This is B&J's Place - Bill & Janet's Place - Again

I wanna thank everyone out there that has stopped by here, and took a peek at my grow's. I know my grows are hash mash as far as journal's go. But I do appreciate all the good vibes. Now is time when we make it or break it. The harvest. All the time spent and effort isn't worth squat if ya can't smoke it. Me and Miss J started trimming yesterday. The first to go was Wonder Woman is gone. Later I'll get a good pic of the 'Walking Stick'. It does look just perfect for it too.. Well she looks like alittle short of my guess. A half pound in yield;

I will say Miss J's little clones are looking great out there. Here's her baby W-Woman;

Also did a Blue Berry;

And I didn't get a pic of Bull Shark, but she hanging in the spare bedroom.
Sorry pic's need help, I will get better ones I hope, before every thing's gone. But here's a nice Power Kush going in the green house, looks like donkey dicks to me. And no I'm not a connoisseur of them.;

She's getting hella fat rite before my eye's. She was a scrawny kid at first. I'm impressed.
I'm a firm believer in topping a plant. I remember when I topped this plant, it was her third set of leaves I pinched off. And I topped all threw the veg season. And this is what I came up with;


I can't even begin to think about lieing and trying to guess how many cola's we got but it's alot. I think a kilo was conservative. That is a walmart special tomato cage helping to support. They are cool you can adjust to about any space.
Well we took down my skyscraper today.

I mean she had some cola's'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

That was to show this stuff is 3 row's deep;

and there is alot of meat on those bones there;

I did lose 10% easy of buddage. When I find a spot of budrot, which you aren't going to 'not get' up here, on any outside grow. I need to find a good soild indo that finishs off end of septemeber at the latest. Anyone got any idea's?????????????
I will start a new thread after this one. Maybe I can keep it up better than I have this one. I'll keep this one till evrything outside is done. Well we are going to clean up the days mess and relax. Tomarrow's a new day and there is another on the chopping block. All have a good evening and Keepem Green
Thank you thank you thank you. Thank the pot gods but ofcourse they took their tribute. And their little 15% came off the top. And was some of the top buds were sacrificed. I guess I have to get use to this shorter summers and a wetter season. I had just found someone local with good seed stock. Their name is Stoney Girl Garden. She has a plant that has a fast flower cycle. Their are all local to this area and have if you can believe it? A 28-35 flower cycle. They could be ready the first of sept, instead of first of Oct. She has award winning strains and has access to clones if you join. They have a land race plant called Berkley. It's the one with a 28' days flower which could be very helpful to anyone trying to get into genetics. Be a great kick in the ass for a slower flowering strain. I don't know the plants listed look to good to be real. I know they are costy. Berkley was 100$ for 5 reg seed. I think I'm going to check it out and see if they have a clone going of Sugar Plum. It won the Oregon Medical Cup this year and even earned a place in the Big Book of Bud's Sugar Plum
Well Billie you got to see the harvest first hand this year. Alot of work to it. We still are trimming plants and still got acouple to go.
I also have that little plant called Connie Chung. I snuck her and a Exodus Cheese into the flower room acouple days back. Also have a new strain by Green House seed going in there also. Starts with a K is all I can remember. I'd be leing if I tried to spell it.
Hey thanks everyone. I'm just happy I had a place for a good, safe, grow. even if I had to pay my duties to the Pot God's. Such a small price for a good year. Could been worse, knock on wood, I could've waited another week and lost it all. Once you start to find a dot of bud rot, harvest because you are going to find more. Or it could've got snaged@#$%^&*(.
Damn it's almost time for the bulldozers and front end loaders again'''''''''''
Keep em Green
Congrats on the harvests, Wood! Really first rate looking colas, too. 3 rows deep in those pics! :adore:

You're so right - count your blessings and focus on all that went right. There is so much that can go wrong outdoors, as you mentioned. Sure glad it didn't!

Anyway, it's been a real blast following your outdoor plants, and I'd be totally stoked to grow a 12' plant some day. (Though I can't imagine how long those babies must take to trim. Yikes!)
Hey Thanks Xlr. Yea we have been wearing out our trimming scissors. I think there is closer 3 lb's off the Iced Grapefruit. Here's what she's looking like;

Also still have the two I didn't figure that where going to make it to finish, but they are trying. Alittle Powdery Mildew, but seems not to be spreading to fast. Here's the two kids that are problem children a SLH and Tangerine Dream;

Lucky for what it's worth that they fit under the back porch. But humidity levels are the same under it.
Here's the SLH;

She we'll both need afew more weeks. Least two. Here the T-D;

Well this plant here is the Power Kush. She faired real well. Really did need a good sunny last week but there is no rot or mildew on her. She was grown in the green house so maybe that slowed down the mold's. But she is tasty and stony. Least the sample knocked me on my ass.

