Welcome All My Friends To The Show That Never Ends - Canna M & Nismo12 Team Up!

Re: Welcome all my friends to the show that never ends... Canna M. and Nismo12 Team U

Here is a picture of our setup. The flower room will be adjacent to the veg room. Both rooms will be 12' x 13'. For the flower room we plan on running a 600W HPS and 4 smaller 500w LED lights around it, well that's the plan anyways. Nothing is set in stone for the flower room. Considering there will be girls constantly moving in and out, light coverage and strength of light is a must.


As for the clones above, we took the FIM from the OG kush (in my 2nd grow journal) and made it a clone. Took 2 from the heavyweight fruit punch, and 2 from the CKS purple kush in flower (first grow journal). They have completed 6 weeks of flower so we are hoping for some major monster cropping to happen.

This just in! Our 'photo' order from Herbies showed up today! 12 new delicious strains that will make for some fun filled times! I can hear the beans jumping into their swimming pool for the next 16 hours now. Then the following 4 months on the beach in the sunshine working on their tan and figure!



I can't decide which seed shop. Not to worried about price as long as the quality is good. I was thinking of using NIRVANA or SEEDSMAN. What's your success with her herbies and their fem seeds?

Also on the tube at NoobGrow
Re: Welcome all my friends to the show that never ends... Canna M. and Nismo12 Team U

I can't decide which seed shop. Not to worried about price as long as the quality is good. I was thinking of using NIRVANA or SEEDSMAN. What's your success with her herbies and their fem seeds?

Also on the tube at NoobGrow
Well the most recent plants are all from herbies with the exception of our Super silver haze which is from crop king seeds. Also have some CKS Purple Kush going and it is fantastic so far. Stealth delivery goes to CKS. Quality thus far with all of the genetics is superb.
So pretty much quality/genetics is good from both. Just looking at prices I guess. Thanks!

Any experience with the SEEDSMAN or Nirvana?

Also on the tube at NoobGrow

I actually have the tattoo there to cover up a burn I got at work. It's also part of a fund raiser for a guy named strawberry who got cancer. So it was a win win. It had to be a strawberry though. That was the catch.

Are you going to grow a Dutch Passion Strawberry Cough (or three - it looks like you've got the room, lol) to go along with that tattoo?

Dutch Passion said:
The "Strawberry Cough" genetics are of North American origin and partly uniquely European. "Strawberry Cough" is a hybrid between an Indica and a Sativa. From this hybrid we made a selection having about 80% Sativa influences. We have used this selection for the production of our "Strawberry Cough" Seeds. Our "Production and Research Team" has succeeded in creating the fruitiest variety imaginable. The fresh strawberry taste and aroma are very evident and wonderful to experience. Strawberry has an "up high" effect of medium THC-strength. The plants are beautiful to look at. The total flowering time takes about 9 weeks. The first and most powerful growth spurt of flowers ends in week four, the second at week 9. "Strawberry Cough" is easy to grow and does not need a strong fertilizing scheme. Standard fertilizing will do for good results. Individual plants will grow to medium height. Are you ready for the "Strawberry Experience"?

It has been a while(!) since I grew it, but I remember it as a pleasant - but not overwhelming - sativa(ish) strain that worked in the daytime when a person wanted to be up and about without having their skull cut open, their brains scooped out, and replaced with Cheetos ;) . I also remember it as a good social strain. Of course, not having had the pleasure of encountering it recently, it may have changed a little.

Speaking of strains, interesting mix you have there. I got paranoid and more or less quit buying from seedbanks long enough ago that I have missed a lot of the newer strains/mixes. I'll have to remember to wander back in later and see how they're treating you.
So pretty much quality/genetics is good from both. Just looking at prices I guess. Thanks!

Any experience with the SEEDSMAN or Nirvana?

Also on the tube at NoobGrow
Haven't done business with them sorry.

I will say that herbies has a ton of breeders and bunches of free seeds.

Crop kings you order a pack of 5 and get 7 or 8. So you do get some extra there.

So it's just a matter of preference. We have plenty of strains here so I don't see making another order for a while. Plus we plan of making feminized seeds in the future.

We ordered from another seed bank but noticed they are no longer a sponsor unfortunately and that was haze.io. Great people over there, seeds were shipped but got caught in a black hole.

So the choice is yours, may the 4th be with you.
Are you going to grow a Dutch Passion Strawberry Cough (or three - it looks like you've got the room, lol) to go along with that tattoo?

