The Joy Of Growing - SweetSue Goes Perpetual

Sue is learning as we all are. Her joy in growing infects us and this in itself is one reason to read her journal. She brings joy. Her questions and her methods may not be by the book but don't we all branch out a bit so we can learn by doing? Sue got me interested in High Brix just by the title of her journal. She set me on the path to find the source of information. Hugs to her for that. Keep bringing me joy Sue!:love:

If you put yourself in Docs shoes, it's his method, and if someone is doing it wrong he has a right to feel it's "false advertising". This should have been taken to a private discussion so as not to hurt feelings. From what I have read High Brix is not complicated but it is a new way of looking at what our plants need, at least for me it is. It is a long journey of reading and soaking in the information. Doc is around to answer questions and I am afraid I have asked my share before even trying to make up my soil. Anyone interested in High Brix should go to the source. Read everything! It's a long read but full of lots of interesting information.

Let's all look at our plants and understand we are all in this together, no matter what way we grow. We love it. :green_heart:

A social imbroglio or brouhaha. An organizational misunderstanding leading to accusations and defensiveness.


an extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation.

Yup! :laughtwo:

Ok, deep breaths everyone. :cheesygrinsmiley: Sheesh, Sue doesn't even have a HiBrix plant yet. Let's give it a month or two. Besides, she's a LOS grower.

Thanks doc for taking the time to make that post. I have all that info screenshotted and stored on my phone for quick reference. I only avoid asking you questions directly because you get these questions constantly so I try to find it on my own/through others.

I think I pretty much have all the instructions and information I need for using your kit so now I just need to order one, most likely Friday this week or Tuesday next week.

One more quick question while you're here, doc. The kit comes with enough to grow 6 plants in 7 gal containers from start to finish, correct? Is there any leftovers for clones, etc? Like the destress spray and Roots!?

edit: haha, the math is pretty easy! I don't know why I was over complicating it so much. Big thanks for the extra help, doc. boogyman's gonna be growing some hibrix pot soon enough :D :D

Yep.....the kit will go seed to harvest. There's enough left over.

If you like it, and want to expand and go bigger, everything can be ordered in bulk sizes at a substantial savings. The "Kit" is for professionals to use as a trial and for micro-growers to use as their "system."
Now I would like to delicately suggest that the HBers return to our own journals, where we can all pat each other on the back and smoke our snobby HB weed ... :cheesygrinsmiley:

I understand Boogy's dilemma. when a grow log is only a month old and over 100 pages long it is hard to follow for those of us that only have minutes a day to check in.

MODS, can we have an option to log a post as an "actual grow update", so people can select a "Cliff's Notes" version of the thread?

Don't mean to bomb your thread, Sue, but I know the mods will see it here ;) We are all routing for you. I must say, you have revived the "newness" of this hobby for me. I get excited to see you excited. Brings back lots of mems and reminds me of how much I still don't know. Your grow logs are gold. I actually enjoy reading all the banter between updates. :)
You can't stop us from making everything confusing, goddamnit! It's a human right.
Or is it?

Hey, I'm all for getting as confused as you want.

I just don't want people thinking my kit is confusing or complex when it's quite the opposite. Just put the shoe on the other foot: what if I constantly posted about how confusing and difficult LOS is?

I love all methods of growing.... even hydro. (that's a sarcastic comment, no disrespect to the hydro guys and gals) But I demand simple and reliable. I demand the ability to automate and grow on a large scale (acres, not larger grow tents).

My gear is designed to do all that and more. It's not complex at all. Quite the opposite. Usually we're working with 0 to 3 ingredients max at a time. No steeping, no bubbling, no grinding, no filtering.

There's nothing wrong with any of that! But calling my kit "confusing" alongside all that is misrepresenting what it is and what it does.

I mean sheesh! At least grow a plant in the kit first before re-writing instructions and creating a tutorial for something you've never done before.....
I understand Boogy's dilemma. when a grow log is only a month old and over 100 pages long it is hard to follow for those of us that only have minutes a day to check in.

MODS, can we have an option to log a post as an "actual grow update", so people can select a "Cliff's Notes" version of the thread?

