The Munki's Playground

Your ppm is 1600? I think you should raise the temp of the room, you don't want to ever go below 60f, it reduces yeild(I never used led before and my below temp was severe at times). I've had it happen to me 2 years in a row, was a hard way of learning(mine was a 8 and a ten week strain). Good to know sns is good shit, I never had a powder mold issue but I am prepared if one arises.

The meter reads 116 which x10 equals 1160. Conversion rate of meter from PPM to EC is 500, so the EC = 2.32. If it was 1600, I'd have burnt tips on the leaves for sure!

As far as room temps go, it is purely passive. Low temps only happen in the early morning (around 6AM), but the lights do not go on until 8 AM so they are still sleeping then. Also, minimum daily temps will be rising as we get into later spring.

Appreciate the tips, Mr. Smith. This grow, I'm trying to keep it simplified. If I can grow in a place where energy costs don't skyrocket due to tiered rates, I'd definitely spend some energy on climate control. My present situation is such that I cannot afford it.

Everything looks good Munki. How do you like those LED's compared to an HPS?

Really hard to definitively choose one or another. HPS is tried and true. However, the LED panels have some great benefits regarding bulbs and durability of the panel. Its easy to set up the LEDs and put them away. Don't need to be super careful not to break a glass pane or any other fragile element often found on HID setups.

Of course, the biggest consideration is how awesome will the buds be. My last grow ended up with HIDs in the later flower, so I cannot be a great judge there but -------- has shown some great results.

For me, I like both technologies. (how's that for a decision!) :scratchinghead: :rolleyes3
Sorry dude, I was pretty stone when I was trying to read your meter, seemed kinda high when I was high. And you use rodi water?
Here's a chart I found that makes ppm and ec conversions simple and shows how different ppm numbers can be with different manufacturers.

I think your ppm is a lil high but I see no nute problems, your plants are pretty healthy. The buds just look small to me compared to the age and stage of flower with your plants. It might be because of the leds, I don't know led tech. But your yeild looks reduced and cold temps can cause lower yeilds. I have seen and confirmed it with a few previous grows. And all I was trying to do was reduce energy costs and let the temp during the dark phase drop to 50 and below. Severe cases caused perfect green fanleaves to hike upward and the serated sides of the leaf curled upwards. Its spring and things are warming up anyways. I think those lights will excel during summer season and a summer grow might confirm it, if the yeild is still diminished I would have to blame it on the lights and not the cooler temps.
I already know you can grow a nice crop, I watched you do this with your scrog. Its why I want to watch your led grow. Watching your grow might give me a better opinion of led tech. Good luck.
Sorry dude, I was pretty stone when I was trying to read your meter, seemed kinda high when I was high. And you use rodi water?
Here's a chart I found that makes ppm and ec conversions simple and shows how different ppm numbers can be with different manufacturers.

I think your ppm is a lil high but I see no nute problems, your plants are pretty healthy. The buds just look small to me compared to the age and stage of flower with your plants. It might be because of the leds, I don't know led tech. But your yeild looks reduced and cold temps can cause lower yeilds. I have seen and confirmed it with a few previous grows. And all I was trying to do was reduce energy costs and let the temp during the dark phase drop to 50 and below. Severe cases caused perfect green fanleaves to hike upward and the serated sides of the leaf curled upwards. Its spring and things are warming up anyways. I think those lights will excel during summer season and a summer grow might confirm it, if the yeild is still diminished I would have to blame it on the lights and not the cooler temps.
I already know you can grow a nice crop, I watched you do this with your scrog. Its why I want to watch your led grow. Watching your grow might give me a better opinion of led tech. Good luck.

Yeah, this meter follows the same scale as the the Hanna one in that chart.