It has been a while(!) since I grew it, but I remember it as a pleasant - but not overwhelming - sativa(ish) strain that worked in the daytime when a person wanted to be up and about without having their skull cut open, their brains scooped out, and replaced with Cheetos ;) . I also remember it as a good social strain. Of course, not having had the pleasure of encountering it recently, it may have changed a little.

Speaking of strains, interesting mix you have there. I got paranoid and more or less quit buying from seedbanks long enough ago that I have missed a lot of the newer strains/mixes. I'll have to remember to wander back in later and see how they're treating you.
Now we are going to have to find strawberry cough. Lol! That sounds right up nismos alley!
Since I am here I thought I would do a quick update on the clones.

Today marks day 5 since they were clipped from their mom. Total of 5 clones from 4 different moms. Lower growth has yellowed but that is about it. They are still standing up tall and might just be fighting for life. This weekend ill pull the plugs out to check for root growth. We have been putting aloe water pH'd water to 6.7 every other day. Temps are constant and humidity is high. All vents are open in the propagator and the heat mat is set to 78 degree soil temp (probe stuck in one of the rapid rooters).



Then as an added bonus our Carnival has grown a tap root and she was put into a SOLO cup last night. She should be showing up any day now! :party:


Just a little heads up...we have decided that I will be handling the updates on the photo girls and Canna Montana will be doing the auto updates. Granted we will be helping each other with all garden detail so we wont be lopsided with tasks one way or the other. But that is all I have for tonight, so everyone grab a hose...I just packed this with a little sample from our purple kush! :hookah:
One last thing before lights out this evening. I finished the 3 week stretch time lapse of the purple kush in flower. Spent a couple hours tonight scrolling through thousands of pictures and bringing them together this evening for your viewing pleasure. In the beginning one of them got thirsty while I was at work and didn't notice it until late. But she perked right back up in a hurry. Enjoy! :bong:

I loveove a good time lapse

I experienced a bit of that, myself, years ago - but that might have had something to do with a wicked Oaxacan highland sativa that I was having relations with (she was fornicating with my brain ;) ) at the time, lol. Only time(*) I ever smoked a joint, then found myself ducking a big bird that came madly swooping out of nowhere and flew past at a high rate of speed just over my shoulder. The funny thing is that I had been leaning against a wall at the time, and there was no bird-shaped hole in it when I turned around to look. Err... The even stranger thing is that the friend that I'd been passing the joint back and forth with blinked a couple of times and then asked, "Wow, did you see that bird, man? Hey, wait a minute... Where did it GO?" And, at that point... I knew that I'd probably never get overly excited when I read about how strong the latest and greatest indica was, lol.

Sorry for rambling. I've been known to do that "from time to time."

(*)I came close a time or ten with Thai sativas, though.
I experienced a bit of that, myself, years ago - but that might have had something to do with a wicked Oaxacan highland sativa that I was having relations with (she was fornicating with my brain ;) ) at the time, lol. Only time(*) I ever smoked a joint, then found myself ducking a big bird that came madly swooping out of nowhere and flew past at a high rate of speed just over my shoulder. The funny thing is that I had been leaning against a wall at the time, and there was no bird-shaped hole in it when I turned around to look. Err... The even stranger thing is that the friend that I'd been passing the joint back and forth with blinked a couple of times and then asked, "Wow, did you see that bird, man? Hey, wait a minute... Where did it GO?" And, at that point... I knew that I'd probably never get overly excited when I read about how strong the latest and greatest indica was, lol.

Sorry for rambling. I've been known to do that "from time to time."

(*)I came close a time or ten with Thai sativas, though.
Great story! Had me giggling. Lol
One last thing before lights out this evening. I finished the 3 week stretch time lapse of the purple kush in flower. Spent a couple hours tonight scrolling through thousands of pictures and bringing them together this evening for your viewing pleasure. In the beginning one of them got thirsty while I was at work and didn't notice it until late. But she perked right back up in a hurry. Enjoy! :bong:


(+) reps for the video..TY! :thumb:
(+) reps for the video..TY! :thumb:
Thanks Dr. Z.! It was very enjoyable to do and I'm glad everyone is enjoying the time that is put into it.

The only bad thing about it is that the camera only supports a 32 GB memory card so I have to pull the pictures off the card twice a week during veg and once a week during flower. I tried a 128 gb card but it didn't work. Oh well, just gives me a reason to go into the tent lol. Have a good day Doc. :thumb:
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