Don't mean to bomb your thread, Sue, but I know the mods will see it here ;) We are all routing for you. I must say, you have revived the "newness" of this hobby for me. I get excited to see you excited. Brings back lots of mems and reminds me of how much I still don't know. Your grow logs are gold. I actually enjoy reading all the banter between updates. :)

It does seem necessary to have some sort of indexing system. Nivek posted a thread on that too. I'm sure the admins are busy but maybe some bright minds can work on how such a thing could get started. Not really very clued in myself, when it comes to computer related.... stuff...things I mean
Hell no. I work to confuse the IRS

And thank you for that Weaselcracker. Someone's got to do it. :laughtwo:

Let's all step back and take a breath. If anyone reads this journal from beginning to this point it would be hard to think that I've been spreading confusion. Working out a plan for my unorthodox application of the kit - an application already being applied by another outstanding grower whom I am mirroring and ironically Doc is supporting in that endeavor - is no cause for confusion.

These are particular applications for my particular grow. There is no agreement signed with acceptance of the kit that one will strictly adhere to a set process. Yes, one can expect stellar results with monster plants the have incredible yields if you follow that path set out so clearly by the many successful grows using the kit, but that is not my intent. This is my grow, geared to the needs of my family. I will run it as I see fit. If anyone is unhappy with that there are many other journals where growers follow that plan. Follow them for technical help on using the kit the "right way" please. They are an incredibly helpful group of growers that are legendary in their support. I had hoped to have their support for my own grow, but it appears that legendary support will not be extended to me. How unfortunate, but I'm a reasonably intelligent woman with a capacity for self-teaching, and I like my chances for figuring out how to use this kit to optimal success in my own chosen method. This kit is marketed as idiot proof, and I have never been accused of being an idiot.

The reality is that there is a level of confusion about the kit. Unfounded though it may be, the kit comes off as overly technical to the uninitiated, myself included. I'm new to the art of cannabis cultivation as well. As Doc has taken to pointing out on numerous occasions, I have one grow behind me. That fact has never been a hidden feature of my journey.

Make no mistake about it, I will be growing with this kit, my way, on my terms. Get used to it.
I understand Boogy's dilemma. when a grow log is only a month old and over 100 pages long it is hard to follow for those of us that only have minutes a day to check in.

MODS, can we have an option to log a post as an "actual grow update", so people can select a "Cliff's Notes" version of the thread?

Don't mean to bomb your thread, Sue, but I know the mods will see it here ;) We are all routing for you. I must say, you have revived the "newness" of this hobby for me. I get excited to see you excited. Brings back lots of mems and reminds me of how much I still don't know. Your grow logs are gold. I actually enjoy reading all the banter between updates. :)

You raise a good point GhettoGro, and one I've been mulling for quite a while now. Wouldn't it be nice if we had an index at the first page of the journal where the grower could enter the post # of each update? I had no expectation that my journals would attract such a crowd and eat up the pages with engrossing discussion like my last journal did, and this one is developing to. I'd like to find someway to index. I'm still trying to find the time to index and cross-reference my first two journals to salvage the bulk of usable information that was connected to them. I'm an educator by nature and training, so I'll figure that out eventually. Maybe I should take it up with the mods, see what we can work out.

Now let me get my update done. Another seed popped, yet again in the kit soil. I must say, I'm mighty impressed with that soil's ability to get the babies started. It made me rethink and I'll be doing my next SWICK trays with kit soil only from this point on and making my LOS 7 gallon pots their own perpetual garden.

I have to say, once I get another LED panel I'm excited about doing the 15 gallon as an LOS perpetual. It's going to take me quite a while to work through the kit soil, but when I do I will probably be converting back to an all LOS tent. This kit was a gift, and one I am thankful to have received and thrilled to play with, but it's no big secret that my heart is with the soil food web that lives in Living Organic Soil, and I look forward to years of demonstrating how easy it is to build and maintain an LOS no-till.

Be back soon. The darling little pixie Dark Devil is stunning today. Getting frosty!!! :slide:

A social imbroglio or brouhaha. An organizational misunderstanding leading to accusations and defensiveness.


an extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation.

Yup! :laughtwo:

Ok, deep breaths everyone. :cheesygrinsmiley: Sheesh, Sue doesn't even have a HiBrix plant yet. Let's give it a month or two. Besides, she's a LOS grower.