I just saw the pics you posted today and man are those nugs fat! I have "bud envy" for sure! Hard to say if it is the lights, strain, temp or what right now. This is a different strain than the ScrOG one. Grew this on the last grow so I'll need to compare with that one to see the difference. It had HID help in the latter stages of growth plus it was done in the fall rather than the spring. My kush grow the winter before last also had bud mass issues. They were very leafy and just did not develop bud mass either so temperature may just be the culprit as they were grown strictly under a HPS.

Thanks again for following along Mr Smith and for sharing your words of wisdom.

Flower day 38. Got a bunch of pics today.

I had a bank of LEDs go out. You can see them in one of the pics. This happened because a power supply unit failed. I have replacements; one hour later, it was fixed. Most of the time involved disassembly and reassembly of the unit. Lots of screws.


Before putting the LED panel back in, I took the opportunity to snap some flash pictures without the LEDs on to get truer color shots.


Your hair/pistils change color already, another sign I had when my temps were not corrected. Leaf coloration and tips look good, you do well with your nutes and ph. I'm really excited to see if or when you do a summer gro op.
Thank you. Are you talkin about the plants I used for mums or the diy test? The mums were really chopped to shit when I took clones but the veg time brought them to the point that pruning was severely needed. I am happy with the results and I am using just dynabloom and protek. Temps were controlled within reason but humidity is up to 62%. I have had ph issues ever since I switch to rodi water, it drops in both grows. The diy test I am very excited about because I might actually beat the one watt per gram which has been a long awaited goal but my temps and have been going high. Damned season change, I might have kick the ac on.
The diy thread is like a hidden grow journal so if you have any Qs, ask me there.

The frost on your girls is amazing. I hope pm doesn't don't continue to be a issue. I don't see purple leaf stem but not all strains purple. My brownie is really starting to kick in. I'm riding the waves lol good luck.:surf:
Here are some pics of a lower fan leaf I removed and took into the sun for better lighting. Here you can see both the top and undersides and when I snapped the petiole and skinned it back. I can see some "purpling" but I'm not sure if that is purely cold temps or some effect of the SNS spray. I know the spray will darken the main stems.

Also, I wanted to note that I inspected the main stalks of the plants and there is notable color banding; probably going between green and purple. Tough to tell in the LED light.


Your hair/pistils change color already, another sign I had when my temps were not corrected. Leaf coloration and tips look good, you do well with your nutes and ph. I'm really excited to see if or when you do a summer gro op.
Thank you. Are you talkin about the plants I used for mums or the diy test? The mums were really chopped to shit when I took clones but the veg time brought them to the point that pruning was severely needed. I am happy with the results and I am using just dynabloom and protek. Temps were controlled within reason but humidity is up to 62%. I have had ph issues ever since I switch to rodi water, it drops in both grows. The diy test I am very excited about because I might actually beat the one watt per gram which has been a long awaited goal but my temps and have been going high. Damned season change, I might have kick the ac on.
The diy thread is like a hidden grow journal so if you have any Qs, ask me there.

The frost on your girls is amazing. I hope pm doesn't don't continue to be a issue. I don't see purple leaf stem but not all strains purple. My brownie is really starting to kick in. I'm riding the waves lol good luck.:surf:

I was talking about your MUMS in the ScrOG. Booming buds! Yeah, my buds look pretty set as the calyxes are quite plump and everything is quite frosty. I'm impressed since it is just regular nutes; no extras like Snow Storm Ultra.
I had gray slime issues that clogged the pump using snow storm last year. I have wonderful things to say about bushmaster but nothing but problems with snowstorm and gravity I can't tell if it works and its hard on the roots. Its hard to find additives that you can really see improvements but I have tried out quite a few and the shit that works great list is small. Its why I am testdriving a single part nute for the second time. Results seem good so far and is easy to work with.
I had gray slime issues that clogged the pump using snow storm last year. I have wonderful things to say about bushmaster but nothing but problems with snowstorm and gravity I can't tell if it works and its hard on the roots. Its hard to find additives that you can really see improvements but I have tried out quite a few and the shit that works great list is small. Its why I am testdriving a single part nute for the second time. Results seem good so far and is easy to work with.