Yes trimming gets old but I'm happy I have some to trim with. I've had afew crops I never got to trim. I remember I lost a whole crop one year to bag worms. I was growing in the Sac Delta outside Tracy Ca. I was using a gas powered pump to water this little island I was growing on. The Delta was hot with a group called C.A.M.P. they use to fly over with those little one man planes and take pic's for the Cop's. Well to keep down foot traffic I had put in watering lines so I could water the whole island from one point. My partner and me use to have one guy floating around casting rubber worms for bass while the other watered. Well come the last 2 weeks of flower, the cops were busting alot of people that year, so we didn't walk all the way to the plants. Well in 2 weeks bag worms had covered all the plant with their cocoon webbings. and millions of worms were eating the plants. Well rite off one crop on like 20 plants. Thats just one of afew that I've lost over the last 30 years. WOW am I getting old.
Well thanks for driving thru my friends. Keep em Green
Well this outside grow is winding down. Plants are all trimmed dry' and are starting their cure time. I have to use those good old fashion gallon zip lock's. I haven't got a clear weight or rating on any of them. And then I find the scale is dead. Oh well I'll fix that and let y'all know what's what. I have a pretty good eye for weight and I-Grapefruit is about 2 3/4 lb's most the others all are over a 1/2 elbow. Me and Miss J look around now at a empty back yard................ Looks like winter is on her way. I pulled the last little hash buds off the Power Kush. I LIKE the P-K. Been looking around the 'office' and see that I need a Bubble Bag badly. Wheels are turning, even see alittle smoke....... E-Bay should fix that problem. I do have ALOT of hash material. This stuff looks better than alot of bags I seen people try to sell. But it is barren out there. All the kids are gone. Wait, I have that spare room. I could grow in there I guess. Miss J doesn't want to get bored. I forgot. That rooms full. I have a Star Trek and a SLH in hydro in there. The SLH is getting outta control so I've been building a pvc cage around it. I'll update with pic's after it looks worthy. Hey found a caterpillar climbed out the bud. I'm sure glad wasn't a infestation of them. Well on them pretty days with them butterflies flying around just a carrying on their life cycle by laying eggs in your plants. Well that's mother nature for ya.
Sorry to ramble on so much but know that the outside grow is gone I should have alittle more time to surf here. I do look at alot of everyone else's grow. Just don't say much I watch the pic's. Proof is always the pic's. Wish I knew the 'rite' way to use this camera. My fool mouth probably cost me a buck or two but I gave the camera shop the go up to 120$ Guess what the bill was??? Imagine that.
HEY CHECK IT OUT. In Dec's High Times, they have a price by state section. They say someones has some pot in Gresham Or. And guess what kind it is?????
Vantage for 265$ per Oz.
Cool I think. I guess. I know it's a winner in my garden's. I have a larger Vantage growing but it's having a hard time reverting back to veg stage. So she wants to flower..... I'll let her. I also started some fresh seed anyways. 3 Vantages and 1 Sour Cream. I guess alot of people got one of those as a freebie on a deal. They all are up and growing. I'll get pic's for the record. I have ideas for the flower room. I have a nice looking mother plant of the Star Trek nature. I thought about cutting a tray of clones and do a miniature SOG with 6-8 clones. Star Trek might meet some form of hydro. Buck Rodgers Hang On. Keep em Green
Another great backyard grow for you, I need to put the Vantage on "to grow"list.. dang on the camera bill.. Hope you get a great indoor grow to keep the house warm this winter. I have 2 KK clones in the cloner, I guess its DWC if you grow them that way.. or Hydro? It may work so keeping my fingers crossed on it and hope you get yours going too..keep us in the loop, it's always great to see what you seasoned growers do.
Well been awhile since I posted. Guess I'm going as fast as these 2 plants left outside are doing. They haven't done alot of anything this last 2 weeks. The plants still got flowers but nothing to them. We haven't had any sun to speak of, and they were under the porch about a week. I got the Powdery Mildew in check' well kind of. The tangerine Dream has it. She's looks pretty tho;

Along side with it is that other problem child, SLH. She looks alot thicker in it's pic, but still has alot to her. What she does have, are getting a nice frosting of clear/cloudy immature crystals.Well this is it;

and this is alittle closer;

