To Hell in A Hempy Bucket - Vrt CMH - Wonder Woman/Red Dragon

Nothing wrong with that! :Rasta:

Neglected, forgotten plants have been some of my best too! Makes one wonder
doesn't it? Are we doing things the right way. They do good in spite of us. Hmmmm :popcorn:

With this grow I am working on a benign neglect system. Set up pots a certain way, do x for 3 weeks, do y for 3 weeks and do z for rest of grow. Only change up if a real problem shows up.

I'll still do experimentation because I don't know how to not do it. But would like at least 1/2 my plants to be on a low problem, high simplification system.:slide:

No worries, just buds. :cool:
Hey TT ! :)

I'm with you.....easy as possible.....but with good yield. :grinjoint:

I did that outside. Just water and watch. The KISS System. :ganjamon:

It's lofty goal...but you can do it! :Namaste:

OMM, thanks for the vote of confidence!

So far so good. :smokin:

The second set is going to get a water and LST session today. The first set is now fully acclimated to the light and getting full blast. Still looking great.

Unless there is a problem, the water regime will be rainwater & kelp poured over the coffee filters of DMP/OC+ for the rest of the first 3 week phase of 12/12. It appears that they will need watering every 3 days.

Hi TT. Are you still just LSTing the main branch and just bending the rest into the wire frames? Just looking back at the pictures and they seem to like that.
I haven't LSTed for a while, but since I'm indoors now I might get back into it.
Really like the wire frame idea!
Hi TT. Are you still just LSTing the main branch and just bending the rest into the wire frames? Just looking back at the pictures and they seem to like that.
I haven't LSTed for a while, but since I'm indoors now I might get back into it.
Really like the wire frame idea!

Yes, I am just LSTing the main branch or the occasional long branch. I am not doing any other tie downs yet.

The wire frames mainly exist to attach longer pieces to when it is time for the girls to get their hats. (supplemental top lighting).

I do occasional using them to tie back unruly branches or to support stems that are top heavy with bud.:grinjoint: However, using a vertical light, I usually need to tie back the whole bunch of front branches that want to kiss the light.

The wire frames are made from 2x4 fencing. with these pots, they are 4' wide by 16' high and go all the way down to the bottom of the bucket. I leave at least a whole section above ground for the attachment of more pieces later.

The plants are LST'd through holes I drilled at the mid point of the bucket side. The frame starts just at the back edge of the hole.

I'll take some pictures when I do the actual LST tonight. :cool:
Let's try some pics.

Set 2: Wonder Woman 13"
Oh, that's right. I was going for the preview button not submit. Think the Blue Dragon scissor hash had anything to do with that?

Let's try this again:

Set 2: Wonder Woman 13"


Wonder Woman 6.5"


Red Dragon 19"


The Target Zone


Red Dragon 9.5"


Oh, NO! One trying to run away!;)


I'll just toss in that Set 2 reached the same height as Set 1 in 1 less day and vegging at 5-10 degrees lower temps. Point Red Lava.
Might as well report on Set 1

Red Dragon 12/12


Wonder Woman 12/12


Notice some yellow leaves at the bottom of both plants. A sign of a combination of slight under nuting :morenutes: and having trouble making it to day 3 to be watered.

I added 1/4 tsp of MaxiGrow to the water and played Dutch Boy. I held my finger over the whole at the first sign of water. This was about 1/2 gallon. Then I poured the rest of gallon in. Not quite enough water to soak surface but after holding it in for about 3 minutes, it retained about an extra quart and had a strong drain. if this doesn't help with watering time There are 10 more bags of red lava.:) Sorry Mrs. Tokes' roses.

The RD is back to 19" and the WW is 10". The WW is going to be the perfect size (18"-24") but the RD is looking to get too tall. There are some tricks to play with the light that can reduce the RD's stretch.:grinjoint:
Hay TT, that WW looks like she's stacked ;) Did your plants go more than 3 days between waterings before the lava rocks?

A Sharpie plugs a 7/16" hole quite nicely, if I leave it plugged for 20 min or so, the bucket gets a real nice soaking and a whoosh of oxygen when I do pull the plug.

Trippy. Looks like all of 3/4 forum posts don't exist anymore??

Here's a post from support:

We have been working on this issue since 5am, everything is okay, just some old scripts on the server that had exploits, should be fully resolved by morning.

Unfortunately, during these last 17 hours of working on this, we lost a full day's worth of data. Some of you may have lost a few posts and a few photos, many of us on staff have lost 17 hours worth of work, so it could be worse.

Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.
Pictures look great!

Lots of folks are getting "Malware" warnings when they log in. I PM'ed them about they are probably working on it. OMM

The pics help me to see how sweet they are growing. Much better than the over-nute crowd. (Reminds me I haven't checked on drying buds in 24 hours.) OOps.

The view you are getting is the same view the vrt light gets. Hence the interesting fan leaf patterns. Next time I'll snap a back view. :yummy:
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