Thanks for the pronunciation of imbroglio -
I've been saying it wrong in my head for decades !
You raise a good point GhettoGro, and one I've been mulling for quite a while now. Wouldn't it be nice if we had an index at the first page of the journal where the grower could enter the post # of each update? I had no expectation that my journals would attract such a crowd and eat up the pages with engrossing discussion like my last journal did, and this one is developing to. I'd like to find someway to index. I'm still trying to find the time to index and cross-reference my first two journals to salvage the bulk of usable information that was connected to them. I'm an educator by nature and training, so I'll figure that out eventually. Maybe I should take it up with the mods, see what we can work out.

Now let me get my update done. Another seed popped, yet again in the kit soil. I must say, I'm mighty impressed with that soil's ability to get the babies started. It made me rethink and I'll be doing my next SWICK trays with kit soil only from this point on and making my LOS 7 gallon pots their own perpetual garden.

I have to say, once I get another LED panel I'm excited about doing the 15 gallon as an LOS perpetual. It's going to take me quite a while to work through the kit soil, but when I do I will probably be converting back to an all LOS tent. This kit was a gift, and one I am thankful to have received and thrilled to play with, but it's no big secret that my heart is with the soil food web that lives in Living Organic Soil, and I look forward to years of demonstrating how easy it is to build and maintain an LOS no-till.

Be back soon. The darling little pixie Dark Devil is stunning today. Getting frosty!!! :slide:

Doc Bud's kit has a major soil food web going!!!!!
. I'd place the difference between Clackamas Coot and Doc Bud strategies as those between Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders - as in not much. It's more a similarity.

One thing I find appealing about Doc Bud techniques is that it is simple to use. I'm sure it can be used as a springboard for knowledge, but also supports the grower who has no interest in the why, just the result. I will and have recommended it to a first time grower. (not that I consider myself qualified to recommend, but they asked :) )

I chose the Clackamas Coot system because, once established, it fits in with my personal gardening desire to actually raise my own nettles, Comfrey, and seeds for sprouting to where my garden lives totally off the grid (powered by sunlight.)

Thanks for that wonderful post Doc Bud. I appreciate your presence on this thread, this community, and the cannabis world at large.
Daily Update: Dark Devil Auto - Day 53

OK, down to the business at hand. The tent is open so let's glance in.

NEXT UP: :slide:African Buzz.:slide: My one and only 100% sativa. Can you tell I'm excited? I have never smoked a sativa, that I know of. Somehow I think I'd remember that. :laughtwo: now I get to grow one, and in HB kit soil at that. Like I said before: EXCITED!!!

It's difficult to see in the light, but it's there. Trust me. :cheesygrinsmiley:


Auto Destroyer is standing tall and proud, as is the neighboring bag seed.


Cheese Candy had a hard time shedding the shell. It fell off this morning, but I'm not sure the seedling will open properly. I won't be home until after lights off, so I'll check on the garden in the morning.


That makes 4 of 9 up and growing, 3/4 of them in HB kit soil. Impressive. I'm considering revisiting my idea of creating a well of seedling soil where I want to plant into LOS. Considering, not planning, mind you. Let's give the rest time to pop up.

Our Dark Devil. No increase in vertical growth. She may be done growing up. Now comes grow wide. Grow dense. Grow frosty. Yep! :slide:


How about some sweet trichome shots? Let the frostiness ensue!!!




The sun came up so I opened the balcony door to flood the room with light. Then I took some shots of natural color.






Cheese Candy: Day 2


Auto Destroyer: Day 2 (right) and New Year's Bag Seed in HB kit soil: Day 2


African Buzz: Day 1


A last, stolen glance into the tent before closing it all up. You notice I lifted the sprouted pots off the SWICK? I'll give them just a tiny bit of water every day. Just enough to keep them from being completely dry.


It's been an interesting day around here. Let's keep our focus on our goal: the exploration of two different forms of soils filled with microbial life just itching to grow your cannabis for you. High quality consistency with minimal effort, regardless of which soil you choose.

It's later in the day for this post than normal. I've been with Dale most of the day, so my schedule got set back somewhat. It's been a relaxing day with few complications. Thank goodness for a little "normal". My pronouncement shall still be to get out there and spread some joy. Spread just a little more than that. Watch magic happen right before your eyes. Wow!

Thanks for the pronunciation of imbroglio -
I've been saying it wrong in my head for decades !

So have I, and I'm 61! Hahaha! Thanks Graytail for setting us straight. Just a university graduate here. :laughtwo:
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