Wolfskins First Grow

He left out, that I went over there, thinned out the plant a bit. He also transplanted the sweetheart into a 3 gallon cloth pot.

him and I went out a couple weekends ago now, and bought a big bale of medium for him self.... the bale was heavy, and I had to carry it for Wolfy.... not because he couldn’t, I’m just that nice of a guy!!

merry Christmas everyone!! And happy new year!!
He left out, that I went over there, thinned out the plant a bit. He also transplanted the sweetheart into a 3 gallon cloth pot.

him and I went out a couple weekends ago now, and bought a big bale of medium for him self.... the bale was heavy, and I had to carry it for Wolfy.... not because he couldn’t, I’m just that nice of a guy!!

merry Christmas everyone!! And happy new year!!
Yeah buddy
Might be a little antsy on switching it to 12 and 12 for light but its been 60 days since it broke dirt, probably be in this stage for the same amount of time I am guessing! I hope this 50 watt led is enough power! Seems everyone is running high watt led's


Yo wolfy! That plant looks sweet! Nice and healthy and very well trained. I wouldn't be concerned with how it will turn out. We work with what we got for the time being and improve as we see needs.

You don't have to be the best to start, but you have to start to be the best. :) Rock it!
Yo wolfy! That plant looks sweet! Nice and healthy and very well trained. I wouldn't be concerned with how it will turn out. We work with what we got for the time being and improve as we see needs.

You don't have to be the best to start, but you have to start to be the best. :) Rock it!
Thanks man! Yeah when i got more than one plant going I will let it veg longer if thats what gives you better results! Kinda impatient and want to get 3 or 4 plants going lol good learning run this one is lol
Looking fantastic. I can't quite comment so much on indoor growing as my indoor growing experience is quite limited; one grow.

I think the contrary. Perhaps a longer veg on a single plant is more appropriate to better fill the area given within your grow box's perimeter. Having more plants present in the same area would benefit better by a shorter veg, in essence running a SoG almost; keep growth limited to not choke out each other.

As stated...1 indoor grow. What do I know? I am predominantly an outdoor grower.
Kinda impatient
Take it from the most @Patient puffer around! You just gotta be patient, don’t rush it, and enjoy the first grow. You’ll never get you’re first grow back!!

the light is a bit smaller, but look how far the green crack has gone with that light alone.

you’re doing a great job, flip that bitch to flower, and get you’re first grow under you’re belt. You are in for a real treat!!

if that light doesn’t seem to cut it, by the time she’s flowering, I’ve got another light for you. It’s a lot bigger then that light.

I was holding off on letting you use it, because all you needed was that other light. :thumb:

this other light will hurt you’re eyes.
Take it from the most @Patient puffer around! You just gotta be patient, don’t rush it, and enjoy the first grow. You’ll never get you’re first grow back!!

the light is a bit smaller, but look how far the green crack has gone with that light alone.

you’re doing a great job, flip that bitch to flower, and get you’re first grow under you’re belt. You are in for a real treat!!

if that light doesn’t seem to cut it, by the time she’s flowering, I’ve got another light for you. It’s a lot bigger then that light.

I was holding off on letting you use it, because all you needed was that other light. :thumb:

this other light will hurt you’re eyes.
Yeah I would rather try keep it to the bare minimum of watts
So that would make it about 6 days in flower (give or take a few)

you look to be right around where it should be...
this other light might make a big diff though.
Well if its on track and this one is going to work, it should be ok for this grow, plant is getting tall fast I had to lower it today! Also more pistils happenning on every branch tip now, it was only two out of 8 a couple days ago, now all 8 have tiny pistils starting!
I am eyeing up a light to order for next grow, I will send you some pics!
Well if its on track and this one is going to work, it should be ok for this grow, plant is getting tall fast I had to lower it today! Also more pistils happenning on every branch tip now, it was only two out of 8 a couple days ago, now all 8 have tiny pistils starting!
I am eyeing up a light to order for next grow, I will send you some pics!
Yeah it looks to be right on track... if it’s all it knows, I don’t see it giving you any problems... especially with your first grow.

yeah please do, id love to check it out :thumb:
Seems like I am back in action now boys, I dropped my light dangerously low for a day, I dont feel heat on the back of my hand at canopy height, but I do a couple inches above, but seems like the flowers grew in just one day, lookin at them this morning!
Also Is that to close for the heat though????
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