00 Cheese Grow

My perlite baby's.....

I remember it as being three leaves rather than nodes but I may be misremembering.
I cut them the same way he did his. That's why mine are long cuz I had three notes on it like his has I wanted to do everything on point to see if his way works better

How about some in-depth photos of Camilla tonight lights on at 8:00 I give her about an hour to wake up then photo shoot time! Funny thing about me always wait check in on my plants about an hour or two after the light comes on that way its plenty of time for them to wake up to look how they're going to look and I know how they're reacting and dealing in their life.

Because I mean hell when they wake up I say at least 30 minutes to start praying if not they're already playing because they know the lights are going to come on hell who knows how plants think. Anyways I give an Ariel photo as well I haven't done that lately a top shot light and dark
Plus I got a seed sprouted don't know if it's male or female put it in a coffee creamer jar pretty good size under a gallon probably I'm going to have her in there for a week then I'm going to put her in there with Camilla 1212 I might put her in there as soon as she sprouts out of the dirt
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