to harvest them.

If you're going for smoke and edibles, go with what you usually do, because you know what flavors you want out of the buds.
Hey there Weasel (I am from a land where every name is abbreviated or elongated eg Johno; Robbo, Mick; Daz(for Daryl);and I almost called you WC, which I realized is a toilet; then I thought maybe Crack but that read a bit weird also.. Weasel it is..).
Finally got here; read it all just in time for your talk of shutting this down... Great read so far; might I suggest keeping this journal as a kinda grafting experiment/scrog tutorial/problem analysis/strain search/squirrel love-hate discussion thread... Those who are interested will read whole journals; those peeping Toms just looking for harvest photos will always go straight to the end..
SweetSues journal is a good example of a big journal; the biggest problem with her journal was not the size (until she went on holiday) but the 20 new pages to catch up on after work everyday! Great fun to read but you gotta keep on your toes! No disrespect to her AT ALL. I love her efforts. Just a good case of how you can keep a journal going...
Build it and they will come.
Blah. Anyway, sorry it took so long. I hope you at least maintain some presence here, 'cos you're a funny bugger!
Awww thanks santb. Here I've been kicking myself for months over that little mini rant I got into on Uncle C's thread. He was discussing the idea of moving to California which led to me mentioning some bad experiences there I'd had with the Cali police and my general disenchantment with various police forces and possibly police in general, and their billy clubs.
Then you mentioned that your dad is/was a cop. Ouch. I felt very bad about that and sincerely hope you understand the difference between- my lack of respect for some corrupt and brutal elements of the law, and - individuals who are doing their best working within that system.
Anyway- I'll happily grab this opportunity for a much belated apology, if my mini rant caused offense. Honestly, I bow down to anyone who could work as a police officer and stay honest and true. They have my utmost respect, are better men and women than I could hope to be, and the world needs many more like them.

Re the journal. Thanks again for the nice words. I think I will end it, I've just been dithering around the last few days, short on time enough to properly finish up here.
But not to worry. I expect that my next journal will be a sort of continuation of this one. Growing mayhem and general semi-autobiographical madness. I'm sure that Mr Squirrel is going to make his presence known as well. He's been quiet lately except for the occasional thump.
I'll focus on the sativas more and the general growing setup and 'method' less. I haven't thought of what else I have to throw into the mix for appeal but experiments are fun so hopefully we can keep dreaming them up.
I keep trying to get time to address a couple peoples' posts here, and do some housekeeping, but get waylaid by 'real life'. Working on it...

Sounds like you must live down under...
Ha.. I'm definitely from that region!
But I can't accept the apology, as there's nothing to apologise for.. Your experiences are relative only to you.. And don't worry, we get corrupt cops here too.. I remember feeling a bit guilty about possibly implying that America is so dangerous, the cops have to be gung-ho all the time.. Anyway, it was just a chat. No worries. Fair dinkum!
Be sure to send me an invite to your next journal or make sure you put it in your sig...
Cheers, Mate!
Hey Weaselcracker just popping on to wish you and everyone all the best and a Happy New Year.

As for your comment above regarding spending too much time on 420 I understand how you feel. Sometimes I feel that I spend too much time on here not actually doing anything other than catching up to subs but not commenting as I feel like I've not been here enough if you know what I mean? It's like trying to divide myself between too many things at once and being unable to add anything worthwhile to the majority of the threads, kind of like my plants this last grow where I gave myself too much to do and everything went to shot except for the one plant I put most of my concentration into. I'll be cutting back down to 4 or 5 plants in future, and the rewards will hopefully greater. But how do I cull my subscriptions the same way when they're all full of such great info? Somehow it feels much harder to cull 420 than my own grows :)

I really hope that you do create a new journal as they're not only informative but also enjoyable and when they digress they digress in such a way that I don't actually feel like I've missed out on being able to add some form of input, and that I really like. I'll be one of the readers subscribing for that reason and more. I agree with SweetSue, say "yes" to another journal :thumb:

I've been trying to reply to this post since you wrote it, Kriaze. I keep writing half a reply and running out of time. Pretty ironic. Not that I have much to say except to agree with you that I am completely in the same boat, and bailing as fast as I can. Not sure what to do about it other than keep on bailing, and try to have fun doing it. Intuition says that it's better to write the occasional decent post than to spread myself thin being polite on every subscription every day. But when I check a journal and am many pages behind, it's only natural to want to catch up in what been happening, by which time I'm usually out of time again...

I'll start the next journal soon, and will strive to keep it free form enough that people can comfortably drop in whenever they feel like, without needing to know the plan. I won't have to strive at all to achieve that. I don't really make plans in general, and my life is pretty free form so I figure things will all just go that way.

I think you'll like growing fewer/larger plants, if I understand correctly that this is what you're thinking. The number of plants I grow has been shrinking ever since I started growing, and the less plants I grow, the happier I am and the happier they are. Less plants means more quality time with each one. It's easier, and it's more fun.
Hey Wheeze All, you should get that poop out of your attic, for the sake of your lungs anyway!

Happy Old Year Mr W. And enjoy the new one too.