Right on. What is the one-part nute you are using? Also, what about my leaf pics; is that the purpling you spoke of or just normal coloring?

:helpsmilie: and :thanks:
Flower day 41. Well, I don't think these plants will produce large nugs. I really feel that Mr. Smith is right concerning the cold temps. I will keep that in mind for future grows but I'll finish this crop nonetheless. Resin production is great and the smell sublime. Can always turn it into edible treats! :popcorn: :)

I noted that a few tips have browned. The PPM reading was 1250, which is EC of 2.5. I added some RO water back to the reservoir, bringing down the concentration to 1100, (EC 2.2).


Those are some really nice lookin buds, man. +Rep
LOTS of trichomes.
Munki, I wanna play in your playground.... As always, your ladies are looking spectacular.. Keep showing off them mad skillz, you are a kick ass grower, and keep a sweet journal.... Keep up the good work...... :high-five:
Munki, don't give up hope my brother! I was saying the same thing at 41 days. I'm now at day 76 of 12/12 and will be starting the flush next week and the growth has been incredible. Give the girls some time, and they'll fatten up like Oprah between diet books! Great job on the grow!
looks great munki. nice and frosty. quality over quantity.

Those are some really nice lookin buds, man. +Rep
LOTS of trichomes.

Munki, I wanna play in your playground.... As always, your ladies are looking spectacular.. Keep showing off them mad skillz, you are a kick ass grower, and keep a sweet journal.... Keep up the good work...... :high-five:

Munki, don't give up hope my brother! I was saying the same thing at 41 days. I'm now at day 76 of 12/12 and will be starting the flush next week and the growth has been incredible. Give the girls some time, and they'll fatten up like Oprah between diet books! Great job on the grow!

Wow, thanks everyone. I so do appreciate the love and support y'all send my way. :party:
(This report is from yesterday). Flower day 43, starting week 8. I had another power supply fail in the main panel. I'm getting faster in replacing them but it is an inconvenience for sure. The nice thing is that since there are 12 of them in the panel, only 1/12th of the LEDs go out so there is only a small drop in overall lumens. Downside is that there are 12 power supplies in the unit ... leading to a higher chance one will fail at a given moment. At least they are cheap ($5).

Smell has been increasing in the room that the tent is in. I pulled out the carbon filter and replaced the carbon in it. Within 2 minutes, the smell is gone. Amazing! I also replaced the intake filter I put on the box fan. It is a 20 x 20 x 1 house filter and has a high rating of 9. Don't know for sure, but I haven't had any pest issues so far like thrips or spidermites. :cheer:

I also took the opportunity to spray down all the plants with the SNS fungacide spray. Hoping this application will get me to the finish line.

Yeah, the resin content is high and a great smell to boot. I cut off some of the lower fan leaves and after crushing them up in my hands before throwing them away, my hands were quite sticky. Even after washing my hands with dish detergent and using a scrubber twice, they were still sticky!

You can see the the lights out in this pic. Also can see the different LED colors in this shot.


All fixed now!


Trichomes galore!

Did a reservoir change today. In went the following to 23 gallons of RO water.

50 ml of Dutch Master Gold silica
180 ml General Hydroponics Flora Series Micro
360 ml General Hydroponics Flora Series Bloom

I also added the rest of the 32 ounce bottle of SNS 604B Flowering Stimulant, probably 10 ounces worth.

I left out the additional Kool Bloom since the plants seem to be using water much faster than nutrients. I figure the nutes will concentrate in the reservoir over time and did not need such a strong dose of K and P.

pH was at 5.7 without adjustment. I'll be watching it though as I expect the pH to fall quickly in about a weeks time. My reasoning is the silica is raising and buffering the nutrients but will get used up by the plants over the next several days. When that happens, that buffering will disappear. The GH nutes mixed on their own have a low starting pH, so I will need to add some pH up when that happens.
Munki, your plants are beautiful :)
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