Well I know I will get them in a hash box at least before they get too bad off.
Well I always have my room inside. I like growing both ways, but I like the lack of having to deal with last years weather. HOPEFULLY I can find some strain for here, I do plan on getting some from that Stoney Brook person. Some of her strains sound to good to be true. If it could flower in even 32 days like she says, under optimum lighting, imagine what some breeding could do with their strain for a parent? Maybe cut a 12 week flowerer do to a reasonable 10? But something at a 45 day flowering would be what the doctor ordered. plants coming out at the first of Sept' instead of the end. Well I have afew months to come up with something. And I'd sure look at any suggestions from anyone. Mold and pest resistance ,and early finisher with a respectable yield.
I been hearing alot about SLH too. I realize that one outside won't be much to sample, but earlier I did cut acouple clones off her. One made it, and the other died. I'm growing it in a drip ring hydro unit from GH and using the GH Flora line of fert's with some of fox Farm's Tri Pack. I kept putting off putting her in flower room because it looked so happy in the 2X4 by herself. You add that with her Haze and you have a plant that could get away from you in these units. Good thing at three points in the top half where you can put PVC pipe inside about 3" deep. Makes for a one plant unit scrog system. And I needed it. I can tell you this is a optima lite up plant. She is solid and maybe 2 more weeks? This is week 7;

I can't wait 2 weeks? I look at it and makes my Worth water;

The smell from it is something else. I can smell Lemon for sure. And I can't even smell pot when I open my door. I'll bet 80% of the people here probably can't smell pot anymore.
Like I said I cut 2 clones, one died. Well had to fill the other unit so I took a Star Trek. The one I grew outside makes for good smoke, least afew people said. Myself I like to wait till weed gets a month cure, when possible, seems to bring out the flavor. I know I got my N-Lites and Armageddon, on ice in a cool dark place. Well anyways the Star Trek is at like week 3 and a half of her 7 week trip;

I also took a pic of the over all flower room well as much as I could. The temp is 70 at nite and up to 82 is the highest day time temp, it's day is our night, for the off peak electric rates. I just heard they have them. I do it for the temp's but I'm going to sure ask them soon. They warn us the we are the largest usage household in the neighbor hood. But we do have a pool and a large home. I don't think 225 average is bad. But Miss J just gave me something about usage program rates for off peak hours. Hey I'd like to save 25 buck per. That could replace light bulbs.
Well I couldn't wait I took alittle SLH for a taste;

and this one;

and this little beauty. They are about the size of a thumbnail. And if they double in size the next 2-3 weeks, man;

Ah well that it from the nut house here. Man It's 4 AM. Well thanks for dropping bye ya'll and Keep em Green
Well is something good here the last few days,,,,,,,,, I grew a Connie Chung plant, one of those freebies, and she rocked. I started her outside and finished her in. I'd put her at 3 1/2 Oz's Some large solid buds, about the size of my thumb. I also got to try that sample of SLH and I liked it. I liked it alot. I'll try to get a true pic of what she looks like. She's been supercroped and re afew times. But the bud's are rock hard and drip. I have her in a small dripper system but the res in mighty small. After 3 days I have to change out. The PH bottoms out fast, and the PPM rise past max. She drinks about a gallon of her 2 gallon rev a day. But she is worth it. I wonder if I have the flowering period off by a week? She seems in full bloom and shes sure is making my mouth water. I really think I'll do atleast one more change after tonite. Then I wonder whats a good flush? Whatever it is the plants sure goes thru some liquid fast. Well I'll try to do alittle updating here in a minute. Keepem Green
Thanks for all that energy Sisco. Things are growing great. Here's a pic of what I have in the flower room;


I have 2 1000 watters on rails 'if needed', in Magnum Hoods. I've been thinking of upgrading to the 1500 watters. I'll have to upgrade the ventilation system to a H/O 8" tho. I think this year I will, and get a CO2 setup. Miss J's son in a contractor, so I'll work on him to run a gas line in there. I don't like the idea of having tanks.
Well I really thing the SLH is ready. I changed the reservoir last nite. I guess I need to run straight water thru the system. Final flush. We just sampled that bud after it got good and dry. WOW!!!!

She's starting to fox tail abit but the weed is a pretty Orange color. I guess it's time. Her roots stayed a nice healthy color;

I have afew others going in there. This is Greenhouse's new strain, K something. Don't ask I can't spell my own name without spell check. But shes growing great;

Also have a LA Cheese going;

These are acouple weeks into flower. Here's a Vantage of course. I have new seed going of this. I plan on keeping one for a mother and do a flip with her again. I love that herb. Seems everyone does.;

The SLH outside is getting cut down today. She missed the sun and nevver thickened up. A plant for warmer climates for sure.

