This plant should be done


Well-Known Member
As the title states, this girl should be finished. She started same time as one other auto flower and a bag seed that are both drying atm. This plant is sticky though you can’t see any trichs with the naked eye. Also the plant is covered with very green leaves. Like it just left veg stage I will update with pictures of the trichomes this evening but can anyone reading tell from these pictures what’s happening? Pistils are white as can be , very little turning colors yet . I dunno
Thanks in advance


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Needs more time - did you change the lighting schedule to 12/12 or something other than 18/6 for AUTO flowering?
Oh yeah for certain. I switched them all at same time . 12/12 on a timer since September 2. Working on 11 weeks there was some issues at very beginning.. burnt the plant as it popped soil and took a week and half to recover and was very slow growth up until a month ago. Biologically this plant should be done
These were taken this morning. It looks like it’s mutating bumps on the colas


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I may have fd up but that’s ok with me, but I stripped most of vegetation from her . I need my grow tent back
OH forgot to mention - AUTOs run on 18/6 so if you lower the daily lighting time you increase the days it takes to finish the plant.

Think total amount of light added up.

By changing to 12/12 you cut out 1/3 of your total light so it will take 1/3 more time to finish. That defeats the advantage of AUTO flowers early finish time.
OH forgot to mention - AUTOs run on 18/6 so if you lower the daily lighting time you increase the days it takes to finish the plant.

Think total amount of light added up.

By changing to 12/12 you cut out 1/3 of your total light so it will take 1/3 more time to finish. That defeats the advantage of AUTO flowers early finish time.
Doesn’t it potentially give you a larger auto?
It could I dunno never tried it. Just going by how plants grow and lighting.

Reducing or increasing intensity and/or time are some tools in growers tool boxes.

These can be used to get a different output or goal. Say a breeder wants his seeds to ripen he may want to increase the time to harvest as the seeds develop as an example.

I grow and try and get repeatable results so I don't mess with what works for me unless I have to.
As the title states, this girl should be finished. She started same time as one other auto flower and a bag seed that are both drying atm. This plant is sticky though you can’t see any trichs with the naked eye. Also the plant is covered with very green leaves. Like it just left veg stage I will update with pictures of the trichomes this evening but can anyone reading tell from these pictures what’s happening? Pistils are white as can be , very little turning colors yet . I dunno
Thanks in advance
Looks like sativa. Sativa takes longer to mature. Some as long as 16 week's. Just be patient and wait. Sativa originates from equatorial regions Where day and night are same amount of hours "12/12" so they are not tied to light hour change. but actual grow time in weeks. Indica is found naturally north of equatorial region. And is affected by light change. This is the reason for original cross breeding of indica and sativa. Sativa is more potent in most cases than Indica. But pure sativa is almost impossible to grow outside in northern colder climates because of time it needs to mature. But when crossed with Indica fixes that problem. Good luck look tasty.
Oh no it’s an auto for certain. I am a first time grower and even with that I can tell it’s an auto. I had a seed from a bag I germinated with another auto and the difference is very unique and reminded me of auto bloom vegetables I’ve grown in past. ( I did something to this plant early on. It was under the LEDs for way longer than it should have and it burned the two first little leaves. The plant stunted for almost a week and half . Then one day the first set of real leaves came out. Slowly grew for almost 6 weeks, then took off.....) maybe there is a name for this type of growth or miracle plant lol Anyhow, it’s definitely ready for chop this afternoon. I flipped the lights to 24 and after 2 days the pistils turned and I flipped lights off and walked away for 2 days. I had to go out of town so that was only option. I wasn’t going to leave the lights on any longer.....I’ve learned quite a bit over the last 3 months, have all the correct mediums, light set up, ventilation, etc. I had lots of tweaking going on and lots of educating myself on the fly but I feel like I did an OK job but OK is not good enough. SO, I am moving next July and I figured if I got seeds in the dirt right now, I’d be finished bye end of January which is perfect because I won’t be showing house for another two months hence plenty of time to get it ready for a sale .
I have some regular feminized seeds that I’m eager to grow . My bag seed is the best smelling, most caked, and biggest yielded from my three so I am staying away from autos for a while . Purple Punch from COTCS is the strain I am plotting this afternoon.... so excited!!. Just enough time to finish drying the 3 plants I have now inside the tent and when it’s time to jar them the tent will be ready for another go
Germinating a seed with an auto seed does not create another Auto seed. Autoflower seeds are created by breeding ruderalis to desired cannabis strain.
Oh no it’s an auto for certain. I am a first time grower and even with that I can tell it’s an auto. I had a seed from a bag I germinated with another auto and the difference is very unique and reminded me of auto bloom vegetables I’ve grown in past. ( I did something to this plant early on. It was under the LEDs for way longer than it should have and it burned the two first little leaves. The plant stunted for almost a week and half . Then one day the first set of real leaves came out. Slowly grew for almost 6 weeks, then took off.....) maybe there is a name for this type of growth or miracle plant lol Anyhow, it’s definitely ready for chop this afternoon. I flipped the lights to 24 and after 2 days the pistils turned and I flipped lights off and walked away for 2 days. I had to go out of town so that was only option. I wasn’t going to leave the lights on any longer.....I’ve learned quite a bit over the last 3 months, have all the correct mediums, light set up, ventilation, etc. I had lots of tweaking going on and lots of educating myself on the fly but I feel like I did an OK job but OK is not good enough. SO, I am moving next July and I figured if I got seeds in the dirt right now, I’d be finished bye end of January which is perfect because I won’t be showing house for another two months hence plenty of time to get it ready for a sale .
I have some regular feminized seeds that I’m eager to grow . My bag seed is the best smelling, most caked, and biggest yielded from my three so I am staying away from autos for a while . Purple Punch from COTCS is the strain I am plotting this afternoon.... so excited!!. Just enough time to finish drying the 3 plants I have now inside the tent and when it’s time to jar them the tent will be ready for another go
Should have mentioned this also auto flower doesn't make it mature faster only flower with out light change. Sativa's still take longer for flowers to mature. Sorry I'm an avid reader. Especially with what I like. And I love growing buds. Best advice I could give anyone is buy a book or 2. I suggest Ed Rosenthal's marijuana growers handbook. And Jorge Cervantes MARIJUANA Horticulture the indoor outdoor Medical grower's Bible.
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