White Widow, Jack Herer, Power Plant In Coco & Perlite

Haha! Yeah... My oldest GG's ladies, I'm note sure how old they are now... But I would never guess their age. If you get that wrong! Oh boy... Trouble ahead..
Lol :laughtwo: Yeah that can be a dangerous territory:lot-o-toke:
Love you!!!!:idea: Never occurred to me to see if my son would like to help. He wants to learn everything. Hopefully the timing will work out.

Tanks fer the idear......lol
:laughtwo: Sweetness! Happy I could help :high-five: That’s awesome that he wants to learn! Hopefully the timing works out for ya and ya get some help :love:
The girls are on day 55 of 12/12 and day 47’ish of flower. They are still on 5.5gr/g MC and seem to be doing well. Temps and humidity better and better every day! Getting ever so close to chop chop time :yummy: I’ve been noticing the slight difference with the two Jacks and JH1 has a really pretty purple hue on her buds as opposed to JH2 that doesn’t. Anywho, things are rolling along.
Hope y’all have a great evening :peace::love::Namaste:

That one of the best Jack grows I've seen. Absolutely, beautiful! Great job @candycane
A big humble :thanks: Sparkey:green_heart:. I’m very proud of my Jacks but have seen some that I’m still jelly about :laughtwo: and aspire to one day to get to that level:love: I’m slowly but surely getting there as a grower thanks to all of the wonderful people here:love: I hope you have a wonderful day and thank you so very much again!:peace::love::Namaste:
How's it goin' Candy? I really want to start chopping! They look ready but I still can't see any amber trichomes so it's a waiting game. Nothing is technically ready until next Tuesday anyway but I had to do something so we just ordered a TrimBin from Amazon! A little extravagant but my wife and I split the cost from our personal cash on hand. Think I'll be dry trimming this time which should shake loose some of that sparkly kief. Also going to try drying low and slow in the fridge. :peace: :love: :hookah:
How's it goin' Candy? I really want to start chopping! They look ready but I still can't see any amber trichomes so it's a waiting game. Nothing is technically ready until next Tuesday anyway but I had to do something so we just ordered a TrimBin from Amazon! A little extravagant but my wife and I split the cost from our personal cash on hand. Think I'll be dry trimming this time which should shake loose some of that sparkly kief. Also going to try drying low and slow in the fridge. :peace: :love: :hookah:
Hey Hutch all is rolling along. :) Hope all is well your way! I have that trim bin on my wish list on Amazon:laughtwo: it’s been on there since I popped my first seed last May. You’ll have to tell me how that works out so I can live vicariously;) I’ve been checking and she still has too much clear and I haven’t seen any amber yet. Hoping around the 18th or the 25th they’ll be ready:yummy:
I’m ready to chop chop too! I’d love to do the low n slow in the fridge just don’t have the room. Also :thanks: for the sentiments on the garden:green_heart: Always good to hear from ya!
I had some pics taken on Wed but my boy was down for a visit and I had to take him home on that day and we had a bit of a rough morning. He woke up in what I thought was a decent frame of mind and my daughter had told me that a few of the people and the manager was commenting on his attitude at work & asked if I could talk to him...So I did, in the best calm and explaining manner I could and he flipped out then it turned into an attack on me and how I’ve never done anything for him and how my sister would be turning in her grave if she saw the way I treated him..:oops:My sis died in her sleep in June 2018 from what the report reads as cardiac arrest at age 40.She had lupus and a few other health issues caused by the horrible disease and bad hearts just unfortunately run on my dads side (he died at age 58 from a massive heart attack along with my grandpa in his 60’s and two uncles with heart attacks but are still here with us ).She also suffered with bi-polar until she met the love of her life at age 33 and started taking her meds regularly and leveled out . She left behind her fiancé and two beautiful adopted children and a baby they were fostering that was born with drug withdrawals (the woman was using heavy drugs while pregnant) that has now since then been adopted by her fiancé. (Her death still crushes my soul to this day and her B-day was New Year’s Day also the reason I haven’t had parties the past 2 years). She and my children especially my boy were extremely close and she could always get thru to him. I finally feel comfortable enough to explain. He suffers from bi-polar & being young thinking he knows all and parents have never been there done that...He was on meds and had regular counseling. At 15 his symptoms were at there height and he had a suicide attempt during a Halloween party we were having. (We only had the party because we thought he was on the upward swing stabilizing out)we were wrong apparently his girlfriend had broken up with him. He wound up in a behavioral health center for more intense treatment, was taking his meds and seemed to have a grasp on things. A lot of struggles for everyone the past few years..but for this last year his moods seemed to have stabilized comparative to the past few years anyway. This was in fact due to legalization and him maturing more. I never could get him to take his meds regularly and we were finally legal so I started allowing him to medicate and low and behold it was helping so I for him and myself started growing. He had ran out (was out for over a week) which is the main reason he came down for a visit. It’s not a cure all but I notice a vast enough difference in his moods and how he reacts to stress and the bumps life just gives us all. I worry about him on a daily.. was always worried when he was on the down side of it or when I had to discipline him because I was terrified to walk into his room and find him...I can’t even type the words but I’ll assume you know..now I worry about getting the call..he’s back on the upswing again and bounces back way quicker than he use to and his swings aren’t as intense. I’m dangerously close to being out of stash so I have laid way way back to barely taking any if at all most days to make sure I have enough for him until this round is ready. Five Finger Death Punch- I remember everything was one of her fave songs when she got back right and it completely is my son as well.. song hits straight home for me and just makes my heart hurt Evanescence- My Immortal was her song to me when I got real bad off a few years back, as she was always trying to be my mom and was always there mad at each other or not our love always prevailed.
This is as short and as condensed as I could possibly make it so I hope it all wasn’t too jumbled up, if you read all that thank you for powering thru it.
Update on the girls
They are 129 days alive, 59 days of 12/12, and 51 days’ish into actual flower.
They are still on 5.5gr/g MC & holding up well. I had to throw a few more stakes in there yesterday as I had a few swinging out from the increase in buddage (good problem to have)! I really am loving the purple hue on the JH1 (so much more pronounced in person). I’ll try to get some closer pics and trich shots on the next update!
I hope y’all are well and have a wonderful day and thank you for taking the time to swing by my journal :peace::love::Namaste:



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I had some pics taken on Wed but my boy was down for a visit and I had to take him home on that day and we had a bit of a rough morning. He woke up in what I thought was a decent frame of mind and my daughter had told me that a few of the people and the manager was commenting on his attitude at work & asked if I could talk to him...So I did, in the best calm and explaining manner I could and he flipped out then it turned into an attack on me and how I’ve never done anything for him and how my sister would be turning in her grave if she saw the way I treated him..:oops:My sis died in her sleep in June 2018 from what the report reads as cardiac arrest at age 40.She had lupus and a few other health issues caused by the horrible disease and bad hearts just unfortunately run on my dads side (he died at age 58 from a massive heart attack along with my grandpa in his 60’s and two uncles with heart attacks but are still here with us ).She also suffered with bi-polar until she met the love of her life at age 33 and started taking her meds regularly and leveled out . She left behind her fiancé and two beautiful adopted children and a baby they were fostering that was born with drug withdrawals (the woman was using heavy drugs while pregnant) that has now since then been adopted by her fiancé. (Her death still crushes my soul to this day and her B-day was New Year’s Day also the reason I haven’t had parties the past 2 years). She and my children especially my boy were extremely close and she could always get thru to him. I finally feel comfortable enough to explain. He suffers from bi-polar & being young thinking he knows all and parents have never been there done that...He was on meds and had regular counseling. At 15 his symptoms were at there height and he had a suicide attempt during a Halloween party we were having. (We only had the party because we thought he was on the upward swing stabilizing out)we were wrong apparently his girlfriend had broken up with him. He wound up in a behavioral health center for more intense treatment, was taking his meds and seemed to have a grasp on things. A lot of struggles for everyone the past few years..but for this last year his moods seemed to have stabilized comparative to the past few years anyway. This was in fact due to legalization and him maturing more. I never could get him to take his meds regularly and we were finally legal so I started allowing him to medicate and low and behold it was helping so I for him and myself started growing. He had ran out (was out for over a week) which is the main reason he came down for a visit. It’s not a cure all but I notice a vast enough difference in his moods and how he reacts to stress and the bumps life just gives us all. I worry about him on a daily.. was always worried when he was on the down side of it or when I had to discipline him because I was terrified to walk into his room and find him...I can’t even type the words but I’ll assume you know..now I worry about getting the call..he’s back on the upswing again and bounces back way quicker than he use to and his swings aren’t as intense. I’m dangerously close to being out of stash so I have laid way way back to barely taking any if at all most days to make sure I have enough for him until this round is ready. Five Finger Death Punch- I remember everything was one of her fave songs when she got back right and it completely is my son as well.. song hits straight home for me and just makes my heart hurt Evanescence- My Immortal was her song to me when I got real bad off a few years back, as she was always trying to be my mom and was always there mad at each other or not our love always prevailed.
This is as short and as condensed as I could possibly make it so I hope it all wasn’t too jumbled up, if you read all that thank you for powering thru it.
Update on the girls
They are 129 days alive, 59 days of 12/12, and 51 days’ish into actual flower.
They are still on 5.5gr/g MC & holding up well. I had to throw a few more stakes in there yesterday as I had a few swinging out from the increase in buddage (good problem to have)! I really am loving the purple hue on the JH1 (so much more pronounced in person). I’ll try to get some closer pics and trich shots on the next update!
I hope y’all are well and have a wonderful day and thank you for taking the time to swing by my journal :peace::love::Namaste:


My mom passed in her sleep in October 2018. I miss her everyday. Still hurts pretty bad since i was a mommas boy. So i feel you @candycane . I hope your son gets better too. When i was a younger man being hooked on pain pills, i hurt verbally some of my family because of my addiction, not knowing at the time. My family and growing my medicine help me stop pills 10yrs ago. Hang in there and you have us for support :love:

You plants look great too. Theyre getting big. Great job candy
My mom passed in her sleep in October 2018. I miss her everyday. Still hurts pretty bad since i was a mommas boy. So i feel you @candycane . I hope your son gets better too. When i was a younger man being hooked on pain pills, i hurt verbally some of my family because of my addiction, not knowing at the time. My family and growing my medicine help me stop pills 10yrs ago. Hang in there and you have us for support :love:

You plants look great too. Theyre getting big. Great job candy
Thank you Sparkey and I’m so very sorry to hear about your mom :( It’s the deepest pain that you could never imagine having until it does..Huge Congrats to you for kicking the pills and finding a way to get and keep your balance:love: Same goes here, family and growing keeps me sane! The boy will get there eventually with time, natural medicine, and wisdom. Thank you again for reaching out it truly does mean a lot and thank you too for the sentiments on the girls:green_heart:
Hope you have a great rest of your day!
Thanks for sharing that intimate part of your life with us @candycane .

Bi-polar is a broad spectrum, and I both have, and had, very close friends with it. I understand your situation and how it sometimes can be a spear to your chest when they are down. Music and memories goes hand-in-hand. They melt together and form strong emotional bricks of our past experiences. Digital hugs dear, all the way from Sweden.
thank you for powering thru it.
Thanks for sharing, Candy :hug:
Sorry to hear about your boy-hopefully, the cannabis continues to help him- 2 of my kids had serious substance abuse problems, and cannabis helped them get off "the hard stuff", and get their lives back on track, after some very stressful years ....

Your girls are looking outstanding !
Thanks for sharing that intimate part of your life with us @candycane .

Bi-polar is a broad spectrum, and I both have, and had, very close friends with it. I understand your situation and how it sometimes can be a spear to your chest when they are down. Music and memories goes hand-in-hand. They melt together and form strong emotional bricks of our past experiences. Digital hugs dear, all the way from Sweden.
Thank you :love: I’m so very sorry that you have to endure that and props to you for understanding both ends and I can imagine it was tough to find the right thing that actually helps quell the unsought after feelings. Perfectly worded on the music, its amazing the kinda feelings it can spark:love: Thank you again for sharing, understanding and for the digital hugs:green_heart:
Thanks for sharing, Candy :hug:
Sorry to hear about your boy-hopefully, the cannabis continues to help him- 2 of my kids had serious substance abuse problems, and cannabis helped them get off "the hard stuff", and get their lives back on track, after some very stressful years ....

Your girls are looking outstanding !
Thank you :love: I’m so very sorry to hear that you had to go thru that stress :( & that’s exactly why I am happy that he is out of this town and away from his friends that want to stay living at their parents home, not work and stay drunk and high off whatever they can get their hands on all day! Never good for someone whose very susceptible and his last few weeks here started to dabble down that same path with alcohol when he was with them.. I’ve always told him that he only thinks it helps and reminded him of how he actually felt versus how he feels with cannabis. I’m so very happy to hear that Cannabis helped your kids and they got their lives together for your sake and theirs. I’m so very thankful that it’s legal here and hopefully one day it will be federally legal and legal in all states and countries.
Thank you again for sharing, for understanding, and for the sentiments on the garden! :love:

I hope everyone has a great day and I almost forgot but a HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!
You are an amazing women!! I can't possibly imagine anything like that would be easy for anyone and I know my head would be a mess. You must have a great supporting group behind you somewhere since I can't fathom anyone dealing with the life's issues that you have dealt with :(

I'm not sure what else I can say but you do have a great group of people around you here.
You are an amazing women!! I can't possibly imagine anything like that would be easy for anyone and I know my head would be a mess. You must have a great supporting group behind you somewhere since I can't fathom anyone dealing with the life's issues that you have dealt with :(

I'm not sure what else I can say but you do have a great group of people around you here.
Thank you :love: My Head is a complete mess most days but I’ve got my mom & daughter to chat with, my hubby (married 9 yrs, divorced 10 yrs back together not technically married for 4 yrs) but I don’t discuss half of what happens behind the scenes with our son because I’m not trying to rock the boat and wreck any relationship they have left, my garden to love and care for, and y’all here seriously have been a tremendous help. Even when I don’t jump in on conversations I’m still there reading away gasping, laughing, drooling, wowing or some other words that I can’t think of :laughtwo: Thank you for all the kind words seriously means a lot :love:and ya’ll definitely rock:theband:
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