12/12 From Seed - Stealth Cab, 125 Watt CFL - 10k + Lumens

Re: 12/12 from seed, Stealth Cab, 125 Watt CFL-10k + lumens

Hey doc, Thanks for stopping by. I'm very excited as over the past couple of days, the giant tree with no sex has become a female. There are lots of white pistils everywhere!!:)

One male got cut down, and I suspect another one will but won't be able to tell for a week or so.

Pics coming in a bit!!:yahoo:
Re: 12/12 from seed, Stealth Cab, 125 Watt CFL-10k + lumens

Hey doc, Thanks for stopping by. I'm very excited as over the past couple of days, the giant tree with no sex has become a female. There are lots of white pistils everywhere!!:)

One male got cut down, and I suspect another one will but won't be able to tell for a week or so.

Pics coming in a bit!!:yahoo:

Ah....great news!
Just keep on the lookout for bananas and things like that. Early life stress does weird things to these plants.
Re: 12/12 from seed, Stealth Cab, 125 Watt CFL-10k + lumens

:bong:And they were stressed a LOT. But they are happy now, and they have a stable environment.... finally!

Here's some updates...

Took two clones from the female and threw the 3 week old clone that was in veg to flowering...Along with the 3 week old seedlings. Don't plan on keeping all the seedlings as there are clones now, but a few of the best looking ones will be kept.

Re: 12/12 From Seed, Stealth Cab, 125 Watt CFL-10k + Lumens

Hey Tmac, thanks for stoppin by! They are doing great.

I will have to upload some more pics in a few days or so. The 2 new clones should be rooted in 3-4 more days.

The big one is looking really good, starting to fill out a lot more. It keeps getting bigger and bigger, I'm having to come up with new ways to tie it down.

Pictures in a couple days.

In the meantime...

Re: 12/12 From Seed, Stealth Cab, 125 Watt CFL-10k + Lumens

Just wanted to do a quick update:

Haven't had a chance to take updated pictures of everything yet but I will within next couple days.

Clones- 2 newest ones doing great! They are about 15 days old, they are rooted and loving life.

Seedlings have almost all doubled or tripled in size since last pictures... They aren't quite old enough to determine sex but they will be by next weekend I hope.

This Friday new clones will be taken to keep the 2 week perpetual cycle.... Can't Wait!!

I will also probably end up starting a new journal since the original idea of 12/12 from seed has completely changed...

This project has turned into so much more than the idea was... I love it!

Oh YAH!!! Ordered a cool device and it came yesterday. It's a little hard to work with but takes really good pictures. Can't wait until there's some frosty buds to look at.

This is just some pictures I played around with for a bit of the biggest female.

Anywho, gonna go smoke a bowl and listen to some pink floyd... until next time; Peace:peace:
Re: 12/12 From Seed, Stealth Cab, 125 Watt CFL-10k + Lumens

HEY guys! Thanks for stopping by!

I just created a new thread for this grow.. We have come along way since the original 12/12 idea and I felt this thread deserved a new title! I have posted the new thread here WITH new updated pictures taken just a couple hours ago!! Enjoy!:lot-o-toke:
3 Stealth Cabs Side by Side Perpetual Grow. All CFL's
Hi weedfairy

hanks for sharing your grow with us!

Don't forget to head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too!

I’m moving this to completed journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please start one here:
Journals in Progress

Hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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