The Munki's Playground

Well it has been a week since I put the clones into the veg tent. Not seeing too much growth yet, though one of them appears to have gained a small amount of height.

I have increased the flood cycle from once to twice per day at 8 AM and PM for 15 minutes. Lights are on from 7 AM to 1 AM.

I added something to the mix. Trying out a sample from a generous sponsor of 420 Magazine, Sierra Natural Science. The product is their Organic Growth Stimulator, 604A. Came in 32 ounce bottles but since it needs 1 ounce per gallon, I won't be able to get more than one reservoir out of the bottle. Should work out OK as I was planning a short veg.


Still have 23 gallons of nutrients in the tank so 23 ounces went into the mix. No appreciable change to the EC or pH. EC is 1.0 and pH at 5.8.


Here are the plants. Two are not tall enough to measure vertically so I just measured their cross section.


Back in the mother / clone tent ...

Sprayed down the mothers for PM. Still just using water pH around 10. Did some trimming as well.

Lookin good as always!! Is a pH of 10 normal for foliar feeding?

No, not good for foliar feeding but was used instead as a cheap and readily available treatment for Powerdy Mildew outbreaks. Has worked well for me so far.
Thanks!!! Follow up: What is a good pH for foliar spraying?

I haven't done it myself but The Butcher is a big advocate for foliar feeding. I suggest asking him about it.
Well it has been about 2 weeks since I put the clones into the ebb and flow and about 4 weeks since cutting them. Growth has been very slow if at all. I changed the water cycle back to once a day and to run at 3:30 PM. I'm trying to water the plants with a bit warmer tank as the 8AM feeding has most likely been cold fluid which may be retarding root growth. Also, the cubes are soaked which does not encourage the roots to seek moisture. There may be other factors at play here but I'm feeling a bit discouraged right now. Not cheap powering vegging lighting for 18 hours a day. Feel like running out and just getting rooted clones but then I'll need to deal with introducing other people's pests into my garden. Prefer not to do that but if I do not see tangible growth in another week, I may scrap this.

Took out one of the clones to check and it only had a couple of root nubs coming from the tip of the cutting and were only able 1/4 inch long. Thick and nubby with no branching out at all. I must be doing something wrong, grrrr! Put in a substitute clone to replace the runt.
Well it has been about 2 weeks since I put the clones into the ebb and flow and about 4 weeks since cutting them. Growth has been very slow if at all. I changed the water cycle back to once a day and to run at 3:30 PM. I'm trying to water the plants with a bit warmer tank as the 8AM feeding has most likely been cold fluid which may be retarding root growth. Also, the cubes are soaked which does not encourage the roots to seek moisture. There may be other factors at play here but I'm feeling a bit discouraged right now. Not cheap powering vegging lighting for 18 hours a day. Feel like running out and just getting rooted clones but then I'll need to deal with introducing other people's pests into my garden. Prefer not to do that but if I do not see tangible growth in another week, I may scrap this.

Took out one of the clones to check and it only had a couple of root nubs coming from the tip of the cutting and were only able 1/4 inch long. Thick and nubby with no branching out at all. I must be doing something wrong, grrrr! Put in a substitute clone to replace the runt.

Its all about your feeding schedule, I personally would cut back. Keep in mind cannabis enjoys a lil' drought. Even if they are cuttings then you might want to draw back the feeding times. Or at least that's what I've found the key to being successful using an E&F system.

Also one other thing is usually clones take about a week to establish themselves, so I wouldn't give up just yet. Plus you got one of the greenest thumbs I've ever seen, so I'm sure you'll get it dialed in no time.
Just be very careful if you buy rooted clones. Treat them before hand for pests...

Noted. It would be a last resort as I have spent a long time now trying to get my own genetics going.

hope the clones pick up the pace for ya:smokin:

Thanks social smoker. Looks like they are starting to come around.

Its all about your feeding schedule, I personally would cut back. Keep in mind cannabis enjoys a lil' drought. Even if they are cuttings then you might want to draw back the feeding times. Or at least that's what I've found the key to being successful using an E&F system.

Also one other thing is usually clones take about a week to establish themselves, so I wouldn't give up just yet. Plus you got one of the greenest thumbs I've ever seen, so I'm sure you'll get it dialed in no time.

Thanks Butcher. I put the feedings back to the one time per day and in the afternoon so the root zone is not so cold.

Time is bringing them around. Just not worth running high wattage lights to get them there!

Good luck Munki I'm sending rooting vibes your way! Do you think you moved them to the e&f too soon?

Not so much to the e&f system so much. If the temps could be maintained, they seem to be doing ok. Problem for me is running high wattage lighting for little plants still forming their roots. They just don't need much light at this stage apparently, so I was wasting electricity and $. Best to put them into the veg room when they are ready to take off (showing roots coming out of the little cubes.
I'm now seeing some new growth in the clones FINALLY! I had taken down the large 288 watt LED panel and installed the 98 watt T5 floro panel and brought in the two mothers with them. Figured I was duplicating two veg chambers for practically no reason. By doing this, I dropped my power usage from around 600 to 200 watts. 2/3 savings is awesome and I have little issue with running such a low powered operation for long periods. I am in no rush for more product!

Here is how my grow is looking presently.



Here are the little ones. The leaves are now less green and are lifting and angling themselves to gather more light. You can't look back at the earlier pics though as they were lit by the LED lighting which had very little green light available.




Oh yeah good news Munki! They look so cute like that with the pebbles lol.

How long can you leave them in the cloner? And do you have to start feeding them anything? Thanks.
Your plants are looking healthy and ready to grow into some beautiful ladies Munki.

:goodluck: & :goodjob:
Oh yeah good news Munki! They look so cute like that with the pebbles lol.

How long can you leave them in the cloner? And do you have to start feeding them anything? Thanks.

I did not use a cloner machine; just some kinda old cloning gel and rockwool cubes.

Water and maybe some vitamin B1 is all that should be needed as I understand it though they are getting a low nute dose while in the e&f unit. I'd say that it did not accelerate the time it was going to take than if I just kept them in the clone tent. Easy to take care of as the e&f system just goes on autopilot.

Glad to see things are looking up (pun-intended) :rofl:

Oh for sure. Confidence can get shaken when the plants don't grow as predicted. Just gotta remember that it is all a learning process.

thats good news nice job
Your plants are looking healthy and ready to grow into some beautiful ladies Munki.
:goodluck: & :goodjob:

Thanks! :Rasta:
The little ones are coming along. One is a bit behind but appears to be starting on its way as well. Will be putting the veg LED panel back in soon ... Probably before the weekend.





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