Torco's Outdoor Grow 2009

Yes Torco,your grows rock!Keep on keepin on! ;)
Beautiful work. Keep the inspiration flowing.
Thanks everyone, The flowering has already started, time to start feeding them phosphorus
So I went through last years grow and just wondering if you smoked all of that yet? Also, in your opinion, how does this grow compare to last years? Do you feel it is going to be a bigger haul? Also, you might have answered this, i haven't caught all the way up yet, but did you incorporate any new techniques or materials this year? Great job. Plus rep if I can.
So I went through last years grow and just wondering if you smoked all of that yet? Also, in your opinion, how does this grow compare to last years? Do you feel it is going to be a bigger haul? Also, you might have answered this, i haven't caught all the way up yet, but did you incorporate any new techniques or materials this year? Great job. Plus rep if I can.

As a matter of fact no I have not smoked it all yet, I am embarrassed to say there are two plants left hanging in the indoor grow room from last year that I have not finished trimming up. I am sick of trimming buds, there is maybe a ¼ pound left hanging on the plants. I have started trimming it up again, I have to get it all done for this years harvest, I use my indoor grow room as a hanging room for my outdoor plants. It's allot of work growing a garden this size.

This years grow is smaller than last year because I got started late, had some setbacks. Nothing has changed in my growing technique this year, im using chicken shit for the vegetative growth and im not sure what I am going to use for the flower stage, I would love to use Guano but it's very expensive.
I love when my hands are sore for trimming but i wish i had blisters like yours year round
greta job +reps if I can ALSO are you only using guano? and what the hell is in that soil and how old are they do youknow?
Update Time, everything is growing like crazy!!!







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