Well I also have a hydro going with a Star Trek. Shes a hefty plant for sure, For her size there is some hella buddage. I also cut afew clones of her to do a trip of 6 Star Treks in a rotation;

Well it was decided by mother nature than a person in the PNW should've grow Trangerine Dream outside unless you just wanna play a guitar. We ended up pulling her for yard waste;

Well that's it here today. SSDD Miss J has alot cut down and I need to get my fingers in it also. It, the SLH from outside, has alot of hashy material on it, so there will be afew more oz's of prime hash. Man I need a bubble bag bad.. Keepem Green
Hey Sprout ! :cheer:

Old Buddy...You have out done yourself this year. !! :adore::adore:

You are the only guy I know that collects his buds in wheelbarrow.

What a year you've had Buddy, sure not like last year! :circle-of-love:

Sorry I haven't been by as much as usual....busy too!

Miss J........You get prettier every year. Don't know how you do it !

Bulldozers went into high gear for a minute or two this year Pop's. Well believe it or not I still haven't really sampled the large crops we got yet this year. I mean I smoked it once or twice on afew of the strains, but I can never judge till plants are put up for acouple weeks. And finish the cure. I've just gotten into the jar with Northern Lites on it. Screamer pot. The Armageddon is great too. I think next is going
Wonder Woman. She got some meaty buds. Abit on the leafy side for me, but I have someone who likes the 'joint weed'. Also she doesn't care for high THC levels. Makes her nervous. CBD's work for her. And this pot is typical outside weed. Green and red in color, it has that earthy flavor with a taste of hash thrown in. I ended up with 3/4 of a LB off her. She has suck tight thick bud that she is a target for bud rot, which did find her alittle. Have to remember that all this outside trip was finished with lousy weather. Cloud's and more clouds. That lack of sun probably hurt a percent or 2 of potency on the harvest but I'm not complaining. Scale 1-10 about a 7-8
Vintage. She was a plant that was started inside and finished out. When I put her out she was like at week 4. I imagine it was a shocks to her going from nice warm and bright, to a cool and overcast sun. The smoke like most outdoor weed it's got a green look to it. Outdoor plants don't get the smells like indoor does. Least here in the PNW. She also caught her dose of good old 'Botrytis Cinerea'. We didn't really get to much I put it at 15% of every plant. We a harvested 3/4 of Lb off her too. Kind of has a alfalfa smell. But don't let the smell fool ya, she'll knock ya on your ass. Scale 1-10 about a 7-8
Well thats acouple from outback.
Iced Grapefruit. She's has a sweeter flower than some the others. Deep Ruddy Red color. Good hash taste and a buzz that creeps up behind you after 3 or 4 min's. I can tell it's going to be some great herbs. Scale 1-10 about a 8-9
I'm still smoking my Vantage. Talk about hash flavor. I also started two new Vantage seed. Along with a Sour Cream. Man the vendor sends freebies out and they pop up on every growers threads. Who Hasn't grown a Sour Cream? Well I have been going thru withdrawal's lately. I need my seed fix. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO We off to the rodeo.

1x Paradise - Spoetnik #1 -
1x World of Seeds - Star 47 -
1x Kannabia - Smile -
1x Green House - TrainWreck -
1x Seedsman - White Widow -
1x Sensi - Skunk #1 -
1x Nirvana - Swiss Cheese -
2x Barney's Farm - Tangerine Dream
Tangerine Dream. I threw my outside away. I forgot that plant was a total. My Old Ladies Son grew one. He did it in a 2X4 tent under a 250 watter. I can't speak for what or how he grew it but he's one on the extreme 'Green'. He wants total organics and thought it is good to use things like banana peels straight in the dirt. I mean not composted. I warned him bout mold's and bugs, but everyone has to learn don't they. He dealt with mites. I don't know how good it turned but the samples he brang over is decent smoke and I know there is a reason it won the last cup. I wanna take a trip to Amsterdam when the cup's going. Sounds pretty cool. And really cost isn't bad. A big part of cost is getting to NY or wherever you leave from. Well I'll do a update in awhile. Thanks for dropping in and Keep em Green
Yeah, Ms. J playing the Budtar! Woo-hoo :thumb:

I never knew there were 1500 wattrs! That's one long bearded big budded SLH, I really like that wife would kill me if I got one...:scratchinghead:

I'm sorry you had to pitch that TD, was it so bad you couldn't get it to the hash bar?

Pics and list looks good, even you brotha' lol Yess all's good in your hood. Keep those Drive by's steady, population control!
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