What in tarnation is going on


Active Member
Hey everyone! Got an issue with my Indica plant pink lemonade, it’s life has been spent in pro mix being fed rain water an gaia green, bogie brew, worm castings, microbial mass. In a 10 gallon fabric pot, it’s pretty large I guess and we recently had a crazy heat wave which it had been doing amazing in, which afterwards we had some cool weather and it’s started to go light green and been pretty blah, not sure what I’m doing wrong or should be doing to get it back on track as my other plants seem to be doing well. Today I switched it into a 20 gallon pot thinking it had to much of a root mass on it.

I would let it go for a week or so and see what effect re-potting the plant has. Could be a combination of a rootbound plant and the cooler temps, just a little lull in the action! My outdoor plants look great, but are growing fairly slowly due to cool temps and morning fog that hasn't been burning off until 10-11 AM.
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