Thank you Vlad. Happy New Years to you as well. Sorry for the late reply, I've had a little trouble keeping up over the last week or so.
I'm not worried about a little squirrel dung cramping my style. He isn't in the attic, mostly hangs out in some sort of gaps underneath the shakes on the roof. My style of dwelling is well equipped for sharing with some animal and plant life and it doesn't intrude on the human's part of the house. I will continue to hope that Mr S has good manners and doesn't shit where he sleeps. And sleep is his main occupation these days. Come springtime though, I think I'll send his fat and well rested ass back out to the forest.
A half-ass update on the state of the green hole.
Hmmm... that didn't come out sounding quite how I wanted...
ah well, I will forge ahead here.
First- let's just get this over with- the bad news, which I kind of already mentioned. I tore the Blueberry graft clean off while I was fussing around with the Mama Thai. It was silly. The graft was an awkward protruding shape, bound to catch on everything, and I had planned on reinforcing it because of that, but forgot what I was doing for a minute. I didn't cry over it. It was a successful experiment and the graft was growing perfectly. I'm plotting on which plants to splice together next.

In the veg room I'm down to one largish Blueberry which I'll move to flowering ASAP. Also a few small clones, and the newest Thai Stick which is officially dragged out of the shadows, repotted, and starting to be prodded into growing big enough to flower in about 6 weeks or so when I next have space.

I have two PC plants flowering away in the back, about 5 weeks into it and doing great.
The Malawi is growing at a snails pace, but doing pretty well. I think I overfed it a little, as it doesn't seem to have a big appetite in general. Even less so than the Mama Thai. For a while it looked like it was just standing still, but in hindsight I see that its flowers are getting bigger. Looks like a long-flowering strain for sure though. The stretch is over and I can say that I have successfully lashed it down enough to manage.


The Mama Thai, minus the graft, was given a two screen space. I've put a piece of wire fencing (ok let's just call it a 'dog fence') over it, which at some point after the stretch I'll remove. This isn't an attempt to grow a prize winning beauty like Stage did. It's just an experimental baby-step in that direction and a much needed try at growing a trained and controlled plant which is free of the scrog screen.

I'm going to close this journal up and plan the next one. Hopefully with the 'spare time', ha ha yes that's a joke, which I'll have in between journals, I'll have a little more time for some other things. I still want to finish reading through B.A.R's journal, and I have a lot of catching up to do in many other areas so I will continue to bail this sinking ship of mine, at full speed ahead, in circles.

I started this journal with the full intention of documenting an entertaining ongoing train wreck of a grow. There's been a hint of that, but mostly the universe has handed me some pretty smooth sailing, and I am amazed at some of the plants that I've managed to harvest in the last few months. I'm happily surprised and confused about how nice they look. The changes that I've made to avoid a train wreck haven't been large ones, just subtle things. Mostly it's paying more attention and keeping track of things better. Some of it's from knowing that the dirty shame of my sloppy growing practices would be in the public eye. In previous years it was just the plants and I, with no one else to witness their suffering or hear their screams, or mine. Those poor poor plants. If ghosts of plants could haunt us, we would all be in big trouble.

Somehow, with all the help I've gotten from you, and a dash or three of good luck, the thundercloud of doom that perpetually hung over my grow room, ready to zap me at any second, has drifted onwards. These are sunny days. The plants aren't perfect, but... Shit... Honestly, I'm so happy with how things are doing! The fact that I'm managing to grow plants to harvest not looking like they went through a nuclear war- this opens up so many possibilities. There are so many things I want to try. For example, I'd love to grow a huge plant! ( I would hate to grow a huge shitty plant! )

I can't thank you guys enough for being here! If I start trying to thank each of you personally for all the help you have given me, I'll no doubt forget some of you. So I'll have to just say a general thanks for all we've exchanged here.
You guys are the best!
Thank you! Love you! ❤️

Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please feel free to start a new journal here: Journals in Progress

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Awww thanks santb. Here I've been kicking myself for months over that little mini rant I got into on Uncle C's thread. He was discussing the idea of moving to California which led to me mentioning some bad experiences there I'd had with the Cali police and my general disenchantment with various police forces and possibly police in general, and their billy clubs.
Then you mentioned that your dad is/was a cop. Ouch. I felt very bad about that and sincerely hope you understand the difference between- my lack of respect for some corrupt and brutal elements of the law, and - individuals who are doing their best working within that system.
Anyway- I'll happily grab this opportunity for a much belated apology, if my mini rant caused offense. Honestly, I bow down to anyone who could work as a police officer and stay honest and true. They have my utmost respect, are better men and women than I could hope to be, and the world needs many more like them.

I see that I'm not the only one that has some regrets about some of the things that were said about America's boys in blue during our little rant.... You took the words right out of my mouth WC.
CNN is broadcast worldwide so I'm sure that Santb is well aware of the reasons for our "bad attitudes" regarding some of America's combat boot wearing public servants.

Anyways, belated apologies to Santb. Puff, puff, pass brother! :peace::passitleft:
WC: When he starts saying "Mate", No Worries", and calls his female plants "Sheilas", we'll know for sure where he's located!

I'm waiting for "buds on the barbie". :)
Loved that parting Pineapple Chunk pic. What a good way to end the journey.
RIP Green Hole.
Cheers weaseley,, great journaling my friend,,, it would be sad indeed iffin yer presence was not noted regularly round here,, you know you have places to ramble and reflect any time you like, many places even,,,, personally, I am in line already to follow your next journal,, us growes are a patient lot,, and I'm a patient,, cheers weaseley,, chat soon:Namaste:
Thanks friends. I won't be going far. This might even give me time to catch up on your journals :) I also have a strange addiction to wandering around in the FAQ department, blathering and sharing my dubious wisdom by writing 'helpful' posts- usually fun, sometimes a bit of a minefield.
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